Changes in candidate and acceptance numbers between 2023/24 and 2024/25.
The number of candidates applying to primary ITT courses remained steady from 2023/24 (19,350) to 2024/25 (19,237) while the number of accepted candidates decreased by 4% to 8,949.
For secondary subjects overall, the number of candidates applying for 2024/25 courses increased by 25% to 37,560 compared to the previous year, while the number of accepted candidates increased by 16% to 14,945.
In particular:
- The number of Physics candidates has increased by 82% from 2,944 to 5,364 in 2024/25, while the number of accepted candidates has increased by 50% to 940.
- The number of Religious Education candidates has increased by 80% from 770 to 1,383 in 2024/25, while the number of accepted candidates has increased by 74% to 406.
- The number of Art & Design candidates has increased by 61% from 1,112 to 1,786 in 2024/25, while the number of accepted candidates has increased by 81% to 790.
- STEM subjects saw a 40% increase in candidates (18,591) and a 25% increase in accepted candidates (5,676).
- The only subject with fewer candidates applying compared to the previous year was Primary with a 0.6% decrease. However, five subjects saw a decrease in the number of acceptances from the previous year: Drama (7%), Business Studies (4%), Primary (4%), History (3%), and Chemistry (0.3%).
Candidates in the High Potential ITT route are excluded from these candidate/acceptance statistics, as they do not use the Apply service.
The number of international candidates has increased, and the number of international accepted candidates has also increased.
There has been an overall increase in the number of candidates of all nationalities, with the number of international candidates rising considerably; 2,446 candidates for the 2024/25 courses were EEA (excluding Irish) nationals (an 18% increase from the previous year) and 15,599 candidates were of other nationalities (a 37% increase). There was a 7% increase of British and Irish candidates from the previous year.
Of the accepted candidates for ITT 2024/25 courses who declared their nationality, 87% were British and Irish nationals, 5% were EEA (excluding Irish) nationals, and 8% of nationals were from other countries. Compared to ITT 2023/24 accepted candidates, there has been a decrease of 2 percentage points for British and Irish nationals, an increase of 1 percentage point for EEA (excluding Irish) nationals, and an increase of 2 percentage points for other nationals.
Acceptance rates for 2024/25
53% of candidates who applied to 2024/25 courses went on to be offered and accept a place (in-cycle acceptance rate), down from 58% in 2023/24 and 78% in 2022/23. The year-on-year decreases are largely driven by increases in international applicants who typically have a lower acceptance rate. However, acceptance rates for all subjects have fallen across nationality groups in the latest year, except for EEA nationals. The subjects which have seen the increase in acceptance rates for EEA nationals are; Mathematics, Art & Design, History, Drama, Biology, and Chemistry.
ITT application acceptances and acceptance rates by candidate characteristics
Proportions of accepted candidates by characteristic
- For 2024/25 ITT courses, of accepted candidates for whom we have data, 31% are male and 68% are female.
- The largest age group of accepted candidates is aged under 25 (47%).
- There were no notable changes in proportions of accepted candidates by characteristics between 2023/24 and 2024/25 for sex and age groups.
- Of accepted candidates who declared their ethnic group, 70% were White, 15% Asian/ Asian British, 9% Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British, 4% Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group and 3% Other ethnic group in 2024/25. This compares to approximately 80%, 10%, 5%, 3%, and 2% of the working age population, respectively, belonging to these ethnic groups in England (Census 2021) . In 2024/25, the proportion of White accepted candidates decreased by 3 percentage points while Asian accepted candidates increased by 1 percentage point and Black accepted candidates increased by 2 percentage points.
Acceptance rates by candidate characteristic
- The acceptance rate for female candidates on to 2024/25 courses was 59%, higher than the acceptance rate of 43% for male candidates (both rates are lower than the 2023/24 acceptance rates, 63% and 48% respectively).
- The acceptance rate for candidates aged under 25 was 73%. The acceptance rate was lower for all older age groups, ranging between 54% for those aged 25-29 and 34% for those aged 35-39.
- White candidates had a higher acceptance rate than all other ethnic groups (72%), while Black candidates had the lowest (21%). Asian and Mixed ethnic groups were accepted at rates of 46% and 62% respectively.
- Whilst the proportions have changed over time, the overall trends for each characteristic have remained broadly consistent over the latest 3 years. However, it should be noted that these acceptance rates will, at least in part, be a reflection of candidate eligibility.