The statistics and data cover the absence of pupils of compulsory school age during the 2016/17 academic year in the following state-funded school types:
- primary schools
- secondary schools
- special schools
They also include information for pupil referral units (opens in a new tab) and pupils aged 4 years.
We use the key measures of overall absence (opens in a new tab) and persistent absence (opens in a new tab) to monitor pupil absence and also include absence by reason (opens in a new tab) and pupil characteristics (opens in a new tab).
The statistics and data are available at national, regional, local authority (LA) and school level and are used by LAs and schools to compare their local absence rates to regional and national averages for different pupil groups.
They're also used for policy development as key indicators in behaviour and school attendance policy.
Within this release, absence by reason is broken down in three different ways:
distribution of absence by reason - the proportion of absence for each reason, calculated by taking the number of absences for a specific reason as a percentage of the total number of absences
rate of absence by reason - the rate of absence for each reason, calculated by taking the number of absences for a specific reason as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions
one or more sessions missed due to each reason - the number of pupils missing at least 1 session due to each reason