Academic year 2023/24

Key stage 2 attainment

Data guidance



These data files contain statistics covering attainment in the following key stage 2 assessments:

  • reading, writing and maths
  • reading test
  • maths test 
  • grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) test 
  • writing teacher assessment
  • science teacher assessment

The publication methodology should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality, as well as explaining methodology used in producing the data. 


This publication provides information on assessment outcomes in state-funded primary schools.  Data is for England only.

File formats and conventions

This dataset has been rounded to 0 decimal places.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Attainment by pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2015/16 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in key stage 2 assessments in England, broken down by pupil characteristics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_gps_scaled_scoreGrammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
avg_mat_scaled_scoreMaths average scaled score
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
breakdownCharacteristics of each group
no_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_gps_absentPercentage of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_mat_absentPercentage of pupils absent in maths
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in maths
pt_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils unable to access in maths
pt_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
pt_mat_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
pt_read_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in reading
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_read_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading
pt_read_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
pt_read_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils who were unable to access in reading
pt_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
pt_read_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the reading
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_rwm_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_scita_absentPercentage of pupils absent in science TA
pt_scita_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in science TA
pt_scita_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
pt_scita_not_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
pt_writta_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in writing TA
pt_writta_below_interim_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working below the interim pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in writing TA
pt_writta_early_development_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with early development of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_foundations_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with foundations of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_growing_development_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with growing development of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
pt_writta_working_towards_expected_standardPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
t_gps_absentNumber of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score calculation
t_gps_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_sum_scaled_scoresSum of grammar, punctuation and spelling scaled scores
t_gps_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_mat_absentNumber of pupils absent in maths
t_mat_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths average scaled score calculation
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
t_mat_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in maths
t_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
t_mat_sum_scaled_scoresSum of maths scaled scores
t_mat_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in maths
t_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
t_mat_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the maths
t_read_absentNumber of pupils absent in reading
t_read_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading average scaled score calculation
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
t_read_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading
t_read_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
t_read_sum_scaled_scoresSum of reading scaled scores
t_read_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in reading
t_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
t_read_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the reading
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
t_scita_absentNumber of pupils absent in science TA
t_scita_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in science TA
t_scita_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in science TA
t_scita_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
t_scita_not_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
t_writta_absentNumber of pupils absent in writing TA
t_writta_below_interim_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working below the interim pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in writing TA
t_writta_early_development_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with early development of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_foundations_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with foundations of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_growing_development_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with growing development of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
t_writta_working_towards_expected_standardNumber of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
  1. Data is not available for 2020 and 2021 as assessments were cancelled in these years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Writing teacher assessment and reading, writing and maths (combined) measures from 2018 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the writing teacher assessment frameworks.
  3. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.
  4. Science teacher assessment measures from 2019 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the science teacher assessment frameworks.
  5. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (including hospital schools).

Attainment by school characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2015/16 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in key stage 2 assessments in England, broken down by school characteristics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_gps_scaled_scoreGrammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_scaled_scoreMaths average scaled score
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for writing TA progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for writing TA progress
breakdownCharacteristics of each group
no_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_gps_absentPercentage of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_mat_absentPercentage of pupils absent in maths
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in maths
pt_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils unable to access in maths
pt_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
pt_mat_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
pt_read_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in reading
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_read_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading
pt_read_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
pt_read_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils who were unable to access in reading
pt_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
pt_read_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the reading
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_rwm_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_scita_absentPercentage of pupils absent in science TA
pt_scita_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in science TA
pt_scita_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
pt_scita_not_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
pt_writta_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in writing TA
pt_writta_below_interim_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working below the interim pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in writing TA
pt_writta_early_development_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with early development of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_foundations_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with foundations of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_growing_development_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with growing development of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
pt_writta_working_towards_expected_standardPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
t_gps_absentNumber of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score calculation
t_gps_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_sum_scaled_scoresSum of grammar, punctuation and spelling scaled scores
t_gps_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_mat_absentNumber of pupils absent in maths
t_mat_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths average scaled score calculation
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
t_mat_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in maths
t_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the maths progress scores
t_mat_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for maths
t_mat_sum_scaled_scoresSum of maths scaled scores
t_mat_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in maths
t_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
t_mat_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the maths
t_read_absentNumber of pupils absent in reading
t_read_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading average scaled score calculation
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
t_read_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading
t_read_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the reading progress scores
t_read_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for reading
t_read_sum_scaled_scoresSum of reading scaled scores
t_read_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in reading
t_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
t_read_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the reading
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
t_scita_absentNumber of pupils absent in science TA
t_scita_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in science TA
t_scita_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in science TA
t_scita_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
t_scita_not_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
t_writta_absentNumber of pupils absent in writing TA
t_writta_below_interim_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working below the interim pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in writing TA
t_writta_early_development_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with early development of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_foundations_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with foundations of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_growing_development_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with growing development of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the writing TA progress scores
t_writta_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
t_writta_working_towards_expected_standardNumber of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
  1. Data is not available for 2020 and 2021 as assessments were cancelled in these years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Writing teacher assessment and reading, writing and maths (combined) measures from 2018 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the writing teacher assessment frameworks.
  3. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.
  4. Science teacher assessment measures from 2019 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the science teacher assessment frameworks.
  5. 'All schools' includes all state-funded schools, alternative provision, and non-maintained special schools with pupils eligible for assessment at key stage 2. Participation by independent schools is voluntary, therefore the ‘All schools’ figures includes results from independent schools that chose to submit data and met the requirements for assessment and moderation.
  6. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (including hospital schools).
  7. 'State-funded mainstream schools' includes local authority maintained mainstream schools, academies and free schools.

