Official statistics in development
Data on special educational needs (SEN) provision was collected for the first time in SCAP in 2023 to help support both the Department for Education (DfE) and the local government sector to better identify the location and number of specialist school places that may be needed in future.
These figures are published as official statistics in development. They have been developed under the guidance of the Head of Profession for Statistics and published to involve users and stakeholders at an early stage in assessing their suitability and quality. An account of the methods used, and the accuracy, reliability, and value of the data are set out in the methodology document. As a new data collection, we expect the quality of the data returns to improve over time as the collection becomes established, however it should be noted that all local authorities returned data as requested.
We welcome user feedback on these statistics via the details in the “contact us” section below.
Local authorities provided the capacity, as at May 2024, of special schools plus SEN units and resourced provision in mainstream schools, as defined in the data collection guidance (opens in a new tab). This includes post-16 capacity in secondary specialist provision, where appropriate, and does not include independent or alternative provision.
Capacity reported in SCAP may not reflect the current pupils on roll in a school due to the different and changing needs that a school caters for. Please note that the national aggregate hides the local variations as specialist provision is not uniform across the country or within each local authority. This section provides national level indicators, and data is available at school, local authority and regional level in the underlying data.
Special Schools
Local authorities reported capacity at May 2024 for 1,089 special schools; 198 primary, 277 secondary, and 614 all through special schools. This is an increase of 12 schools compared to May 2023. This includes local authority maintained special schools, special academies, and non-maintained special schools.
There were 153,000 special school places reported; 61,000 primary places and 92,000 secondary places in primary, secondary, and all-through schools. This is an increase of 1,000 primary places and 4,000 secondary places, which represents data quality improvements as well as added places.
The corresponding pupil numbers on roll from the May 2024 school census for these special school places were around 160,000 pupils in total; 60,000 in primary and 100,000 in secondary. This means that there are approximately 8,000 more secondary pupils on roll in special schools than reported capacity. This is due to the number of schools at or over capacity (around two thirds), but also may be a result of the way capacity has been measured which does not take account of type of need. The surplus of primary special places according to the data may be a result of how the total capacity of all-through schools has been apportioned between the primary and secondary phases.
SEN units and resourced provision in mainstream schools
Local authorities reported SEN unit and resourced provision capacity at May 2024 for 1,781 mainstream schools (local authority maintained and academies); 1,155 primary, 598 secondary, and 28 all-through schools.
There were 9,800 places in SEN units in mainstream schools reported; 6,600 primary places and 3,300 secondary places. There were 20,000 places in resourced provision in mainstream schools reported; 11,600 primary places and 8,300 secondary places.
The number of schools reported to have SEN unit or resourced provision capacity and the places within that provision have increased since the last survey, which represents increased coverage as well as added places.
There are no corresponding pupil numbers on roll in SEN units and resourced provision available from the published school census.
Local Authority forecasts
Local authorities provided forecasts of the number of pupils resident in the LA who are expected to have an EHC plan and who require a place in specialist provision. These forecasts cover the following types of provision that these pupils are expected to need a place in.
- SEN units and resourced provision in mainstream schools
- State-funded special schools (LA maintained schools, special academies, and non-maintained special schools)
- Independent schools (independent schools and independent special schools)
- Alternative provision (pupil referral units, alternative provision academies and any other alternative provision)
The Education, health and care plans, Reporting year 2024 and the Special educational needs in England, Academic year 2023/24 publications both contain information about pupils with special educational needs. The local authority forecasts in this publication are a subset of these populations, as they relate to only those with EHC plans who need a place in specialist provision and are of compulsory school age (year groups R to 11). Like for like comparisons cannot be made directly, but the data in these two publications provide a picture of historical trends that are useful for context.
Capacity data cannot be used with forecast data to calculate future additional places needed. This is for a number of reasons.
- Forecasts do not capture cross-border placements, whereas capacity data will reflect these.
- Data is not collected on LA planned capacity changes.
- Capacity data are not available for independent or alternative provision, which are covered by the forecasts.
- Total secondary capacity includes post-16 where appropriate, which is not covered by the forecasts.
The total anticipated number of pupils in years R to 11 with an EHC plan that will need a place in specialist provision is forecast by local authorities to be 229,000 in 2024/25. Local authorities forecast this to increase to an estimated 273,000 by 2028/29.
For context, the Education, health and care plans publication indicates that overall there were 212,000 pupils with EHCPs in England in 2023/24 in the specialist provision types covered by SCAP. This is an 8% increase on 2022/23. Although not fully like for like, the first LA forecast year, at 229,000 for 2024/25, is in line with this increase and continues the 8% annual growth. Local authorities then forecast annual growth to slow to around 5% per year in the first half of the forecast period (2024/25 to 2026/27) and again to around 4% per year by the end of the period (2026/27 to 2028/29)
The fact that the number of pupils with an EHC plan that need a place in specialist provision is forecast to grow at the same time that the school age population is forecast to decline (primary) or level off (secondary), implies that the proportion of pupils with an EHC plan that need a place in specialist provision is forecast to increase. Although not directly comparable due to differing age group coverage, this is in line with the current trend in the overall EHC plan rate, which has been increasing year on year since 2016.