Privacy notice

Who we are

The Explore education statistics service is operated by the Department for Education (DfE).

For the purpose of data protection legislation, DfE is the data controller for the personal data processed as part of the explore education statistics service.

How we'll use your information

We receive your personal data when you sign up and subscribe to receive notifications about the Explore education statistics service.

We’ll process your data in order to email you updates to let you know when the service has been updated and keep you informed about any changes to the statistics and data it contains.

Your use of our service means you agree to our use of your personal data as set out in this privacy notice.

The nature of your personal data we'll be using

In terms of your personal data, we’ll be using your email address to send you notifications about the service.

Why our use of your personal data is lawful

In order for our use of your personal data to be lawful, we need to meet 1 (or more) conditions in the data protection legislation.

For the purpose of this service, the relevant condition we're relying on is Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Who we’ll make your personal data available to

We sometimes need to make personal data available to other organisations.

These might include contracted partners (who we have employed to process your personal data on our behalf) and/or other organisations (with whom we need to share your personal data for specific purposes).

Where we need to share your personal data with others, we make sure this data sharing complies with data protection legislation.

For the purpose of this service we need to share your personal data with GOV.UK Notify (a service provided by the Government Digital Service which is part of the Cabinet Office) so we can send you email notifications about this service.

Where your data is stored

We store your data on secure servers in the European Economic Area (EEA). By submitting your personal data, you agree to this.

How long we'll keep your personal data

We’ll only keep your personal data for as long as we need it for the purpose of sending you notifications, after which your personal data will be securely destroyed.

Under Data Protection legislation, and in compliance with the relevant data processing conditions, personal data can be kept for longer periods of time when processed purely for archiving in the public interest, statistical purposes and historical or scientific research. For further information refer to GDPR Article 6(1)(e).

Your data protection rights

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to:

  • ask us for access to information about you that we hold
  • have your personal data rectified - if it's inaccurate or incomplete
  • request the deletion or removal of personal data where there's no compelling reason for its continued processing
  • restrict our processing of your personal data (ie permitting its storage but no further processing)
  • object to direct marketing (including profiling) and processing for the purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics
  • not to be subject to decisions based purely on automated processing where it produces a legal or similarly significant effect on you

If you need to contact us regarding any of the above use the details on DfE's Contact the Department for Education (DfE) page.

Further information about your data protection rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website.

Withdrawal of consent and the right to lodge a complaint

Where we’re processing your personal data with your consent - you have the right to withdraw that consent.

If you change your mind, or you are unhappy with our use of your personal data, let us know by contacting the explore education statistics service at

You have the right to raise any concerns via the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website.

Last updated

We may need to update this privacy notice periodically so we recommend you revisit from time to time. This version was last updated on 14/04/2020.

Contact information

If you have any questions about how your personal information will be used contact the Explore education statistics service or contact DfE's Data Protection Officer (DPO) via our Contact the Department for Education (DfE) page.