Attainment by parliamentary constituency

Geographic levels
National; Parliamentary constituency
Time period
2018/19 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in key stage 2 assessments in England, broken down by parliamentary constituency.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_gps_scaled_scoreGrammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_scaled_scoreMaths average scaled score
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for writing TA progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for writing TA progress
no_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_gps_absentPercentage of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling test
pt_mat_absentPercentage of pupils absent in maths
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in maths test
pt_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not reaching the expected standard in maths test
pt_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
pt_mat_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
pt_read_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in reading
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_read_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading test
pt_read_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
pt_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
pt_read_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_rwm_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_scita_absentPercentage of pupils absent in science TA
pt_scita_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in science TA
pt_scita_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
pt_scita_not_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
pt_writta_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in writing TA
pt_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
pt_writta_working_towards_expected_standardPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
t_gps_absentNumber of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score calculation
t_gps_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_sum_scaled_scoresSum of grammar, punctuation and spelling scaled scores
t_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling test
t_mat_absentNumber of pupils absent in maths
t_mat_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths average scaled score calculation
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
t_mat_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in maths
t_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the maths progress scores
t_mat_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for maths
t_mat_sum_scaled_scoresSum of maths scaled scores
t_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
t_mat_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the maths test
t_read_absentNumber of pupils absent in reading
t_read_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading average scaled score calculation
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
t_read_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading
t_read_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the reading progress scores
t_read_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for reading
t_read_sum_scaled_scoresSum of reading scaled scores
t_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
t_read_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
t_scita_absentNumber of pupils absent in science TA
t_scita_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in science TA
t_scita_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in science TA
t_scita_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
t_scita_not_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
t_writta_absentNumber of pupils absent in writing TA
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the writing TA progress scores
t_writta_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
t_writta_working_towards_expected_standardNumber of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
  1. Writing teacher assessment and reading, writing and maths (combined) measures from 2018 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the writing teacher assessment frameworks.
  2. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.
  3. Science teacher assessment measures from 2019 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the science teacher assessment frameworks.
  4. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (excluding hospital schools).

Attainment by region and local authority

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2015/16 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in key stage 2 assessments in England, broken down by region and local authority.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_gps_scaled_scoreGrammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_scaled_scoreMaths average scaled score
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for writing TA progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for writing TA progress
no_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_gps_absentPercentage of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_mat_absentPercentage of pupils absent in maths
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in maths
pt_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils unable to access in maths
pt_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
pt_mat_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
pt_read_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in reading
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_read_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading
pt_read_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
pt_read_unable_to_accessPercentage of pupils who were unable to access in reading
pt_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
pt_read_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the reading
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_rwm_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_scita_absentPercentage of pupils absent in science TA
pt_scita_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in science TA
pt_scita_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
pt_scita_not_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
pt_writta_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in writing TA
pt_writta_below_interim_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working below the interim pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in writing TA
pt_writta_early_development_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with early development of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_foundations_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with foundations of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_growing_development_of_expected_standardPercentage of pupils with growing development of the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
pt_writta_working_towards_expected_standardPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
t_gps_absentNumber of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score calculation
t_gps_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_sum_scaled_scoresSum of grammar, punctuation and spelling scaled scores
t_gps_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_mat_absentNumber of pupils absent in maths
t_mat_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths average scaled score calculation
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
t_mat_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in maths
t_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the maths progress scores
t_mat_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for maths
t_mat_sum_scaled_scoresSum of maths scaled scores
t_mat_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in maths
t_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
t_mat_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the maths
t_read_absentNumber of pupils absent in reading
t_read_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading average scaled score calculation
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
t_read_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading
t_read_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the reading progress scores
t_read_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for reading
t_read_sum_scaled_scoresSum of reading scaled scores
t_read_unable_to_accessNumber of pupils unable to access in reading
t_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
t_read_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the reading
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils meeting the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
t_scita_absentNumber of pupils absent in science TA
t_scita_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in science TA
t_scita_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in science TA
t_scita_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
t_scita_not_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
t_writta_absentNumber of pupils absent in writing TA
t_writta_below_interim_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working below the interim pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in writing TA
t_writta_early_development_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with early development of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_foundations_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with foundations of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_growing_development_of_expected_standardNumber of pupils with growing development of the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the writing TA progress scores
t_writta_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
t_writta_working_towards_expected_standardNumber of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
  1. Writing teacher assessment and reading, writing and maths (combined) measures from 2018 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the writing teacher assessment frameworks.
  2. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.
  3. Science teacher assessment measures from 2019 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the science teacher assessment frameworks.
  4. Local authority codes may be shown where they have changed since 2016.
  5. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (excluding hospital schools).
  6. Regional figures are rounded in the historical data before 2022.

Disadvantage gap index

Geographic levels
Time period
2010/11 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the key stage 2 disadvantage gap index in England.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
all_other_pupilsTotal number of all other eligible pupils at the end of key stage 2
disadvantaged_pupilsTotal number of eligible disadvantaged pupils at the end of key stage 2
gap_indexDisadvantage gap index
  1. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.
  2. Only includes pupils for whom a valid test or teacher assessment could be determined in maths and English in 2011, reading, writing and maths from 2012 to 2015 or a reading and maths valid scaled score from 2016-2019. This number may therefore differ from the total included in national test results which include pupils recorded as A - absent, U - unable to access test.
  3. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (including hospital schools).

Attainment by school type and pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in key stage 2 assessments in England, broken down by school type and pupil characteristics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
breakdownCharacteristics of each group
establishment_type_groupType of school
ethnicity_majorMajor ethnic group
free_school_mealsFree school meals eligibility
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
sen_provisionSpecial educational needs
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
  1. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.

Distribution of scaled scores

Geographic levels
Time period
2018/19 to 2023/24
This file contains data on scaled score distributions for key stage 2 tests in England.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_cumulativeCumulative percentage
scaled_scoresScaled scores distribution
t_eligible_pupilsTotal number of eligible pupils at the end of key stage 2
  1. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.

