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A level entries and results (end of 16-18 study) by subject and student characteristics
A level grades achieved by subject and student characteristics. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- A.
- A*
- B.
- Filters
- A level subject
- Characteristic
- Gender
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
- File
Entries to applied general qualifications
Applied general entries by Ofqual subject areas and student gender. Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Entries
- Filters
- Gender
- Ofqual subject area
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
- File
Regional and local authority A level entries and results (end of 16-18 study) by STEM subject and gender
A level grades achieved by region or local authority, STEM subject and student gender. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, Regional
- Indicators
- A.
- A*
- B.
- Filters
- A level subject
- Gender
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
- File
Regional and local authority A level entries and results (end of 16-18 study) by subject and gender
A level grades achieved by region or local authority, subject and student gender. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, Regional
- Indicators
- A.
- A*
- B.
- Filters
- A level subject
- Gender
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
- File
Attainment and other performance tables measures by local authority and gender
Attainment metrics for all qualification cohorts, by region or local authority and student gender.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, Regional
- Indicators
- % achieving ≥ 2 A levels
- % achieving ≥ 2 academic results
- % achieving ≥ 2 substantial level 3 results
- Filters
- Gender
- Institution type
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
- File
English and maths progress by prior attainment (maths historical data)
Maths progress (2017/18, 2018/19), by prior attainment points and points at end of 16-18 study.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Average progress (change in point score)
- Number of students
- Percent improving their point score
- Filters
- Points at end of 16-18 study
- Prior attainment points
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2018/19
- File
A level grade combinations by student characteristics
A level grade combinations achieved, by student characteristics.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- A*/A*/ A* or better
- A*/A*/A or better
- A*/A/A or better
- Filters
- Characteristic
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
- File
Vocational and technical qualifications
Attainment metrics for vocational and technical qualifications.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- % entering applied generals
- % entering tech certificates
- % entering tech levels
- Filters
- Gender
- Institution
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
- File
English and maths progress by prior attainment (English)
English progress (2019/20), by prior attainment points and points at end of 16-18 study.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Average progress (change in point score)
- Number of students
- Percent improving their point score
- Filters
- Points at end of 16-18 study
- Prior attainment points
- Time period
- 2019/20
- File
A level entries and results (end of 16-18 study) by STEM subject and student characteristics
A level grades achieved by STEM subject and student characteristics. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- School and college outcomes and performance
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- A level and other 16 to 18 results
- Release
- Academic year 2019/20
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- A.
- A*
- B.
- Filters
- A level subject
- Characteristic
- Gender
- Time period
- 2017/18 to 2019/20
- File