Table Tool

Create your own tables

Choose the data and area of interest you want to explore and then use filters to create your table.
Once you've created your table, you can download the data it contains for your own offline analysis.

  1. Step 1 Choose a publication

    Further education and skills
  2. Step 2 Select a data set

    Data set
    Learner characteristics - Participation, Achievement by Age, Sex, Detailed Ethnicity, LLDD, Provision Type
  3. Step 3 Choose locations

    • England
  4. Step 4 Choose time period

    Time period
    2019/20 to 2023/24
  5. Step 5 Choose your filters

    • Learner achievements
    • Participation
    Age (under 19/19+)
    • 19+
    Age group (with unknowns)
    • Total
    • 19-24
    • 25-49
    • 50+
    • Under 19
    Ethnicity major
    • Total
    Ethnicity minor
    • Total
    Learning difficulty/disability
    • Total
    • Total
    Minority ethnic
    • Total
    Provision type
    • Education and Training
    • Total
  6. Step 6 Explore data

    This is the latest data
    WarningSome rows and columns are not shown in this table as the data does not exist in the underlying file.
    'Learner characteristics - Participation, Achievement by Age, Sex, Detailed Ethnicity, LLDD, Provision Type' for 19+, 19-24, 25-49, 50+, Education and Training and 1 other filter in England between 2019/20 and 2023/24
    Learner achievements954,900858,530907,810985,7901,015,690
    Learner achievements160,330167,920152,060155,840165,240
    Learner achievements548,410510,780541,740583,980593,610
    Learner achievements245,760179,450213,710245,690256,590
    Learner achievements410370310280260


    1. Age is based on age as at 31 August of the academic year.
    2. Education and Training includes Traineeships.

    Save table

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