Attainment by region, local authority and pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2018/19 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in key stage 2 assessments in England, broken down by region, local authority and pupil characteristics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_gps_scaled_scoreGrammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_scaled_scoreMaths average scaled score
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for writing TA progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for writing TA progress
breakdownCharacteristics of each group
no_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_gps_absentPercentage of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling test
pt_mat_absentPercentage of pupils absent in maths
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in maths test
pt_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not reaching the expected standard in maths test
pt_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
pt_mat_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
pt_read_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in reading
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_read_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading test
pt_read_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
pt_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
pt_read_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_rwm_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_scita_absentPercentage of pupils absent in science TA
pt_scita_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in science TA
pt_scita_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
pt_scita_not_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
pt_writta_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in writing TA
pt_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
pt_writta_working_towards_expected_standardPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
t_gps_absentNumber of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score calculation
t_gps_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_sum_scaled_scoresSum of grammar, punctuation and spelling scaled scores
t_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling test
t_mat_absentNumber of pupils absent in maths
t_mat_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths average scaled score calculation
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
t_mat_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in maths
t_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the maths progress scores
t_mat_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for maths
t_mat_sum_scaled_scoresSum of maths scaled scores
t_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
t_mat_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the maths test
t_read_absentNumber of pupils absent in reading
t_read_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading average scaled score calculation
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
t_read_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading
t_read_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the reading progress scores
t_read_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for reading
t_read_sum_scaled_scoresSum of reading scaled scores
t_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
t_read_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
t_scita_absentNumber of pupils absent in science TA
t_scita_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in science TA
t_scita_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in science TA
t_scita_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
t_scita_not_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
t_writta_absentNumber of pupils absent in writing TA
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the writing TA progress scores
t_writta_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
t_writta_working_towards_expected_standardNumber of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
  1. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.
  2. Science teacher assessment measures from 2019 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the science teacher assessment frameworks.
  3. Local authority codes may be shown where they have changed since 2016.
  4. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (excluding hospital schools).
  5. Regional figures are rounded in the historical data before 2022.

Attainment by school location and pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period
2018/19 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils by school location. This file also contains a flag showing which local authority districts are priority areas. Some LAs that are priority areas are also included.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_gps_scaled_scoreGrammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_scaled_scoreMaths average scaled score
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for writing TA progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for writing TA progress
breakdownCharacteristics of each group
no_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_gps_absentPercentage of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling test
pt_mat_absentPercentage of pupils absent in maths
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in maths test
pt_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not reaching the expected standard in maths test
pt_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
pt_mat_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
pt_read_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in reading
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_read_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading test
pt_read_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
pt_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
pt_read_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_rwm_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_scita_absentPercentage of pupils absent in science TA
pt_scita_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in science TA
pt_scita_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
pt_scita_not_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
pt_writta_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in writing TA
pt_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
pt_writta_working_towards_expected_standardPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
t_gps_absentNumber of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score calculation
t_gps_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_sum_scaled_scoresSum of grammar, punctuation and spelling scaled scores
t_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling test
t_mat_absentNumber of pupils absent in maths
t_mat_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths average scaled score calculation
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
t_mat_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in maths
t_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the maths progress scores
t_mat_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for maths
t_mat_sum_scaled_scoresSum of maths scaled scores
t_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
t_mat_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the maths test
t_read_absentNumber of pupils absent in reading
t_read_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading average scaled score calculation
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
t_read_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading
t_read_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the reading progress scores
t_read_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for reading
t_read_sum_scaled_scoresSum of reading scaled scores
t_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
t_read_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
t_scita_absentNumber of pupils absent in science TA
t_scita_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in science TA
t_scita_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in science TA
t_scita_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
t_scita_not_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
t_writta_absentNumber of pupils absent in writing TA
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the writing TA progress scores
t_writta_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
t_writta_working_towards_expected_standardNumber of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
  1. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (excluding hospital schools).

Attainment by pupil residency and pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period
2018/19 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of pupils in key stage 2 assessments in England, broken down by pupil residency and pupil characteristics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_gps_scaled_scoreGrammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_scaled_scoreMaths average scaled score
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for writing TA progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for writing TA progress
breakdownCharacteristics of each group
no_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_gps_absentPercentage of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
pt_gps_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling test
pt_mat_absentPercentage of pupils absent in maths
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_mat_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in maths test
pt_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not reaching the expected standard in maths test
pt_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
pt_mat_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
pt_read_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in reading
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_read_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading test
pt_read_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
pt_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
pt_read_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_rwm_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_scita_absentPercentage of pupils absent in science TA
pt_scita_disappliedPercentage of pupils disapplied in science TA
pt_scita_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
pt_scita_not_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
pt_writta_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in writing TA
pt_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
pt_writta_working_towards_expected_standardPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
t_gps_absentNumber of pupils absent in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling average scaled score calculation
t_gps_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_sum_scaled_scoresSum of grammar, punctuation and spelling scaled scores
t_gps_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in grammar, punctuation and spelling
t_gps_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the grammar, punctuation and spelling test
t_mat_absentNumber of pupils absent in maths
t_mat_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths average scaled score calculation
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
t_mat_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in maths
t_mat_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the maths progress scores
t_mat_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for maths
t_mat_sum_scaled_scoresSum of maths scaled scores
t_mat_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in maths
t_mat_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the maths test
t_read_absentNumber of pupils absent in reading
t_read_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading average scaled score calculation
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
t_read_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading
t_read_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the reading progress scores
t_read_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for reading
t_read_sum_scaled_scoresSum of reading scaled scores
t_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
t_read_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
t_rwm_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
t_scita_absentNumber of pupils absent in science TA
t_scita_disappliedNumber of pupils disapplied in science TA
t_scita_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in science TA
t_scita_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in science TA
t_scita_not_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils who have not met the expected standard in science TA
t_writta_absentNumber of pupils absent in writing TA
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 2 included in the writing TA progress scores
t_writta_progress_scoreTotal number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
t_writta_working_towards_expected_standardNumber of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
  1. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (excluding hospital schools).

Academies by length of time open

Geographic levels
Time period
2015/16 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of academies, broken down by the length of time they have been open.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
school_countSchool count
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
years_openYears open
  1. Writing teacher assessment and reading, writing and maths (combined) measures from 2018 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to changes in the writing teacher assessment frameworks.
  2. Figures include mainstream sponsored academies and mainstream converter academies which opened before 12 September and schools which were LA maintained mainstream schools on 12 September.

