ADDRESS1 | School address (1) |
ADDRESS2 | School address (2) |
ADDRESS3 | School address (3) |
AGERANGE | Age range |
alphabetic_index | Alphabetic index |
BELIG | Eligible boys on school roll at time of tests |
DIFFN_MATPROG | Difference between maths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024] |
DIFFN_READPROG | Difference between reading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024] |
DIFFN_RWM_EXP | Difference between school percentage of disavantaged pupils and national percentage of other pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths |
DIFFN_RWM_HIGH | Difference between school percentage of disavantaged pupils and national percentage of other pupils achieving a high score in reading, writing and maths |
DIFFN_WRITPROG | Difference between writing progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024] |
establishment_code | Establishment number |
GELIG | Eligible girls on school roll at time of tests |
GPS_AVERAGE | Average scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling |
GPS_AVERAGE_B | Average scaled score in GPS for boys |
GPS_AVERAGE_EAL | Average scaled score in GPS for EAL pupils |
GPS_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1A | Average scaled score in GPS for disadvantaged pupils |
GPS_AVERAGE_G | Average scaled score in GPS for girls |
GPS_AVERAGE_H | Average scaled score in GPS for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
GPS_AVERAGE_L | Average scaled score in GPS for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
GPS_AVERAGE_M | Average scaled score in GPS for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
GPS_AVERAGE_MOBN | Average scaled score in GPS for MOBN pupils |
GPS_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1A | Average scaled score in GPS for non-disadvantaged pupils |
ICLOSE | Closed Flag |
MAT_AVERAGE | Average scaled score in maths |
MAT_AVERAGE_22 | Average scaled score in maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
MAT_AVERAGE_23 | Average scaled score in maths - one year prior |
MAT_AVERAGE_B | Average scaled score in maths for boys |
MAT_AVERAGE_EAL | Average scaled score in maths for EAL pupils |
MAT_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1A | Average scaled score in maths for disadvantaged pupils |
MAT_AVERAGE_G | Average scaled score in maths for girls |
MAT_AVERAGE_H | Average scaled score in maths for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
MAT_AVERAGE_L | Average scaled score in maths for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
MAT_AVERAGE_M | Average scaled score in maths for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
MAT_AVERAGE_MOBN | Average scaled score in maths for MOBN pupils |
MAT_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1A | Average scaled score in maths for non-disadvantaged pupils |
MATCOV | Maths progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG | Maths progress measure [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_22 | Maths progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_23 | Maths progress measure - one year prior |
MATPROG_B | Maths progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_B_LOWER | Maths progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_B_UPPER | Maths progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_DESCR | Maths progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_EAL | Maths progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_EAL_LOWER | Maths progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_EAL_UPPER | Maths progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1A | Maths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWER | Maths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPER | Maths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_G | Maths progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_G_LOWER | Maths progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_G_UPPER | Maths progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_H | Maths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_H_LOWER | Maths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_H_UPPER | Maths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_L | Maths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_L_LOWER | Maths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_L_UPPER | Maths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_LOWER | Maths progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_LOWER_22 | Maths progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_LOWER_23 | Maths progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior |
MATPROG_M | Maths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_M_LOWER | Maths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_M_UPPER | Maths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_MOBN | Maths progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_MOBN_LOWER | Maths progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_MOBN_UPPER | Maths progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A | Maths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWER | Maths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPER | Maths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_UNADJUSTED | Unadjusted maths progress measure [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_UPPER | Maths progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_UPPER_22 | Maths progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
MATPROG_UPPER_23 | Maths progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior |
NFTYPE | School type |
OPEN_AC | Converter academy: open date |
PBELIG | Percentage of eligible boys on school roll at time of tests |
PCON_CODE | School parliamentary constituency code |
PCON_NAME | School parliamentary constituency name |
PGELIG | Percentage of eligible girls on school roll at time of tests |
postcode | School postcode |
PSENELE | Percentage of eligible pupils with EHC plan |
PSENELEK | Percentage of eligible pupils with SEN (EHC plan or SEN support) |
PSENELK | Percentage of eligible pupils with SEN support |
PTEALGRP1 | Percentage of eligible pupils with English as first language |
PTEALGRP2 | Percentage of eligible pupils with English as additional language (EAL) |
PTEALGRP3 | Percentage of eligible pupils with unclassified language |
PTFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils |
PTFSM6CLA1A_22 | Percentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
PTFSM6CLA1A_23 | Percentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils one year prior |
PTGPS_AT | Percentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in grammar, punctuation and spelling |
PTGPS_EXP | Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling |
PTGPS_EXP_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling |
PTGPS_EXP_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024] |
PTGPS_EXP_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024] |
PTGPS_EXP_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024] |
PTGPS_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling |
PTGPS_HIGH | Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling |
PTGPS_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling |
PTGPS_HIGH_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024] |
PTGPS_HIGH_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024] |
PTGPS_HIGH_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024] |
PTGPS_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling |
PTKS1GROUP_H | Percentage of pupils in cohort with high KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024] |
PTKS1GROUP_L | Percentage of pupils in cohort with low KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024] |
PTKS1GROUP_M | Percentage of pupils in cohort with medium KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024] |
PTKS1GROUP_NA | Percentage of pupils in KS1group not calculable [not populated in 2024] |
PTMAT_AT | Percentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in maths |
PTMAT_EXP | Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in maths |
PTMAT_EXP_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in maths |
PTMAT_EXP_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTMAT_EXP_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTMAT_EXP_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTMAT_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in maths |
PTMAT_HIGH | Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in maths |
PTMAT_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in maths |
PTMAT_HIGH_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTMAT_HIGH_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTMAT_HIGH_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTMAT_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in maths |
PTMOBN | Percentage of eligible pupils classified as non-mobile |
PTNOTFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged |
PTNOTFSM6CLA1A_22 | Percentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
PTNOTFSM6CLA1A_23 | Percentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged one year prior |
PTREAD_AT | Percentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in reading |
PTREAD_EXP | Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading |
PTREAD_EXP_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading |
PTREAD_EXP_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024] |
PTREAD_EXP_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024] |
PTREAD_EXP_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024] |
PTREAD_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading |
PTREAD_HIGH | Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading |
PTREAD_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading |
PTREAD_HIGH_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024] |
PTREAD_HIGH_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024] |
PTREAD_HIGH_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024] |
PTREAD_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading |
PTRWM_EXP | Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths |
PTRWM_EXP_22 | Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_EXP_23 | Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior |
PTRWM_EXP_B | Percentage of boys reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths |
PTRWM_EXP_EAL | Percentage of EAL pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths |
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths |
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1A_22 | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1A_23 | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior |
PTRWM_EXP_G | Percentage of girls reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths |
PTRWM_EXP_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_EXP_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_EXP_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_EXP_MOBN | Percentage of non-mobile pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths |
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths |
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A_22 | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A_23 | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior |
PTRWM_HIGH | Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing |
PTRWM_HIGH_22 | Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_HIGH_23 | Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior |
PTRWM_HIGH_B | Percentage of boys achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing |
PTRWM_HIGH_EAL | Percentage of EAL pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing |
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing |
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A_22 | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A_23 | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior |
PTRWM_HIGH_G | Percentage of girls reaching the HIGHected standard in reading, writing and maths |
PTRWM_HIGH_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_HIGH_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_HIGH_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_HIGH_MOBN | Percentage of non-mobile pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing |
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing |
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A_22 | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A_23 | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior |
PTSCITA_AD | Percentage of pupils absent or disapplied in science TA |
PTSCITA_EXP | Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in science TA |
PTWRITTA_AD | Percentage of pupils absent or disapplied in writing TA |
PTWRITTA_EXP | Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in writing |
PTWRITTA_EXP_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in writing |
PTWRITTA_EXP_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTWRITTA_EXP_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTWRITTA_EXP_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTWRITTA_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in writing |
PTWRITTA_HIGH | Percentage of pupils working at greater depth within the expected standard in writing |
PTWRITTA_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A | Percentage of disadvantaged pupils working at greater depth in writing |
PTWRITTA_HIGH_H | Percentage of pupils with high prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTWRITTA_HIGH_L | Percentage of pupils with low prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTWRITTA_HIGH_M | Percentage of pupils with medium prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024] |
PTWRITTA_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A | Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils working at greater depth in writing |
PTWRITTA_WTS | Percentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing |
READ_AVERAGE | Average scaled score in reading |
READ_AVERAGE_22 | Average scaled score in reading - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
READ_AVERAGE_23 | Average scaled score in reading - one year prior |
READ_AVERAGE_B | Average scaled score in reading for boys |
READ_AVERAGE_EAL | Average scaled score in reading for EAL pupils |
READ_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1A | Average scaled score in reading for disadvantaged pupils |
READ_AVERAGE_G | Average scaled score in reading for girls |
READ_AVERAGE_H | Average scaled score in reading for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
READ_AVERAGE_L | Average scaled score in reading for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
READ_AVERAGE_M | Average scaled score in reading for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
READ_AVERAGE_MOBN | Average scaled score in reading for MOBN pupils |
READ_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1A | Average scaled score in reading for non-disadvantaged pupils |
