4. The overall absence rates in this release are based on all of the absences (authorised and unauthorised) pupils have accrued across their full key stage:

For KS4 pupils, to account for high levels of study leave and other authorised absence at the end of KS4, absence data in the 6th half term of pupils’ final KS4 year has not been included.
5. All maintained schools are required to provide two possible sessions per day, morning and afternoon, to all pupils and schools must meet for at least 380 sessions (or 190 days) during any school year to educate their pupils. Pupils that do not have a full set of possible sessions across the whole of KS2 or KS4 have been removed from the analysis. This ensured that pupils with high values of possible sessions (which were likely to be incorrect) or those with extremely low numbers of possible sessions (for whom we would not be able to determine a full picture of the link between their absence and attainment) were removed and did not distort the findings. These pupils have been identified by looking at each pupil’s possible sessions and comparing it to the mode (most common) number of possible sessions across all pupils at the end of each key stage in each year. Only pupils with possible sessions within 10 per cent either side of the mode value for each year have been included. Meaning that for a pupil to be included their total number of possible sessions each year must conform to the following:
Mode possible sessions × 0.9 ≤ Possible sessions ≤ Mode possible sessions × 1.1
6. Tables 3 and 7 (Figures 3 and 7) show absence levels grouped by pupil percentiles, designed so a similar number of pupils are present in each bracket. Pupils were placed in ascending order of overall absence rates across KS2/KS4 and then grouped into five per cent bands (i.e. a similar numbers of pupils are included in each band). For example, the 0 - <5 per cent band includes the five per cent of pupils with the lowest overall absence rates across KS2/KS4 and the 95- 100 per cent bracket contains the five per cent of pupils with the highest overall absence rates across KS2/KS4.