Combinations of meeting the expected standard by pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2018/19 to 2023/24
This file contains data to show the combinations of meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths by pupil characteristics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
disadvantageDisadvantage status
establishment_type_groupEstablishment type
ethnicity_majorEthnicity major grouping
ethnicity_minorEthnicity minor grouping
first_languageFirst language status
fsm_eligibilityFree school meal eligibility grouping
pt_at_least_one_below_the_standard_of_the_testNot assessed in at least 1 subject: Percentage of pupils working below the standard of the test in at least one subject
pt_maths_met_exp_reading_and_writing_not_met_expAssessed and meeting expected standard in 1 subject: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths but not in reading and writing
pt_non_assessedNot assessed in at least 1 subject: Total
pt_not_met_expected_standard_reading_and_writing_and_mathsAssessed and meeting expected standard in 0 subjects: Percentage of pupils not meeting the expected standard in all 3 subjects
pt_other_combinationsNot assessed in at least 1 subject: All other combinations
pt_reading_and_maths_met_exp_writing_not_met_expAssessed and meeting expected standard in 2 subjects: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading and maths but not in writing TA
pt_reading_and_writing_met_exp_maths_not_expAssessed and meeting expected standard in 2 subjects: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading and writing but not in maths
pt_reading_met_exp_writing_and_maths_not_met_expAssessed and meeting expected standard in 1 subject: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading but not in writing and maths
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardAssessed and meeting expected standard in 3 subjects: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_total_met_in_1Assessed and meeting expected standard in 1 subjects: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in 1 subject
pt_total_met_in_2Assessed and meeting expected standard in 2 subjects: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in 2 subjects
pt_writing_and_maths_met_exp_reading_not_metAssessed and meeting expected standard in 2 subjects: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing and maths but not in reading
pt_writing_met_exp_reading_and_maths_not_met_expAssessed and meeting expected standard in 1 subject: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing but not in reading and maths
sen_primary_needSEN primary need provision
sen_provisionSEN provision
  1. Data is not available for 2020 and 2021 as assessments were cancelled in these years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

National schools distribution

Geographic levels
Time period
2018/19 to 2023/24
The file contains the national schools distribution
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_of_schoolsNumber of schools
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
  1. Data is not available for 2020 and 2021 as assessments were cancelled in these years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Figures for 2024 are based on revised data. Figures for other years are based on final data.
  3. 'State-funded mainstream schools' includes local authority maintained mainstream schools, academies and free schools.

Attainment by phonics prior attainment

Geographic levels
Time period
2022/23 to 2023/24
This file contains KS2 by phonics prior attainment
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_read_scaled_scoreReading average scaled score
disadvantage_statusDisadvantage status
establishment_type_groupSchool type
final_phonics_outcomeFinal phonics outcome
pt_read_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in reading
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_read_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading test
pt_read_not_achieved_expected_standardPercentage of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
pt_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedPercentage of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
pt_read_working_below_assessmentPercentage of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
pt_writta_absentPercentage of pupils who were absent in writing TA
pt_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsPercentage of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
pt_writta_met_higher_standardPercentage of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
pt_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Percentage of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
pt_writta_working_towards_expected_standardPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
t_read_absentNumber of pupils absent in reading
t_read_avg_scaled_score_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading average scaled score calculation
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
t_read_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading
t_read_not_achieved_expected_standardNumber of pupils not achieved expected standard in reading
t_read_sum_scaled_scoresSum of reading scaled scores
t_read_unable_to_access_or_just_arrivedNumber of pupils just arrived or unable to access in reading
t_read_working_below_assessmentNumber of pupils working below the standard of the reading test
t_writta_absentNumber of pupils absent in writing TA
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_engagement_model_or_below_pre_key_stage_standardsNumber of pupils working at the engagement model or below pre-key stage standards in writing TA
t_writta_met_expected_standardNumber of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_writta_met_higher_standardNumber of pupils working at greater depth in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_1Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_2Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 2 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_3Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 3 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_4Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 4 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_5Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 5 in writing TA
t_writta_pre_key_stage_standard_6Number of pupils working at pre-key stage standard 6 in writing TA
t_writta_working_towards_expected_standardNumber of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing TA
  1. 'State-funded schools' includes LA maintained schools, sponsored academies, converter academies, free schools and state-funded special schools (including hospital schools).

Multi-academy trusts by pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2021/22 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of Multi-Academy Trusts broken down by pupil characteristics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence intervals for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence intervals for maths progress
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence intervals for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence intervals for reading progress
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence intervals for writing TA progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence intervals for writing TA progress
breakdownThe characteristic of the pupil
establishment_type_groupAcademy type
no_pupilsNumber of pupils at the end of key stage 2
no_schoolsNumber of schools
performance_tables_eligibilityThe performance tables eligibility of the pupils' academy
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress score for maths
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress score for reading
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress score for writing TA

Multi-academy trusts by trust characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2021/22 to 2023/24
This file contains data on the attainment of Multi-Academy Trusts broken down by trust characteristics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence intervals for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence intervals for maths progress
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence intervals for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence intervals for reading progress
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence intervals for writing TA progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence intervals for writing TA progress
breakdownThe characteristic of the trust
establishment_type_groupAcademy type
no_pupilsNumber of pupils at the end of key stage 2
no_schoolsNumber of schools
performance_tables_eligibilityThe performance tables eligibility
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress score for maths
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress score for reading
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress score for writing TA

Key stage 2 institution level 2024 - Schools

Geographic levels
Time period
This file contains the key stage 2 compare school and college performance school level file
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ADDRESS1School address (1)
ADDRESS2School address (2)
ADDRESS3School address (3)
alphabetic_indexAlphabetic index
BELIGEligible boys on school roll at time of tests
DIFFN_MATPROGDifference between maths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024]
DIFFN_READPROGDifference between reading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024]
DIFFN_RWM_EXPDifference between school percentage of disavantaged pupils and national percentage of other pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
DIFFN_RWM_HIGHDifference between school percentage of disavantaged pupils and national percentage of other pupils achieving a high score in reading, writing and maths
DIFFN_WRITPROGDifference between writing progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024]
establishment_codeEstablishment number
GELIGEligible girls on school roll at time of tests
GPS_AVERAGEAverage scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling
GPS_AVERAGE_BAverage scaled score in GPS for boys
GPS_AVERAGE_EALAverage scaled score in GPS for EAL pupils
GPS_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in GPS for disadvantaged pupils
GPS_AVERAGE_GAverage scaled score in GPS for girls
GPS_AVERAGE_HAverage scaled score in GPS for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
GPS_AVERAGE_LAverage scaled score in GPS for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
GPS_AVERAGE_MAverage scaled score in GPS for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
GPS_AVERAGE_MOBNAverage scaled score in GPS for MOBN pupils
GPS_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in GPS for non-disadvantaged pupils
ICLOSEClosed Flag
MAT_AVERAGEAverage scaled score in maths
MAT_AVERAGE_22Average scaled score in maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
MAT_AVERAGE_23Average scaled score in maths - one year prior
MAT_AVERAGE_BAverage scaled score in maths for boys
MAT_AVERAGE_EALAverage scaled score in maths for EAL pupils
MAT_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in maths for disadvantaged pupils
MAT_AVERAGE_GAverage scaled score in maths for girls
MAT_AVERAGE_HAverage scaled score in maths for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MAT_AVERAGE_LAverage scaled score in maths for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MAT_AVERAGE_MAverage scaled score in maths for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MAT_AVERAGE_MOBNAverage scaled score in maths for MOBN pupils
MAT_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in maths for non-disadvantaged pupils
MATCOVMaths progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024]
MATPROGMaths progress measure [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_22Maths progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_23Maths progress measure - one year prior
MATPROG_BMaths progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_B_LOWERMaths progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_B_UPPERMaths progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_DESCRMaths progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_EALMaths progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_EAL_LOWERMaths progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_EAL_UPPERMaths progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1AMaths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWERMaths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPERMaths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_GMaths progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_G_LOWERMaths progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_G_UPPERMaths progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_HMaths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_H_LOWERMaths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_H_UPPERMaths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_LMaths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_L_LOWERMaths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_L_UPPERMaths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_LOWERMaths progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_LOWER_22Maths progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_LOWER_23Maths progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior
MATPROG_MMaths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_M_LOWERMaths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_M_UPPERMaths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_MOBNMaths progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_MOBN_LOWERMaths progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_MOBN_UPPERMaths progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1AMaths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWERMaths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPERMaths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_UNADJUSTEDUnadjusted maths progress measure [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_UPPERMaths progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_UPPER_22Maths progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_UPPER_23Maths progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior
NFTYPESchool type
OPEN_ACConverter academy: open date
PBELIGPercentage of eligible boys on school roll at time of tests
PCON_CODESchool parliamentary constituency code
PCON_NAMESchool parliamentary constituency name
PGELIGPercentage of eligible girls on school roll at time of tests
postcodeSchool postcode
PSENELEPercentage of eligible pupils with EHC plan
PSENELEKPercentage of eligible pupils with SEN (EHC plan or SEN support)
PSENELKPercentage of eligible pupils with SEN support
PTEALGRP1Percentage of eligible pupils with English as first language
PTEALGRP2Percentage of eligible pupils with English as additional language (EAL)
PTEALGRP3Percentage of eligible pupils with unclassified language
PTFSM6CLA1APercentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils
PTFSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTFSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils one year prior
PTGPS_ATPercentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_HIGHPercentage of pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTKS1GROUP_HPercentage of pupils in cohort with high KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
PTKS1GROUP_LPercentage of pupils in cohort with low KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
PTKS1GROUP_MPercentage of pupils in cohort with medium KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
PTKS1GROUP_NAPercentage of pupils in KS1group not calculable [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_ATPercentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in maths
PTMAT_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in maths
PTMAT_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in maths
PTMAT_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in maths
PTMAT_HIGHPercentage of pupils achieving a high score in maths
PTMAT_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in maths
PTMAT_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in maths
PTMOBNPercentage of eligible pupils classified as non-mobile
PTNOTFSM6CLA1APercentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged
PTNOTFSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTNOTFSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged one year prior
PTREAD_ATPercentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in reading
PTREAD_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading
PTREAD_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading
PTREAD_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading
PTREAD_HIGHPercentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading
PTREAD_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading
PTREAD_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading
PTRWM_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_22Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_23Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior
PTRWM_EXP_BPercentage of boys reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_EALPercentage of EAL pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior
PTRWM_EXP_GPercentage of girls reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_MOBNPercentage of non-mobile pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior
PTRWM_HIGHPercentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_22Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_23Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior
PTRWM_HIGH_BPercentage of boys achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_EALPercentage of EAL pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior
PTRWM_HIGH_GPercentage of girls reaching the HIGHected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_MOBNPercentage of non-mobile pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior
PTSCITA_ADPercentage of pupils absent or disapplied in science TA
PTSCITA_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in science TA
PTWRITTA_ADPercentage of pupils absent or disapplied in writing TA
PTWRITTA_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in writing
PTWRITTA_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in writing
PTWRITTA_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in writing
PTWRITTA_HIGHPercentage of pupils working at greater depth within the expected standard in writing
PTWRITTA_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils working at greater depth in writing
PTWRITTA_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils working at greater depth in writing
PTWRITTA_WTSPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing
READ_AVERAGEAverage scaled score in reading
READ_AVERAGE_22Average scaled score in reading - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
READ_AVERAGE_23Average scaled score in reading - one year prior
READ_AVERAGE_BAverage scaled score in reading for boys
READ_AVERAGE_EALAverage scaled score in reading for EAL pupils
READ_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in reading for disadvantaged pupils
READ_AVERAGE_GAverage scaled score in reading for girls
READ_AVERAGE_HAverage scaled score in reading for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READ_AVERAGE_LAverage scaled score in reading for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READ_AVERAGE_MAverage scaled score in reading for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READ_AVERAGE_MOBNAverage scaled score in reading for MOBN pupils
READ_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in reading for non-disadvantaged pupils
READCOVReading progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024]
READPROGReading progress measure [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_22Reading progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_23Reading progress measure - one year prior
READPROG_BReading progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_B_LOWERReading progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_B_UPPERReading progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_DESCRReading progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_EALReading progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_EAL_LOWERReading progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_EAL_UPPERReading progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_FSM6CLA1AReading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWERReading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPERReading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_GReading progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_G_LOWERReading progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_G_UPPERReading progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_HReading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_H_LOWERReading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_H_UPPERReading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_LReading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_L_LOWERReading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_L_UPPERReading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_LOWERReading progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_LOWER_22Reading progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_LOWER_23Reading progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior
READPROG_MReading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_M_LOWERReading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_M_UPPERReading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_MOBNReading progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_MOBN_LOWERReading progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_MOBN_UPPERReading progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1AReading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWERReading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPERReading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_UNADJUSTEDUnadjusted reading progress measure [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_UPPERReading progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_UPPER_22Reading progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_UPPER_23Reading progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior
record_typeRecord type
religious_denominationReligious denomination
school_name_ACConverter academy: name
TAB15School published in secondary school (key stage 4) performance tables
TAB1618School published in school and college (key stage 5) performance tables
TEALGRP1Number of eligible pupils with English as first language
TEALGRP2Number of eligible pupils with English as additional language (EAL)
TEALGRP3Number of eligible pupils with unclassified language
telephone_numberSchool telephone number
TELIGPublished eligible pupil number
TELIG_22Number of eligible pupils 2022 [not populated in 2024]
TELIG_23Number of eligible pupils 2023
TFSM6CLA1ANumber of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils (those who were eligible for free school meals in last 6 years or are looked after by the LA for a day or more or who have been adopted from care)
TKS1AVERAGECohort level key stage 1 average points score [not populated in 2024]
TKS1GROUP_HNumber of pupils in cohort high KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
TKS1GROUP_LNumber of pupils in cohort with low KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
TKS1GROUP_MNumber of pupils in cohort with medium KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
TKS1GROUP_NANo. of pupils in KS1 group not calculable [not populated in 2024]
TMOBNNumber of eligible pupils classified as non-mobile
TNOTFSM6CLA1ANumber of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged
TOTPUPSTotal number of pupils (including part-time pupils)
TOWNSchool town
TPUPYEARNumber of pupils aged 11
TSENELENumber of eligible pupils with EHC plan
TSENELEKNumber of eligible pupils with SEN (EHC plan or SEN support)
TSENELKNumber of eligible pupils with SEN support
URN_ACConverter academy: URN
WRITCOVWriting progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROGWriting progress measure [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_22Writing progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_23Writing progress measure - one year prior
WRITPROG_BWriting progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_B_LOWERWriting progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_B_UPPERWriting progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_DESCRWriting progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_EALWriting progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_EAL_LOWERWriting progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_EAL_UPPERWriting progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1AWriting progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWERWriting progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPERWriting progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_GWriting progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_G_LOWERWriting progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_G_UPPERWriting progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_HWriting progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_H_LOWERWriting progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_H_UPPERWriting progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_LWriting progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_L_LOWERWriting progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_L_UPPERWriting progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_LOWERWriting progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_LOWER_22Writing progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_LOWER_23Writing progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior
WRITPROG_MWriting progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_M_LOWERWriting progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_M_UPPERWriting progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_MOBNWriting progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_MOBN_LOWERWriting progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_MOBN_UPPERWriting progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1AWriting progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWERWriting progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPERWriting progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_UNADJUSTEDUnadjusted writing progress measure [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_UPPERWriting progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_UPPER_22Writing progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_UPPER_23Writing progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior
  1. Definitions for the symbols used in this file can be found in the methodology document.