READCOV | Reading progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG | Reading progress measure [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_22 | Reading progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_23 | Reading progress measure - one year prior |
READPROG_B | Reading progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_B_LOWER | Reading progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_B_UPPER | Reading progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_DESCR | Reading progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_EAL | Reading progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_EAL_LOWER | Reading progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_EAL_UPPER | Reading progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_FSM6CLA1A | Reading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWER | Reading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPER | Reading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_G | Reading progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_G_LOWER | Reading progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_G_UPPER | Reading progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_H | Reading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_H_LOWER | Reading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_H_UPPER | Reading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_L | Reading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_L_LOWER | Reading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_L_UPPER | Reading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_LOWER | Reading progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_LOWER_22 | Reading progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_LOWER_23 | Reading progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior |
READPROG_M | Reading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_M_LOWER | Reading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_M_UPPER | Reading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_MOBN | Reading progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_MOBN_LOWER | Reading progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_MOBN_UPPER | Reading progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A | Reading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWER | Reading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPER | Reading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_UNADJUSTED | Unadjusted reading progress measure [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_UPPER | Reading progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_UPPER_22 | Reading progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
READPROG_UPPER_23 | Reading progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior |
record_type | Record type |
religious_denomination | Religious denomination |
school_name_AC | Converter academy: name |
TAB15 | School published in secondary school (key stage 4) performance tables |
TAB1618 | School published in school and college (key stage 5) performance tables |
TEALGRP1 | Number of eligible pupils with English as first language |
TEALGRP2 | Number of eligible pupils with English as additional language (EAL) |
TEALGRP3 | Number of eligible pupils with unclassified language |
telephone_number | School telephone number |
TELIG | Published eligible pupil number |
TELIG_22 | Number of eligible pupils 2022 [not populated in 2024] |
TELIG_23 | Number of eligible pupils 2023 |
TFSM6CLA1A | Number of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils (those who were eligible for free school meals in last 6 years or are looked after by the LA for a day or more or who have been adopted from care) |
TKS1AVERAGE | Cohort level key stage 1 average points score [not populated in 2024] |
TKS1GROUP_H | Number of pupils in cohort high KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024] |
TKS1GROUP_L | Number of pupils in cohort with low KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024] |
TKS1GROUP_M | Number of pupils in cohort with medium KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024] |
TKS1GROUP_NA | No. of pupils in KS1 group not calculable [not populated in 2024] |
TMOBN | Number of eligible pupils classified as non-mobile |
TNOTFSM6CLA1A | Number of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged |
TOTPUPS | Total number of pupils (including part-time pupils) |
TOWN | School town |
TPUPYEAR | Number of pupils aged 11 |
TSENELE | Number of eligible pupils with EHC plan |
TSENELEK | Number of eligible pupils with SEN (EHC plan or SEN support) |
TSENELK | Number of eligible pupils with SEN support |
URN_AC | Converter academy: URN |
WRITCOV | Writing progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG | Writing progress measure [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_22 | Writing progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_23 | Writing progress measure - one year prior |
WRITPROG_B | Writing progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_B_LOWER | Writing progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_B_UPPER | Writing progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_DESCR | Writing progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_EAL | Writing progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_EAL_LOWER | Writing progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_EAL_UPPER | Writing progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1A | Writing progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWER | Writing progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPER | Writing progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_G | Writing progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_G_LOWER | Writing progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_G_UPPER | Writing progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_H | Writing progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_H_LOWER | Writing progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_H_UPPER | Writing progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_L | Writing progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_L_LOWER | Writing progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_L_UPPER | Writing progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_LOWER | Writing progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_LOWER_22 | Writing progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_LOWER_23 | Writing progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior |
WRITPROG_M | Writing progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_M_LOWER | Writing progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_M_UPPER | Writing progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_MOBN | Writing progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_MOBN_LOWER | Writing progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_MOBN_UPPER | Writing progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A | Writing progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWER | Writing progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPER | Writing progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_UNADJUSTED | Unadjusted writing progress measure [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_UPPER | Writing progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_UPPER_22 | Writing progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024] |
WRITPROG_UPPER_23 | Writing progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior |