Reporting year 2024

Education, health and care plans

Data guidance



This document describes the data included in the Education, health and care (EHC) plans National Statistics release’s underlying data files. This data is released under the terms of the Open Government License and is intended to meet at least 3 stars for Open Data. The methodology document should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality as well as explaining methodology used in producing the data.


This release provides information on the EHC plan process including: 

  • number of active EHC plans at January of the calendar year
  • number of new EHC plans in the previous calendar year
  • the administration of requests for assessments for an EHC plan 

The information is based on local authority level data collected via the SEN2 data collection. The underlying data files include national, regional and local authority level data.

File formats and conventions

The dataset and outputs have not had suppression or rounding applied

The following convention is used throughout the underlying data. 

z - Not applicable

x - unavailable

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

New plans - Age groups

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2009 to 2023
The number of children and young people with a new EHC plan which started during the calendar year, broken down by age band.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ageAge group - Filter by age group
ehcp_or_statementEHCP or statement
num_new_plansNumber of plans
pc_new_plansPercentage of plans
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.

New plans - characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2022 to 2023
The number of children and young people with a new EHC plan which started during the calendar year, broken down by characteristic - includes sex and ethnicity.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
num_new_plansNumber of plans
pc_new_plansPercentage of plans
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. Data on ethnicity and gender has been collected from 2023 only.
  3. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.

New plans - Establishment type

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2009 to 2023
The number of children and young people with a new EHC plan which started during the calendar year, broken down by type of establishment attended.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ehcp_or_statementEHCP or statement
establishment_typeEstablishment type - Filter by type of establishment
num_new_plansNumber of plans
pc_new_plansPercentage of plans
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. The method for collecting data on establishments has changed from previous years. Previously, local authorities provided data on the number of EHC plans where the child or young person was attending through a set list of establishment types. From 2023, information on the specific establishment has been recorded, with the Unique Reference Number (URN), UK Provider Reference Number or where neither are applicable, a specific category recorded. As a result of this change, caution should be taken when comparing across years by establishment types.
  3. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.

Caseload - Age groups

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2010 to 2024
The number of children and young people with an EHC plan as at January each year, broken down by age band.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ageAge group - Filter by age group
ehcp_or_statementEHCP or statement
num_caseloadNumber of cases
pc_caseloadPercentage of cases
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. For 2024, the total figures include 3,473 EHC plans for Hackney, however details such as age, establishment type and characteristics are not available for the majority of these plans. These breakdowns will therefore not sum to the total number of plans for 2024. Percentages shown use the number of plans where the establishment, age or characteristic is known as the denominator. 
  3. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.

Caseload - characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2023 to 2024
The number of children and young people with an EHC plan as at January, broken down by characteristic - includes sex and ethnicity.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
num_caseloadNumber of cases
pc_caseloadPercentage of cases
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. For 2024, the total figures include 3,473 EHC plans for Hackney, however details such as age, establishment type and characteristics are not available for the majority of these plans. These breakdowns will therefore not sum to the total number of plans for 2024. Percentages shown use the number of plans where the establishment, age or characteristic is known as the denominator. 
  3. Data on ethnicity and gender has been collected from 2023 only.
  4. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.

Caseload - Establishment type

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2010 to 2024
The number of children and young people with an EHC plan as at January, broken down by type of establishment attended.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ehcp_or_statementEHCP or statement
establishment_typeEstablishment type - Filter by type of establishment
num_caseloadNumber of cases
pc_caseloadPercentage of cases
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. For 2024, the total figures include 3,473 EHC plans for Hackney, however details such as age, establishment type and characteristics are not available for the majority of these plans. These breakdowns will therefore not sum to the total number of plans for 2024. Percentages shown use the number of plans where the establishment, age or characteristic is known as the denominator. 
  3. The method for collecting data on establishments has changed from previous years. Previously, local authorities provided data on the number of EHC plans where the child or young person was attending through a set list of establishment types. From 2023, information on the specific establishment has been recorded, with the Unique Reference Number (URN), UK Provider Reference Number or where neither are applicable, a specific category recorded. As a result of this change, caution should be taken when comparing across years by establishment types.
  4. Following further data checks, it is believed that the data for SEN units and resourced provision is likely to be under reported for 2023, due to issues including data collection and availability.
  5. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.