Key stage 2 institution level 2024 - Local authority

Geographic levels
Local authority; National
Time period
This file contains the key stage 2 compare school and college performance local authority and national file
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ADDRESS1School address (1)
ADDRESS2School address (2)
ADDRESS3School address (3)
alphabetic_indexAlphabetic index
BELIGEligible boys on school roll at time of tests
DIFFN_MATPROGDifference between maths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024]
DIFFN_READPROGDifference between reading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024]
DIFFN_RWM_EXPDifference between school percentage of disavantaged pupils and national percentage of other pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
DIFFN_RWM_HIGHDifference between school percentage of disavantaged pupils and national percentage of other pupils achieving a high score in reading, writing and maths
DIFFN_WRITPROGDifference between writing progress measure for disadvantaged pupils in school and other pupils nationally [not populated in 2024]
establishment_codeEstablishment number
GELIGEligible girls on school roll at time of tests
GPS_AVERAGEAverage scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling
GPS_AVERAGE_BAverage scaled score in GPS for boys
GPS_AVERAGE_EALAverage scaled score in GPS for EAL pupils
GPS_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in GPS for disadvantaged pupils
GPS_AVERAGE_GAverage scaled score in GPS for girls
GPS_AVERAGE_HAverage scaled score in GPS for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
GPS_AVERAGE_LAverage scaled score in GPS for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
GPS_AVERAGE_MAverage scaled score in GPS for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
GPS_AVERAGE_MOBNAverage scaled score in GPS for MOBN pupils
GPS_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in GPS for non-disadvantaged pupils
ICLOSEClosed Flag
MAT_AVERAGEAverage scaled score in maths
MAT_AVERAGE_22Average scaled score in maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
MAT_AVERAGE_23Average scaled score in maths - one year prior
MAT_AVERAGE_BAverage scaled score in maths for boys
MAT_AVERAGE_EALAverage scaled score in maths for EAL pupils
MAT_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in maths for disadvantaged pupils
MAT_AVERAGE_GAverage scaled score in maths for girls
MAT_AVERAGE_HAverage scaled score in maths for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MAT_AVERAGE_LAverage scaled score in maths for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MAT_AVERAGE_MAverage scaled score in maths for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MAT_AVERAGE_MOBNAverage scaled score in maths for MOBN pupils
MAT_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in maths for non-disadvantaged pupils
MATCOVMaths progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024]
MATPROGMaths progress measure [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_22Maths progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_23Maths progress measure - one year prior
MATPROG_BMaths progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_B_LOWERMaths progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_B_UPPERMaths progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_DESCRMaths progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_EALMaths progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_EAL_LOWERMaths progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_EAL_UPPERMaths progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1AMaths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWERMaths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPERMaths progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_GMaths progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_G_LOWERMaths progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_G_UPPERMaths progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_HMaths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_H_LOWERMaths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_H_UPPERMaths progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_LMaths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_L_LOWERMaths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_L_UPPERMaths progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_LOWERMaths progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_LOWER_22Maths progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_LOWER_23Maths progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior
MATPROG_MMaths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_M_LOWERMaths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_M_UPPERMaths progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_MOBNMaths progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_MOBN_LOWERMaths progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_MOBN_UPPERMaths progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1AMaths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWERMaths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPERMaths progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_UNADJUSTEDUnadjusted maths progress measure [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_UPPERMaths progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_UPPER_22Maths progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
MATPROG_UPPER_23Maths progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior
OPEN_ACConverter academy: open date
PBELIGPercentage of eligible boys on school roll at time of tests
PCON_CODESchool parliamentary constituency code
PCON_NAMESchool parliamentary constituency name
PGELIGPercentage of eligible girls on school roll at time of tests
postcodeSchool postcode
PSENELEPercentage of eligible pupils with EHC plan
PSENELEKPercentage of eligible pupils with SEN (EHC plan or SEN support)
PSENELKPercentage of eligible pupils with SEN support
PTEALGRP1Percentage of eligible pupils with English as first language
PTEALGRP2Percentage of eligible pupils with English as additional language (EAL)
PTEALGRP3Percentage of eligible pupils with unclassified language
PTFSM6CLA1APercentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils
PTFSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTFSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils one year prior
PTGPS_ATPercentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_HIGHPercentage of pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTGPS_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling [not populated in 2024]
PTGPS_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in grammar, punctuation and spelling
PTKS1GROUP_HPercentage of pupils in cohort with high KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
PTKS1GROUP_LPercentage of pupils in cohort with low KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
PTKS1GROUP_MPercentage of pupils in cohort with medium KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
PTKS1GROUP_NAPercentage of pupils in KS1group not calculable [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_ATPercentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in maths
PTMAT_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in maths
PTMAT_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in maths
PTMAT_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in maths
PTMAT_HIGHPercentage of pupils achieving a high score in maths
PTMAT_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in maths
PTMAT_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in maths [not populated in 2024]
PTMAT_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in maths
PTMOBNPercentage of eligible pupils classified as non-mobile
PTNOTFSM6CLA1APercentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged
PTNOTFSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTNOTFSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged one year prior
PTREAD_ATPercentage of pupils absent from or not able to access the test in reading
PTREAD_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading
PTREAD_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading
PTREAD_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading
PTREAD_HIGHPercentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading
PTREAD_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading
PTREAD_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in reading [not populated in 2024]
PTREAD_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading
PTRWM_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_22Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_23Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior
PTRWM_EXP_BPercentage of boys reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_EALPercentage of EAL pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_FSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior
PTRWM_EXP_GPercentage of girls reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_MOBNPercentage of non-mobile pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths one year prior
PTRWM_HIGHPercentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_22Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_23Percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior
PTRWM_HIGH_BPercentage of boys achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_EALPercentage of EAL pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_FSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior
PTRWM_HIGH_GPercentage of girls reaching the HIGHected standard in reading, writing and maths
PTRWM_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_MOBNPercentage of non-mobile pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A_22Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
PTRWM_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1A_23Percentage of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing one year prior
PTSCITA_ADPercentage of pupils absent or disapplied in science TA
PTSCITA_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in science TA
