Access the Pupil attendance and absence in schools in England: data dashboard (opens in a new tab) here
Data for Autumn term 2024/25 relates to the period from 09 September and 21 December 2024.
The overall absence rate for the autumn term was 6.5% and the persistent absence rate (pupils who miss 10% or more of their possible sessions) was 19.2%.
Absence tended to increase the week immediately before half term and end of term breaks, which is in line with patterns seen during 2023/24. In the week commencing 21 October 2024, the week immediately prior to half term for most schools, was 7.0%, rising from 4.7% at the beginning of the term. Following half-term, absence fell to 6.0% then peaked at 9.4% in the week commencing 16 December 2024, the final week of the autumn term.
These changes were mainly driven by illness absence, which was 4.9% in the week commencing 11 December, up from the start of term when it was 1.9%.
Unauthorised absence was fairly stable at around 2.0% across the autumn term, with peaks in the week immediately prior to half term when it was 2.4% and in the final week of term when it was 3.3%.
Free school meals (FSM)
The overall absence rate for pupils who are eligible for free school meals was 10.0% in the Autumn term. This compares to 5.2% for pupils who were not eligible for free school meals.
31.7% of pupils who were eligible for free school meals were persistently absent in the Autumn term, compared to 14.4% of pupils who were not eligible.
Special educational needs (SEN)
The overall absence rate for pupils with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan was 13.1% in the Autumn term. This compares to 10.1% for pupils with SEN support and 5.8% with no identified SEN.
35.1.% of pupils with an EHC plan were persistently absent in the Autumn term, compared to 29.0% for pupils with SEN support and 17.0% for pupils with no identified SEN.
The overall absence rate during the Autumn term was 6.6% for female pupils and 6.5% for male pupils.
The persistent absence rate during the Autumn term was 19.3% for female pupils and 19.1% for male pupils.