- Filename
- 202324_national_data_revised.csv
- Geographic levels
- National
- Time period
- 2009/10 to 2023/24
- Content
- National level performance measures by establishment type and some pupil characteristics since 2018/19, includes an extended timeseries of headline performance measures since 2009/10.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name | Variable description |
admission_type | School admissions policy |
avg_att8 | Average Attainment 8 score |
avg_att8_ebac | Average Attainment 8 score for EBacc element |
avg_att8_eng | Average Attainment 8 score for English element |
avg_att8_mat | Average Attainment 8 score for maths element |
avg_att8_open | Average Attainment 8 score for open element |
avg_att8_open_g | Average Attainment 8 score for open element - GCSE only |
avg_att8_open_ng | Average Attainment 8 score for open element - non-GCSE only |
avg_ebac_fill | Average number of EBacc slots filled for Attainment 8 |
avg_ebaccaps | Average EBacc APS score |
avg_ebptseng_ll | Average EBacc APS score for English pillar |
avg_ebptshum | Average EBacc APS score for humanities pillar |
avg_ebptslan | Average EBacc APS score for language pillar |
avg_ebptsmat | Average EBacc APS score for maths pillar |
avg_ebptssci | Average EBacc APS score for science pillar |
avg_open_fill | Average number of open slots filled for Attainment 8 |
avg_p8ebac | Average Progress 8 score for EBacc element |
avg_p8eng | Average Progress 8 score for English element |
avg_p8mat | Average Progress 8 score for maths element |
avg_p8open | Average Progress 8 score for open element |
avg_p8score | Average Progress 8 score |
establishment_type_group | School type |
p8ebac_ci_low | Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval for EBacc element |
p8ebac_ci_upp | Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval for EBacc element |
p8eng_ci_low | Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval for English element |
p8eng_ci_upp | Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval for English element |
p8mat_ci_low | Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval for maths element |
p8mat_ci_upp | Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval for maths element |
p8open_ci_low | Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval for open element |
p8open_ci_upp | Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval for open element |
p8score_ci_low | Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval |
p8score_ci_upp | Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval |
prior_attainment | KS2 prior attainment status |
pt_anypass | Percentage of pupils achieving any passes at GCSE or equivalent |
pt_ebac2sci_94 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the Ebacc science pillar |
pt_ebac2sci_95 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the Ebacc science pillar |
pt_ebac2sci_e | Percentage of pupils entering the EBacc science pillar |
pt_ebacc_94 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the EBacc |
pt_ebacc_95 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the EBacc |
pt_ebacc_e_ptq_ee | Percentage of pupils entering the EBacc |
pt_ebaccsubjent_0 | Percentage of pupils entering 0 EBacc pillars |
pt_ebaccsubjent_1 | Percentage of pupils entering 1 EBacc pillar |
pt_ebaccsubjent_2 | Percentage of pupils entering 2 EBacc pillars |
pt_ebaccsubjent_3 | Percentage of pupils entering 3 EBacc pillars |
pt_ebaccsubjent_4 | Percentage of pupils entering 4 EBacc pillars |
pt_ebaceng_94 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the Ebacc English pillar |
pt_ebaceng_95 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the Ebacc English pillar |
pt_ebaceng_e | Percentage of pupils entering the EBacc English pillar |
pt_ebachum_94 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the Ebacc humanities pillar |
pt_ebachum_95 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the Ebacc humanities pillar |
pt_ebachum_e | Percentage of pupils entering the EBacc humanities pillar |
pt_ebaclan_94 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the Ebacc language pillar |
pt_ebaclan_95 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the Ebacc language pillar |
pt_ebaclan_e | Percentage of pupils entering the EBacc language pillar |
pt_ebacmat_94 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the Ebacc maths pillar |
pt_ebacmat_95 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the Ebacc maths pillar |
pt_ebacmat_e | Percentage of pupils entering the EBacc maths pillar |
pt_eballsci_ptq_ee | Percentage of pupils entering three out of four single sciences |
pt_ent_comb_sci | Percentage of pupils entering combined science |
pt_ent_hist_geog | Percentage of pupils entering history and geography |
pt_entbasics | Percentage of pupils entering English and maths GCSEs |
pt_entered_art | Percentage of pupils entering any arts subject |
pt_entered_arts_qual | Percentage of pupils entering any arts qualification |
pt_entered_music_qual | Percentage of pupils entering any music qualification |
pt_entry_1 | Percentage of pupils entering at least 1 GCSE or equivalent |
pt_l2basics_94 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in English and maths GCSEs |
pt_l2basics_95 | Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and maths GCSEs |
pt_multilan_e | Percentage of pupils entering more than one modern foreign language |
pt_triplesci_e | Percentage of pupils entering biology, chemistry, and physics |
religious_denomination | School religious character |
sex | Sex |
t_anypass | Number of pupils achieving any passes at GCSE or equivalent |
t_att8 | Sum of Attainment 8 scores |
t_att8_ebac | Sum of Attainment 8 scores for EBacc element |
t_att8_eng | Sum of Attainment 8 scores for English element |
t_att8_mat | Sum of Attainment 8 scores for maths element |
t_att8_open | Sum of Attainment 8 scores for open element |
t_att8_open_g | Sum of Attainment 8 scores for open element - GCSE only |
t_att8_open_ng | Sum of Attainment 8 scores for open element - non-GCSE only |
t_ebac_fill | Total number of EBacc slots filled for Attainment 8 |
t_ebac2sci_94 | Number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the EBacc science pillar |
t_ebac2sci_95 | Number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the EBacc science pillar |
t_ebac2sci_e | Number of pupils entering the EBacc science pillar |
t_ebacc_94 | Number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the EBacc |