Designated medical and clinical officers

Geographic levels
Local authority
Time period
2017 to 2024
Data on whether a local authority area has a Designated Medical Officer (DMO) or Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) in place on census day.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
dcoDesignated clinical officer in place (Yes/No/Recruiting)
dmoDesignated medical officer in place (Yes/No/Recruiting)
dmodcofunctionPerson performing role of designated medical/clinical officer in place (Yes/No/Recruiting)
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. Data collected until 2022. No further data from 2023

Residential settings - EHCPs and statements

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2017 to 2024
The number of children and young people in residential settings, by the duration of setting and age group.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ageAge group - Filter by age group
ehcp_or_statementEHCP or statement
num_children_ypNumber of children and young people
weeksNumber of weeks
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.

Initial requests, assessments, discontinued plans, 20 week timeliness, mainstream to special transfers, mediation and tribunals

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2014 to 2023
Data on initial requests for assessment, assessments for an EHC plan, discontinued plans, 20 week timeliness and mediation and tribunals.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ass_nodecisionNumber of children and young people assessed who are still being assessed or where assessment has been completed but no decision taken for a statement of SEN
ass_nodecision_ehcNumber of children and young people assessed who are still being assessed or where assessment has been completed but no decision taken for an EHC plan
ass_noneNumber of children and young people assessed for whom it was decided not to issue a statement of SEN
ass_none_ehcNumber of children and young people assessed for whom it was decided not to issue an EHC plan
ass_none_ehc_pcPercentage of children and young people assessed during the calendar year for whom it was decided not to issue an EHC plan
ass_refusedNumber of initial requests for assessment for a statement of SEN that were refused
ass_refused_ehcNumber of initial requests for assessment for an EHC plan that were refused
ass_refused_ehc_pcPercentage of initial requests for assessment for an EHC plan that were refused during the calendar year
assessment_mediationDecision to issue a plan was referred for mediation
assessment_tribunalDecision on whether to issue a plan was the subject of an appeal to tribunal
assessment_wAssessments withdrawn
assessmentsTotal number of assessments undertaken
direct_pay_educationNumber of personal budgets in place that have direct payment for education
direct_pay_healthNumber of personal budgets in place that have direct payment for health
direct_pay_integratedNumber of personal budgets in place that have direct payment for an integrated payment
direct_pay_socialcareNumber of personal budgets in place that have direct payment for social care
discontinued_abroadEHC plans discontinued - has moved outside of England
discontinued_ageEHC plans discontinued - reached maximum age
discontinued_deceasedEHC plans discontinued - deceased
discontinued_employmentEHC plans discontinued - moved on to paid employment excluding apprenticeships
discontinued_engageEHC plans discontinued - young person no longer wishes to engage in education or training
discontinued_heEHC plans discontinued - moved on to higher education
discontinued_leaNumber of children and young people with a statement of SEN discontinued as transferred to another LA
discontinued_lea_ehcEHC plans discontinued - transferred to another LA (compulsory school age)
discontinued_lea_noncompEHC plans discontinued - transferred to another LA (non-compulsory school age)
discontinued_leftNumber of children and young people with a statement of SEN discontinued because pupils have left school at the end of compulsory schooling or after
discontinued_left_ehcEHC plans discontinued - pupils have left school at the end of compulsory schooling or after (pre-2022 only)
discontinued_metNumber of children and young people with a statement of SEN discontinued as special needs being met without an EHC plan
discontinued_met_ehcEHC plans discontinued - special needs being met without an EHC plan (compulsory school age)
discontinued_met_noncompEHC plans discontinued - special needs being met without an EHC plan (non-compulsory school age)
discontinued_otherNumber of children and young people with a statement of SEN discontinued for other reasons
discontinued_other_ehcEHC plans discontinued - other reasons (compulsory school age)
