Reformed NPQs
The Teacher CPD Service dataset collects information on the number of teachers and leaders who are taking a DfE funded or a non-DfE funded NPQ from the reformed suite of NPQs. The number of funded NPQ starts was calculated by including all DfE funded NPQ courses that are recoded in the Teacher CPD Service dataset as having been started.
This figure is broken down by course type, region and phase of education, using data from Get Information About Schools data.
NPQs (2017 suite)
The department holds management information on the number of teachers and leaders who participated in a DfE funded or a non-DfE funded NPQ from the 2017 suite of NPQs. The number of funded NPQs (2017 suite) starts was calculated by including all DfE funded NPQ courses that are recorded in the dataset as having been started. The number of funded NPQs (2017 suite) completions was calculated by including all DfE funded NPQ courses that are recorded in the dataset as having been successfully completed.