Changes to data collection
In the reporting year 2023 (as at January 2023, 2022 calendar year) the department moved from collecting aggregated data from local authorities, for example the number of new plans issued in the calendar year, to collecting person level data that can be aggregated up to produce these measures. This change has allowed the department to conduct much richer analysis of the data, for example producing more detailed age breakdowns or cross tabulating data items. It has introduced new data items such as ethnicity and sex of children and young people with an EHC plan. These changes will help with a much greater understanding of both those who have EHC plans.
As this data collection is only in its second year, we expect the quality of data returns to continue to improve over time as the collection becomes established. Therefore care should be taken when comparing figures between years due to improvements in data quality and content and caveats in individual sections should be noted.
Areas with known issues in year on year comparisons include new plans, ceased plans, initial requests and assessments. Local authorities where there were large percentage changes from last years data collection have been contacted to allows for re-submission of data or confirmation as correct.
Response rate
Data returns were received from all local authorities, however not all data items are complete across all local authorities. A small number of local authorities have missing data for items such as ceased plans, assessments and initial requests. This impacts less than 1% of the data.
There are also a small number of cases where ongoing investigations into the data returned may result in revisions to the published data.
Voluntary data items
Some data on annual reviews was collected on a voluntary basis in 2023 and compulsory in 2024, plus additional data items were collected on a voluntary basis in 2024. Data for these items is not included in the publication. Further checking of the data will take place and a decision of whether the data quality is sufficient for publication will be made at a later date.
Data collection mitigations
In order to lessen the burden of the change to data collection on local authorities in 2023, a number of mitigations were included for the first year. This ranged from making new data items voluntary to allowing a higher level of detail to be returned as an establishment type where specific information was not available. Further information on the mitigations which were in place is detailed in the methodology document. Due to these mitigations care should be taken on making comparisons between years.
For further information on data quality please see the methodology document.