PTWRITTA_ADPercentage of pupils absent or disapplied in writing TA
PTWRITTA_EXPPercentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in writing
PTWRITTA_EXP_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in writing
PTWRITTA_EXP_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_EXP_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_EXP_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment reaching the expected standard in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_EXP_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in writing
PTWRITTA_HIGHPercentage of pupils working at greater depth within the expected standard in writing
PTWRITTA_HIGH_FSM6CLA1APercentage of disadvantaged pupils working at greater depth in writing
PTWRITTA_HIGH_HPercentage of pupils with high prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_HIGH_LPercentage of pupils with low prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_HIGH_MPercentage of pupils with medium prior attainment working at greater depth in writing [not populated in 2024]
PTWRITTA_HIGH_NotFSM6CLA1APercentage of non-disadvantaged pupils working at greater depth in writing
PTWRITTA_WTSPercentage of pupils working towards the expected standard in writing
READ_AVERAGEAverage scaled score in reading
READ_AVERAGE_22Average scaled score in reading - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
READ_AVERAGE_23Average scaled score in reading - one year prior
READ_AVERAGE_BAverage scaled score in reading for boys
READ_AVERAGE_EALAverage scaled score in reading for EAL pupils
READ_AVERAGE_FSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in reading for disadvantaged pupils
READ_AVERAGE_GAverage scaled score in reading for girls
READ_AVERAGE_HAverage scaled score in reading for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READ_AVERAGE_LAverage scaled score in reading for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READ_AVERAGE_MAverage scaled score in reading for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READ_AVERAGE_MOBNAverage scaled score in reading for MOBN pupils
READ_AVERAGE_NotFSM6CLA1AAverage scaled score in reading for non-disadvantaged pupils
READCOVReading progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024]
READPROGReading progress measure [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_22Reading progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_23Reading progress measure - one year prior
READPROG_BReading progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_B_LOWERReading progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_B_UPPERReading progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_DESCRReading progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_EALReading progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_EAL_LOWERReading progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_EAL_UPPERReading progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_FSM6CLA1AReading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWERReading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPERReading progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_GReading progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_G_LOWERReading progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_G_UPPERReading progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_HReading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_H_LOWERReading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_H_UPPERReading progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_LReading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_L_LOWERReading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_L_UPPERReading progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_LOWERReading progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_LOWER_22Reading progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_LOWER_23Reading progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior
READPROG_MReading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_M_LOWERReading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_M_UPPERReading progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_MOBNReading progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_MOBN_LOWERReading progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_MOBN_UPPERReading progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1AReading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWERReading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPERReading progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_UNADJUSTEDUnadjusted reading progress measure [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_UPPERReading progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_UPPER_22Reading progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
READPROG_UPPER_23Reading progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior
record_typeRecord type
TAB15School published in secondary school (key stage 4) performance tables
TAB1618School published in school and college (key stage 5) performance tables
TEALGRP1Number of eligible pupils with English as first language
TEALGRP2Number of eligible pupils with English as additional language (EAL)
TEALGRP3Number of eligible pupils with unclassified language
telephone_numberSchool telephone number
TELIGPublished eligible pupil number
TELIG_22Number of eligible pupils 2022 [not populated in 2024]
TELIG_23Number of eligible pupils 2023
TFSM6CLA1ANumber of key stage 2 disadvantaged pupils (those who were eligible for free school meals in last 6 years or are looked after by the LA for a day or more or who have been adopted from care)
TKS1AVERAGECohort level key stage 1 average points score [not populated in 2024]
TKS1GROUP_HNumber of pupils in cohort high KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
TKS1GROUP_LNumber of pupils in cohort with low KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
TKS1GROUP_MNumber of pupils in cohort with medium KS1 attainment [not populated in 2024]
TKS1GROUP_NANo. of pupils in KS1 group not calculable [not populated in 2024]
TMOBNNumber of eligible pupils classified as non-mobile
TNOTFSM6CLA1ANumber of key stage 2 pupils who are not disadvantaged
TOTPUPSTotal number of pupils (including part-time pupils)
TOWNSchool town
TPUPYEARNumber of pupils aged 11
TSENELENumber of eligible pupils with EHC plan
TSENELEKNumber of eligible pupils with SEN (EHC plan or SEN support)
TSENELKNumber of eligible pupils with SEN support
URN_ACConverter academy: URN
WRITCOVWriting progress measure - coverage [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROGWriting progress measure [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_22Writing progress measure - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_23Writing progress measure - one year prior
WRITPROG_BWriting progress measure for boys [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_B_LOWERWriting progress measure for boys - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_B_UPPERWriting progress measure for boys - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_DESCRWriting progress measure 'description' [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_EALWriting progress measure for EAL pupils [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_EAL_LOWERWriting progress measure for EAL pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_EAL_UPPERWriting progress measure for EAL pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1AWriting progress measure for disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1A_LOWERWriting progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_FSM6CLA1A_UPPERWriting progress measure for disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_GWriting progress measure for girls [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_G_LOWERWriting progress measure for girls - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_G_UPPERWriting progress measure for girls - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_HWriting progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_H_LOWERWriting progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_H_UPPERWriting progress measure for pupils with high prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_LWriting progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_L_LOWERWriting progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_L_UPPERWriting progress measure for pupils with low prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_LOWERWriting progress measure - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_LOWER_22Writing progress measure - lower confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_LOWER_23Writing progress measure - lower confidence limit - one year prior
WRITPROG_MWriting progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_M_LOWERWriting progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_M_UPPERWriting progress measure for pupils with medium prior attainment - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_MOBNWriting progress measure for non-mobile pupils [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_MOBN_LOWERWriting progress measure for non-mobile pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_MOBN_UPPERWriting progress measure for non-mobile pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1AWriting progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_LOWERWriting progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - lower confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_NotFSM6CLA1A_UPPERWriting progress measure for non-disadvantaged pupils - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_UNADJUSTEDUnadjusted writing progress measure [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_UPPERWriting progress measure - upper confidence limit [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_UPPER_22Writing progress measure - upper confidence limit - two years prior [not populated in 2024]
WRITPROG_UPPER_23Writing progress measure - upper confidence limit - one year prior
  1. Definitions for the symbols used in this file can be found in the methodology document.

