All supporting files from this release are listed for individual download below:
Advanced learner loans applications - top 10 qualifications (csv, 16 Kb)
Advanced learner loans applications - top 10 qualifications
Education and Training Achievement Rates - By Provider with Provider Type (zip, 4 Mb)
2021/22 and 2022/23 achievement rates for individual providers. Also includes provider type.
Education and Training Achievement Rates - Transparency Redactions (pdf, 579 Kb)
Redacted 2021/22 Education and Training achievement rates for those providers whose data has been redacted from the official provider level national achievement rate tables. Note there are no redactions for the 2022/23 year.
FE and skills (FES) learner achievements (excluding Community Learning and non-regulated Multiply aims) (csv, 544 B)
Adult (19+) FE and skills (FES) learner achievements (excluding Community Learning and non-regulated Multiply aims) from 2016/17 to 2023/24. This file was published in January 2025. Full details of all our underlying data files can be found in the document called "Metadata for underlying data files".
FE and skills (FES) learner achievements (excluding Community Learning and non-regulated Multiply aims) by local authority (csv, 75 Kb)
Adult (19+) FE and skills (FES) learner achievements (excluding Community Learning and non-regulated Multiply aims) by local authority from 2018/19 to 2023/24. This file was published in January 2025. Full details of all our underlying data files can be found in the document called "Metadata for underlying data files".
FE and skills (FES) provider participation by provision type and learner characteristic (csv, 8 Mb)
This file contains the number of learners participating in Education and training, Community Learning, Apprenticeships and Tailored Learning in each provider by demographic breakdown for full year 2021/22 to 2023/24 and Quarter 1 2024/25.
Free Courses for Jobs course list starts by provider and academic year (csv, 231 Kb)
Course starts by any adult on the list of courses valid for the Free Courses for Jobs offer, April 2021 to October 2024 reported to date
Metadata for underlying data files (pdf, 490 Kb)
Explanatory information for using the underlying data files that accompany the FE and skills 2024/25 statistics publication.
Underlying data - FE and skills (FES) aims achievements (zip, 16 Mb)
This contains lots of additional data on FE and skills aims achievements. Full details of all our underlying data files can be found in the document called "Metadata for underlying data files".
Underlying data - FE and skills (FES) aims achievements 2023/24 re-cast (zip, 138 Mb)
This version of the 2023/24 full-year file (published November 2024) is recast using the latest definitions. Full details of our underlying data files can be found in the "Metadata for underlying data files" document.
Underlying data - FE and skills (FES) aims enrolments (zip, 186 Mb)
This contains lots of additional data on FE and skills aims enrolments. Full details of all our underlying data files can be found in the document called "Metadata for underlying data files.
Underlying data - FE and skills (FES) aims enrolments 2023/24 re-cast (zip, 267 Mb)
This version of the 2023/24 full-year file (published November 2024) is recast using the latest definitions. Full details of our underlying data files can be found in the "Metadata for underlying data files" document.
Underlying data - FE and skills (FES) demographics (csv, 4 Mb)
This contains lots of additional data on FE and skills demographics. Full details of all our underlying data files can be found in the document called "Metadata for underlying data files".
Underlying data - FE and skills (FES) learner participation (zip, 31 Mb)
This contains lots of additional data on FE and skills learner participation. Full details of all our underlying data files can be found in the document called "Metadata for underlying data files".
Underlying data – Free Courses for Jobs Starts and Achievements on Individual Courses (csv, 76 Kb)
Total starts and achievements on individual courses through the 'Free Courses for Jobs' offer, April 2021 to October 2024