Data set from A level and other 16 to 18 results

Attainment and other performance measures - rurality

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Attainment by rurality.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
A level and other 16 to 18 results
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number of students at end of 16-18 study
  • Number of A level students
  • APS per A level entry
  • Rurality
Time period
2019/20 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201920Academic yearRegionalE92000001EnglandFinalNorth EastE12000001Urban - Major conurbation16513633943884444201885337.7735B-37.7698B-30.5858Dist-29.3524Merit+82.25381.47280.513333037.2543B-17.53827.748333019.429234115.805281230.65423229.3452255.4277L2Pass+
201920Academic yearRegionalE92000001EnglandFinalWest MidlandsE12000005Urban - Major conurbation330431598812073122585537143636.6124B-36.6359B-33.2256Dist-30.1571Dist-87.05382.11780.951880836.9865B-16.9526.34880819.63398014.121506633.12340819.3114155.7574L2Merit-
201920Academic yearRegionalE92000001EnglandFinalEast of EnglandE12000006Urban - Major conurbation675932972947298077114039.4064B39.2955B31.8761Dist-29.8353Merit+93.47988.49787.617237239.5995B22.97633.558237225.5910242.051118615.5146944.035295.6739L2Merit-
201920Academic yearRegionalE92000001EnglandFinalEast MidlandsE12000004Urban - Major conurbation7566474743037.8646B-37.9039B-36.7353Dist+zz92.42465.95765.9572138.254B-14.28628.5712119.0480z221000z0zz
201920Academic yearRegionalE92000001EnglandFinalSouth WestE12000009Urban - Major conurbation000000zzzzzzzzzzz0zzzz0z0z0z0z0zz

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 34 variables
Variable nameVariable description
aps_per_entry_acadAPS per academic entry
aps_per_entry_agenAPS per applied general entry
aps_per_entry_alevAPS per A level entry
aps_per_entry_best3APS per 'Best 3' entries
aps_per_entry_grade_acadAverage academic result


  1. Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, applied single A level, applied double A level or combined A/AS level during 16-18 study, excluding critical thinking and general studies. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
  2. Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, excluding critical thinking and general studies. Excludes those students who have entered only applied A levels or applied AS levels. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
  3. A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
  4. A maximum of 60 points are available for A level, 50 points for applied general and tech level and 8 points for technical certificates. More information on points, APS bands and grade boundaries can be found in the technical guide for 16 to 18 accountability measures (opens in a new tab).
  5. A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particularly within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.

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