The percentage of pupils entering the full EBacc has increased compared to last year and has been broadly stable since 2013/14.
The percentage of pupils entered for all five EBacc components (English, maths, a science, a language, and either history or geography) has risen from both 40.0% in 2018/19 and 39.3% in 2022/23 to 40.4% in 2023/24.
Figure 2 shows the EBacc entry rate over the last 15 academic years. After initial increases between 2009/10 and 2013/14 the EBacc entry rate has been broadly stable, at between 38% to 40%, since 2013/14. However, this year’s figure of 40.4% is the highest EBacc entry rate since the measure was introduced in 2010.
Pupils with higher prior attainment were more likely to enter the full EBacc
A pupil’s prior attainment is based on their KS2 results in reading and maths. The overall distribution of pupil performance at KS2 is split into three categories: low, middle, and high prior attainment.
The way the prior attainment groups are calculated changed in 2021 due to the introduction of KS2 scaled scores in 2016. This change has had an impact on the number of pupils in each prior attainment group (with fewer pupils in the high prior attainment group and more pupils in the middle and lower prior attainment groups), and means that comparisons with years prior to 2021 are not possible. Further information is available in the KS4 methodology document.
In the 2023/24 academic year, 40.4% of pupils (254,343 pupils out of 629,207) were entered for all five EBacc components, higher than 39.3% of pupils (238,323 pupils out of 606,915) in 2022/23. Pupils with higher prior attainment were more likely to enter all five EBacc components:
• 62.7% of pupils with high prior attainment at KS2 entered all five EBacc components.
• 41.1% of pupils with middle prior attainment entered all five EBacc components.
• 16.3% of pupils with low prior attainment entered all five EBacc components.
86.0% of pupils entered four or more EBacc components
The proportion of pupils who were entered for four or more components has remained fairly stable in 2023/24; 86.0% compared with 86.2% in 2022/23 (and 86.5% in 2018/19). Of those pupils who entered four out of the five EBacc components in state-funded schools:
- 89% were missing the languages component in 2023/24, up from 88.9% in 2022/23 and 86.0% in 2018/19.
- 10.7% were missing the humanities component in 2023/24, down from 10.8% in 2022/23 and 13.6% in 2018/19.
Figure 5 shows the time series for pupils entering the science, humanities and language pillars. Between 2009/10 and 2013/14, there were gradual increases in the proportions entering these pillars with more pupils entering sciences followed by humanities and then languages.
From 2013/14 onwards, the percentage of pupils entering sciences and humanities has increased considerably. However, the percentage of pupils entering languages has steadily decreased from 50.5% in 2013/14 to 44.7% in 2022/23 but has risen to 45.7% in 2023/24.
Further information on the number of entries to GCSEs by subject is available in the download files. For example, the subject time series data can be used to show time series of entries to language GCSEs from 2009/10 to 2023/24. This table is available here: Subject Timeseries Data
Attainment in the individual EBacc pillars is highest in English
The national EBacc APS score in 2023/24 has increased by 0.02 points from 4.05 in 2022/23 to 4.07 – the same score as 2018/19.
For the individual EBacc pillars, over recent years, attainment has been highest in English, then maths, followed by sciences, humanities and the lowest attainment is in languages.
In 2023/24, the gap between the EBacc English APS (the highest attainment) and the EBacc Languages APS (the lowest attainment) is 2.58 points (a difference of over two and a half grades). This difference has decreased from 2.69 points in 2022/23.
For wider context, in 2023/24, the proportion of pupils who achieved all five components of the EBacc at grades 5 or above was 18.0%. This has risen compared to both 2022/23 (17.0%) and 2018/19 (17.1%). The proportion of pupils who achieved all five components of the EBacc at grades 4 or above was 25.2%. Again, this is up compared to 2022/23 (24.2%) and is also up compared to 2018/19 (24.9%).
Further information is available in the downloadable files that shows the distribution of individual grades and the average attainment (e.g. the percentage of pupils achieving grades 9-4 and equivalents) in specific GCSE subjects over time. In addition, Transition Matrices are also available to view, for individual GCSE subjects, the grades achieved by pupils entering that subject in 2023/24 broken down by detailed prior attainment and pupil characteristics. A new App based product for the 2023/24 Transition Matrices, allowing more interaction for users, can be viewed at the following link: Transition Matrices (opens in a new tab).