These statistics are based on quarterly Labour Force Survey (LFS) (opens in a new tab) data. They provide estimates of young people: not in education, employment or training (NEET) and not in education or training (NET).
The NEET and NET rates both capture young people who are not in education or training. However, NEET also captures those young people not in employment. Employment has a larger impact on NEET rates for those post compulsory education age (18+) as many are active in the labour market.
The statistics cover 16-24 year olds in England, together with other age breakdowns within that bracket e.g. 16/17 and 18-24 year olds. Estimates are based on academic age, defined as ‘age at the start of the academic year’ i.e. age as at 31 August. They also include some breakdowns by:
- gender
- labour market status
- region
These statistics should be used to see latest trends in NEET rates for 16-24 year olds. Trends are assessed by comparing the latest quarter’s data with the same period in an earlier year to account for seasonal effects.
Data is provided up to and including October to December 2020.
As quarter four (October to December) 2020 is the latest data available and the first full quarter of the 2020/21 academic year, commentary in this release focuses mainly on this quarter.
LFS responses are weighted to official population estimates and projections that do not currently reflect the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The LFS is not designed to measure changes in the levels of population or long-term international migration. The Office for National Statistics is analysing the population totals used in the weighting process and may make adjustments if appropriate. Rates published from the LFS remain robust and reliable, however levels and changes in levels should be used with caution.
See 'Other NEET sources' section for further information on related statistics on:
- Participation in education, training and employment for 16-18 year olds (opens in a new tab)
- Local authority NEET and participation for 16/17 year olds (opens in a new tab)
- UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates of NEET for 16-24 year olds (opens in a new tab)
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