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NPQs - Total Participants - 2022-23
The number of funded and non-funded NPQ starts, the number of unique funded NPQ participants, the total teaching workforce and the percentage of the teaching workforce undertaking a funded NPQ, broken down by course type, region, local authority, school phase, school type, age group, gender, ethnicity, grade and working hours.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Teacher and Leader development: ECF and NPQs
- Release
- Academic year 2022/23
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, National, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of funded NPQ starts
- Number of funded unique NPQ participants
- Number of funded unique NPQ participants from SWC eligible school types
- Filters
- Group Name
- Time period
- 2021/22 to 2022/23
- File
ECF - Total Participants - 2022-23
The number and percentage of early career teachers participating in the provider-led and school-led ECF-based induction, the training completion rate for early career teachers on the provider-led induction, and the number of mentors participating in the provider-led ECF-based induction, broken down by appropriate body type, region, local authority, school phase, school type, gender, ethnicity, age group and working hours.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Teacher and Leader development: ECF and NPQs
- Release
- Academic year 2022/23
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, National, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of ECTs in SWC
- Number of ECTs in SWC who started provider-led ECF-based induction
- Number of ECTs in SWC who started provider-led ECF-based induction - Pending confirmation
- Filters
- Group Name
- Time period
- 2021/22 to 2022/23
- File