t_ebacc_95 | Number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the EBacc |
t_ebacc_e_ptq_ee | Number of pupils entering the EBacc |
t_ebaccaps | Sum of EBacc APS scores |
t_ebaccsubjent_0 | Number of pupils entering 0 EBacc pillars |
t_ebaccsubjent_1 | Number of pupils entering 1 EBacc pillar |
t_ebaccsubjent_2 | Number of pupils entering 2 EBacc pillars |
t_ebaccsubjent_3 | Number of pupils entering 3 EBacc pillars |
t_ebaccsubjent_4 | Number of pupils entering 4 EBacc pillars |
t_ebaceng_94 | Number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the EBacc English pillar |
t_ebaceng_95 | Number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the EBacc English pillar |
t_ebaceng_e | Number of pupils entering the EBacc English pillar |
t_ebachum_94 | Number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the EBacc humanities pillar |
t_ebachum_95 | Number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the EBacc humanities pillar |
t_ebachum_e | Number of pupils entering the EBacc humanities pillar |
t_ebaclan_94 | Number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the EBacc language pillar |
t_ebaclan_95 | Number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the EBacc language pillar |
t_ebaclan_e | Number of pupils entering the EBacc languge pillar |
t_ebacmat_94 | Number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in the EBacc maths pillar |
t_ebacmat_95 | Number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in the EBacc maths pillar |
t_ebacmat_e | Number of pupils entering the EBacc maths pillar |
t_eballsci_ptq_ee | Number of pupils entering three out of four single sciences |
t_ebptseng_ll | Sum of EBacc APS scores for English pillar |
t_ebptshum | Sum of EBacc APS scores for humanities pillar |
t_ebptslan | Sum of EBacc APS scores for language pillar |
t_ebptsmat | Sum of EBacc APS scores for maths pillar |
t_ebptssci | Sum of EBacc APS scores for science pillar |
t_ent_comb_sci | Number of pupils entering combined science |
t_ent_hist_geog | Number of pupils entering history and geography |
t_entbasics | Number of pupils entering English and maths GCSEs |
t_entered_art | Number of pupils entering any arts subject |
t_entered_arts_qual | Number of pupils entering any arts qualification |
t_entered_music_qual | Number of pupils entering any music qualification |
t_entry_1 | Number of pupils entering at least 1 GCSE or equivalent |
t_inp8calc | Number of pupils included in Progress 8 measure |
t_l2basics_94 | Number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in English and maths GCSEs |
t_l2basics_95 | Number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and maths GCSEs |
t_multilan_e | Number of pupils entering more than one modern foreign language |
t_open_fill | Total number of open slots filled for Attainment 8 |
t_p8ebac | Sum of Progress 8 scores for EBacc element |
t_p8eng | Sum of Progress 8 scores for English element |
t_p8mat | Sum of Progress 8 scores for maths element |
t_p8open | Sum of Progress 8 scores for open element |
t_p8score | Sum of Progress 8 scores |
t_pupils | Number of pupils at the end of KS4 |
t_schools | Number of schools |
t_triplesci_e | Number of pupils entering biology, chemistry, and physics |
- Establishment types included in the establishment type groupings can be found in the glossary: https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/glossary
- Pupils at university technical colleges (UTCs), studio schools and further education colleges with key stage 4 provision typically attend that school for only 2 years, compared to 5 years for pupils in most secondary schools. These establishments also offer specialist curriculum. As a result, the Progress 8 data for these schools is not directly comparable with the Progress 8 data for other schools. The government’s position is that it is not appropriate to expect the same rates of EBacc entry from these types of provision and that each school should decide on a case by case basis whether its specialist curriculum is compatible with the full EBacc. This should be borne in mind when reviewing the performance data for these types of provisions.
- Selective areas include local authorities where more than 25% of state-funded secondary places are in selective schools. These local authorities are Bexley, Buckinghamshire, Kent, Lincolnshire, Medway, Slough, Southend-on-Sea, Sutton, Torbay, Trafford and Wirral.
- Progress 8 was not published in 2020 or 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- A Progress 8 score of 1.0 means pupils make on average a grade more progress than the national average of pupils with similar KS2 prior attainment in mainstream schools. Progress 8 should be interpreted alongside the associated confidence intervals. If the confidence intervals cross 0, then progress is not significantly different compared to pupils with similar KS2 prior attainment in mainstream schools.
- EBacc science includes double award GCSE for pupils on the combined science pathway or the average of a pupil's best two science grades for pupils on the single science pathway (i.e., where pupils enter three of biology, chemistry, computer science, and physics).
- The open element of Attainment 8 contains the three highest point scores in any three other subjects eligible for performance tables, including English language or literature (if not counted in the English slot), further GCSE qualifications (including English Baccalaureate subjects) or any other non-GCSE qualifications on the DfE approved list.
- For the number of slots filled, entries that were awarded U grades or other qualifications scoring 0 points are counted as a non-filled slot.
- Subjects included in the 'entered art' indicator include: Applied Art and Design, Art and Design, Drama, Media/Film/TV, Music, Dance and Performing Arts.
- Changes were made to the methodology for calculating performance data due to the commitment not to use qualification results awarded between January 2020 and August 2021 in future measures. GCSE exams returned in 2022 and grades were awarded at a midpoint between 2021 and pre-pandemic grading. In 2023, there was a return to pre-pandemic grading, with some protections. Comparisons to 2020, 2021, and 2022 should be made with caution.
- In 2017, new reformed GCSEs (which use the 9-1 grade scale) were introduced into secondary school performance tables in a phased approach. Unreformed subjects continued to be graded using the A* to G system. From 2020 onwards all GCSEs are now reformed and use the 9-1 grading scale.