discontinued_other_noncompEHC plans discontinued - other reasons (non-compulsory school age)
discontinued_totalEHC plans discontinued - Total
discontinued_unknownEHC plans discontinued - no reason given
inc_exc_20week_ehcTimeliness - Number of EHC plans including exceptions issued within 20 weeks
inc_exc_20week_rateTimeliness - Rate of EHC plans including exceptions issued within 20 weeks
inc_exc_26weekTimeliness - Number of new statements including exceptions issued within 26 weeks
inreq_ehcNumber of initial requests for an EHC plan
inreq_ehc_aInitial requests for assessment - ongoing
inreq_ehc_wInitial requests for assessment - withdrawn
inreq_ehc_yInitial requests for assessment - decision to assess
inreq_rya_ehcNumber of initial requests for an EHC plan when detained in youth accomodation
mainstream_to_homeNumber of children and young people with a statement of SEN who were taken out of school by their parents to be home educated from mainstream settings
mainstream_to_home_ehcNumber of children and young people with an EHC plan who were taken out of school by their parents to be home educated from mainstream settings
mainstream_to_specialNumber of children and young people with a statement of SEN who transferred from mainstream to special settings
mainstream_to_special_ehcNumber of children and young people with an EHC plan who transferred from mainstream to special settings
new_all_ehcNumber of children and young people assessed for whom an EHC plan was issued
new_all_ehc_ass_none_ehc_sumNumber of children and young people assessed for whom a plan was issued and those for whom one not issued
new_all_ehc_pcPercentage of children and young people assessed for whom EHC plans were made for the first time during the calendar year
no_exc_20week_ehcTimeliness - Number of EHC plans excluding exceptions issued within 20 weeks
no_exc_20week_rateTimeliness - Rate of EHC plans excluding exceptions issued within 20 weeks
no_exc_26weekTimeliness - Number of new statements excluding exceptions issued within 26 weeks
org_arrangementsNumber of personal budgets in place that have organised arrangements
other_mediationMediation for any reason other than the decision not to assess or the decision not to issue a plan
other_tribunalTribunal for any reason other than the decision not to assess or the decision not to issue a plan
personal_budgetsNumber of personal budgets in place for all EHC plans
request_mediationdecision to assess was referred for mediation
request_tribunaldecision to assess was the subject of an appeal to tribunal
special_to_homeNumber of children and young people with a statement of SEN who were taken out of school by their parents to be home educated from special settings
special_to_home_ehcNumber of children and young people with an EHC plan who were taken out of school by their parents to be home educated from special settings
special_to_mainstreamNumber of children and young people with a statement of SEN who transferred from special to mainstream settings
special_to_mainstream_ehcNumber of children and young people with an EHC plan who transferred from special to mainstream settings
statements_no_ehcNumber of children and young people with statements who were assessed for an EHC plan and a decision not to issue an EHC plan made
statements_to_ehcNumber of children and young people with statements who were issued with an EHC plan
tot_inc_excTimeliness - Number of new statements including exceptions
tot_inc_exc_ehcTimeliness - Number of EHC plans including exceptions
tot_no_excTimeliness - Number of new statements excluding exceptions
tot_no_exc_ehcTimeliness - Number of EHC plans excluding exceptions
total_mediationNumber of mediation cases that have been held
total_tribunalTotal tribunals
total_tribunal_followed_mediationNumber of mediation cases that have been held which were followed by appeals to the Tribunal
total_tribunal_pcPercentage of mediation cases held which were followed by appeals to tribunal
  1. From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
  2. Data on ceased plans changed from 2023 to include a more comprehensive set of reasons for plans ending. Data was collected for all plans that ended. Prior to 2023, data on ceased plans only covered children of compulsory school age and care should be taken when comparing across this period.
  3. Data on movements between different setting types is not yet available for the 2022 calendar year. This is expected to be added to the latest publication in a future update.
  4. Timeliness figures are based on assessments completed within the calendar year where no mediation or tribunal has taken place.
  5. This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.