This section looks at key stage 2 attainment by sex, disadvantage, special educational need (SEN) status, first language, ethnicity and month of birth.
The figures for disadvantaged pupils first shown in this publication in September were provisional and did not include pupils in the care of a local authority unless they were eligible for free school meals during the last 6 years or ceased to be looked-after in the last year. This has now been updated in this publication.
Attainment by sex
Girls continue to outperform boys at the expected standard in all subjects in 2024, except for maths where boys performed slightly better (1 percentage point difference). In reading, 78% of girls and 71% of boys met the expected standard, up from 76% and 70% in 2023, respectively.
The biggest attainment gap between boys and girls remains in writing teacher assessment at 13 percentage points.
In reading, writing and maths (combined) in 2024, 64% of girls met the expected standard compared to 57% of boys, a gap of 7 percentage points, unchanged since 2023.
Attainment at the higher standard
Among individual subjects at the higher standard, the gap between boys and girls increased in reading from 5 percentage points in 2023 to 7 percentage points in 2024.
In maths, the gap decreased from 6 percentage points in 2023 to 5 percentage points in 2024. In writing, attainment stayed the same for boys and decreased for girls, however, the gap remained the same at 6 percentage points, since 2023.
In 2024, 9% of girls met the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), unchanged since 2023 but down from 13% in 2019. Among boys, 6% met the higher standard, down from 7% in 2023 and down from 9% in 2019. Based on unrounded data, the gap at the higher standard remained at 2 percentage points in 2024, unchanged from 2023.
Disadvantage gap index
Disadvantaged pupils are ordinarily defined as: those who were registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, children looked after by a local authority or have left local authority care in England and Wales through adoption, a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangements order.
The disadvantage gap index summarises the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and all other pupils.
The gap index is more resilient to changes to assessment than attainment threshold measures and therefore offers greater comparability between years. The index ranks all pupils in the country and assesses the difference in the average position of disadvantaged pupils and others. A disadvantage gap of zero would indicate that there is no difference between the average performance of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils. We measure whether the disadvantage gap is getting larger or smaller over time. Note that changes to free school meal eligibility in place from April 2018 affect the disadvantaged cohort. See the methodology for further information.
The disadvantage gap index has reduced from 3.21 in 2023 to 3.13 in 2024.
The 2024 statistics are now based on revised data. The figures first shown in this publication in September were provisional and did not include pupils in the care of a local authority unless they were eligible for free school meals during the last 6 years or ceased to be looked-after in the last year.
The disadvantage gap index had reduced between 2011 and 2018 - indicating that the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers was becoming smaller - before remaining at a similar level between 2018 and 2019 and increasing in 2022 to the highest level since 2012.
Attainment by disadvantage status
Disadvantaged pupils are ordinarily defined as: those who were registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, children looked after by a local authority or have left local authority care in England and Wales through adoption, a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangements order.
Note that changes to free school meal eligibility in place from April 2018 affect the disadvantaged cohort. See the methodology for further information.
In 2024, 31% of pupils at the end of key stage 2 were considered disadvantaged.
In reading, writing and maths (combined), 46% of disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard in 2024 compared to 67% of other pupils, keeping the gap at 22 percentage points.
In 2024, 3% of disadvantaged pupils met the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), while 10% of other pupils met the higher standard. Both figures are unchanged since 2023.
Attainment in reading has increased compared to 2023 for both groups. Attainment in writing increased for non-disadvantaged pupils but remained at the same level as 2023 for disadvantaged pupils, whilst attainment in maths remained the same for both groups. Only in reading is attainment at or above levels seen before the pandemic (equal for disadvantaged pupils, with an increase of 2 percentage point for non-disadvantaged pupils)
The disadvantage gap in 2024 is similar across subjects, ranging from 17 percentage points in reading and science, 19 percentage points in writing to 20 percentage points in maths.
Attainment by Special Educational Need (SEN) status
In 2024, 21% of pupils at the end of key stage 2 had a special educational need (SEN). Pupils with SEN either have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or receive SEN support. In 2024, 5% of all pupils had an EHCP and 16% were on SEN support.
In 2024, 22% of pupils with SEN met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), up from 20% in 2023. Of those pupils on SEN support, 26% met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), up from 24% in 2023, whilst 9% of those pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan met the standard, up from 8% in 2023.
Attainment by first language
In 2024, 23% of pupils at the end of key stage 2 had a first language other than English.
In 2024, 62% of pupils with first language other than English met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), up from 60% in 2023 and down from 64% in 2019. Among pupils with English as their first language, 60% met the expected standard, unchanged since 2023 but below 2019 attainment (65%).
Attainment in reading has increased since 2023 for both groups at the expected standard. Attainment for pupils with English as their first language increased from 74% in 2023 to 75% in 2024 and pupils with first language other than English increased from 70% in 2023 to 72% in 2024. Before the pandemic in 2019, this figure was also 74% for pupils with English as their first language and 70% for pupils with a first language other than English. The gap in reading attainment between pupils with English as a first language and a first language other than English is now at 3 percentage points.
In writing, 72% of pupils with English as their first language met the expected standard, unchanged since 2023. Similarly, 72% of pupils with a first language other than English met the expected standard in writing, up from 71% in 2023.
In maths, 72% of pupils with English as their first language met the expected standard, unchanged since 2023. Attainment since 2023 also remained the same among pupils with a first language other than English (77%). Attainment for both groups in writing and maths remains below pre-pandemic levels.
In 2024, 8% of pupils with a first language other than English met the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), down from 9% in 2023 and down from 11% in 2019. Among pupils with English as their first language, 7% met the higher standard in 2024, down from 8% in 2023 and 11% in 2019.
Attainment by ethnicity
Attainment at the end of key stage 2 varies by ethnicity.
In 2024, Chinese pupils are the highest performing group in reading, writing and maths (combined), with 74% of pupils meeting the expected standard. The second highest performing group is Indian pupils (73%), a change from 2023 when Indian pupils were the highest performing group (73%).
Gypsy/Roma pupils are the lowest performing group, with 18% meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), followed by Traveller of Irish heritage pupils (20%).
Following feedback from users, the Office for National Statistics updated their guidelines on ethnic groups (opens in a new tab). We have therefore included Chinese pupils in the Asian ethnic group in this publication since 2022. This was a change from previous years when Chinese pupils were reported separately. This change has been backdated to 2016 to allow comparisons over time. Figures for Chinese pupils only are still available via the table tool (within subject 'Key stage 2 attainment by pupil characteristics') and the data file ‘ks2_national_pupil_characteristics_2016_to_2024_revised.csv.’
Attainment by month of birth
In 2024, pupils born in September and October were the highest achieving group in reading, writing and maths (combined), with 67% of pupils meeting the expected standard, up from 66% in 2023 for pupils born in both September and October.
Pupils born in August were the lowest achieving group, with 54% meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), up from 53% in 2023.
Among the individual subjects of reading, writing and maths, pupils born in September and October were also the highest achieving, whilst pupils born in July and August were the lowest achieving.