Key stage 2 institution level 2024 - Multi-academy trusts (performance)

Geographic levels
Time period
This file contains data on the attainment of Multi-Academy Trusts at institution level.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
disadvantageDisadvantage group
number_of_pupilsNumber of pupils
prwm_exp_wgtavgWeighted percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in Reading, Writing, and Maths (combined)

Key stage 2 institution level 2024 - Multi-academy trusts (trust information)

Geographic levels
Time period
This file contains data on trust information of Multi-Academy Trusts at institution level.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
numinst_3_matptincNumber of academies in the MAT that have been with the MAT for 3 full academic years - eligible for MAT measures
numinst_4plus_matptincNumber of academies in the MAT that have been with the MAT for 4 or more full academic years - eligible for MAT measures
numinst_converter_inmatOverall number of converter academies in the MAT
numinst_converter_matptincNumber of converter academies in the MAT - eligible for MAT measures
numinst_free_inmatOverall number of free/studio/UTC academies in the MAT
numinst_free_matptincNumber of free schools in the MAT - eligible for MAT measures
numinst_fsm6cla1a_matptincNumber of academies in the MAT that have disadvantaged pupils - eligible for MAT measures
numinst_inmatOverall number of academies in the MAT
numinst_matptincNumber of academies in the MAT - eligible for MAT measures
numinst_sponsor_inmatOverall number of sponsor-led academies in the MAT
numinst_sponsor_matptincNumber of sponsor-led academies in the MAT - eligible for MAT measures
trust_leadregionTrust's Lead region