All supporting files from this release are listed for individual download below:
School level underlying data 2024 (csv, 10 Mb)
Data at school level including number of pupils by SEN provision and type of need
This publication combines information from the school census (state-funded schools), school level annual school census (independent schools) and general hospital school census on pupils with special educational needs (SEN).
The publication includes breakdowns by type of SEN provision, type of need, age, national curriculum year group, sex, ethnicity, English as a first language and free school meal eligibility.
Local authority data on EHC plans is published in the Education, health and care plans publication, which includes all children and young people up to age 25 with EHC plans, and includes those not captured in this publication in non-maintained early years provision, further education, home education or not in education, employment or training.
percent of pupils with an EHC plan. Up from 4.3% in 2023
Percentage of all pupils in England with an education, health and care (EHC) plan. This includes all state-funded nursery, primary, secondary and special schools, non-maintained special schools, pupil referral units and independent schools.
percent of pupils with SEN support. Up from 13.0% in 2023
The percentage of pupils in England with SEN support. This includes all state-funded nursery, primary, secondary and special schools, non-maintained special schools, pupil referral units and independent schools.
An increase of 101,000 from 2023. This includes the number of pupils with an education, health and care (EHC) plan and the number of pupils with SEN support, both of which continue a trend of increases since 2016.
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All supporting files from this release are listed for individual download below:
Data at school level including number of pupils by SEN provision and type of need
Education, health and care (EHC) plans
A local authority may issue an EHC plan for a pupil who needs more support than is available through SEN support. This will follow a statutory assessment process whereby the local authority considers the pupil’s special educational needs and any relevant health and social care needs; sets out long term outcomes; and specifies provision which will deliver additional support to meet those needs.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) support
SEN support means support that is additional to, or different from, the support generally made for other children of the same age in a school. It is provided for pupils who are identified as having a learning difficulty or a disability that requires extra or different help to that normally provided as part of the school’s usual curriculum offer. A pupil on SEN support will not have an education, health and care plan.
Independent schools
Guidance on how independent schools are advised to record pupils with special educational needs is available in section 2.5 of the School level annual school census (opens in a new tab).
The number of pupils with an EHC plan has increased by 11.6% between 2023 and 2024 to 434,000, and by a total of 83.4% since 2016. The number of pupils with SEN support has increased by 4.7% from 2023 to 2024, and by a total of 24.9% since 2016. Since 2016, the total pupil population increased by 6.2%.
Pupils with an EHC plan made up one quarter (26.0%) of all pupils with SEN in January 2024. This is an increase from 19.3% in 2016.
The percentage of pupils with an EHC plan has increased to 4.8% in 2024, continuing a trend of increases since 2016. Prior to this, the rate had remained steady at 2.8% (opens in a new tab).This is in line with local authority data on the number of EHC plans.
The percentage of pupils with SEN support has increased to 13.6%, continuing an increasing trend from 2016.
Local authority data on EHC plans is published in the Education, health and care plans publication, which includes all children and young persons up to age 25 with EHC plans, and those not captured in this publication in non-maintained early years provision, further education, home education or not in education, employment or training.
The largest increase in EHC plans was in primary, with an additional 18,900 pupils with plans since 2023.
The number of pupils with an EHC plan in state-funded AP schools has increased, however the percentage of pupils with an EHC plan has decreased from 25.5% to 24.2%. This is driven by larger increases in the number of pupils in state-funded AP schools with SEN support or no SEN.
The percentage of all pupils with an EHC plan who are in mainstream schools (state-funded primary and secondary) has increased from 52.7% to 54.4% in 2024, these trends continue patterns seen since 2018.
Primary and secondary type of need are recorded in the school census and are available for state-funded nursery, primary, secondary and special schools, non-maintained special schools and state-funded AP schools. Data on type of need is not available for independent schools or general hospital schools and these are not included in totals in this section.
One in three pupils with an EHC plan are identified with a primary need of ASD (33.0%).
The primary need identified for one in four pupils is speech, language and communication needs (25.6%). This is followed by social, emotional and mental health needs (22.3%) and moderate learning difficulty (15.8%)
These trends are similar to previous years.
Information on the characteristics of pupils with SEN are recorded in the school census and are available for state-funded nursery, primary, secondary and special schools, non-maintained special schools and state-funded AP schools. Data is not available for independent schools or general hospital schools and these are not included in totals in this section.
SEN is most prevalent at age 9
The percentage of pupils who have SEN support increases during primary school age, reaching a peak of 16.3% of pupils at age 9. This then steadily declines through secondary ages, to 12.9% at age 15. The proportion continues to decrease after compulsory school age.
The percentage of pupils with an EHC plan also increases with age, from 3.9% at age 5, up to a later peak of 5.7% at age 11 before slowly declining to 5.1% at age 15. The proportion continues to decrease after compulsory school age.
72.0% of pupils with an EHC plan are male, and 62.0% of pupils with SEN support are male. The proportion of pupils with SEN that are male has been decreasing in recent years.
The percentage of all pupils eligible for free school meals has increased since the introduction of transitional protections which will continue to be in place during the roll out of Universal Credit. This has meant that pupils eligible for free school meals on or after 1 April 2018 retain their free school meals eligibility even if their circumstances change. In January 2024, 24.6% of pupils were eligible for free school meals, compared to 13.6% in 2018.
42.2% of pupils with an EHC plan and 38.3% of pupils with SEN support are eligible for free school meals in 2024. This compares to 21.4% of all pupils in schools without SEN.
84.2% of pupils who have SEN support and 84.2% of pupils with an EHC plan have a first language known to be or believed to be English. This is a slight decrease from the previous year, and compares to 78.7% of all pupils in schools.
25.9% of pupils recorded as Traveller of Irish heritage ethnic group had SEN support in 2024, and a further 7.3% had an EHC plan. The lowest rate for SEN is in the Chinese ethnic group, 5.2% of pupils in this ethnic group had SEN support and 2.2% had an EHC plan.
SEN units are special provisions within a mainstream school where the pupils with SEN are taught within separate classes for at least half of their time. Units:
Schools should only use this indicator where the SEN unit has been formally recognised as such by the local authority where the school is located.
Resourced provisions are places that are reserved at a mainstream school for pupils with a specific type of SEN, taught for at least half of their time within mainstream classes, but requiring a base and some specialist facilities around the school.
Resourced provisions:
Schools should only use this indicator where the resourced provision has been formally recognised as such by the local authority where the school is located.
Most pupils placed in units will have an EHC plan. It is unlikely that a child would be placed in a unit and also receive support from resourced provision, but a school could have resourced provision for one type of need and a unit for another.
Following an exercise to investigate and improve the quality of data on SEN units and resourced provisions, additional validation checks on the recording of these provisions were introduced into the data collection from 2020. This has resulted in significant changes to the data series and as a result comparisons to previous years are not recommended. Full information on SEN units and resourced provisions is available in the school level underlying data file that accompanies this release.
The school level data shows that in January 2024, there were 392 schools in England with SEN units, an increase from 373 in 2023, and 1,168 schools with a resourced provision, a slight increase from 1,125 in 2023.
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