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Apprenticeship starts by enterprise characteristics
Data covering the industry characteristics of apprenticeship starts in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR. Broken down by levy status, enterprise size, two-digit SIC of enterprise, IMD, sector of enterprise and standard classification.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of apprenticeship starts
- Filters
- Apprenticeship standard
- ASA levy supported
- Index of multiple deprivation
- Time period
- 2012/13 to 2020/21
- File
Apprenticeship starts by enterprise characteristics and standard title
Data covering the industry characteristics of apprenticeship starts in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR. Broken down by enterprise size, aim title, level, sector subject area (Tier 1) and standard classification.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Number of apprenticeship starts
- Filters
- Aim Title
- Level
- Sector of enterprise
- Time period
- 2020/21
- File
Summary data for headline figures (2)
Figures for headline statistics summary box- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Number of enterprises with apprenticeship starts, per 1,000 enterprises in England
- Time period
- 2020/21
- File
Apprenticeship achievements by enterprise characteristics, SSA and apprenticeship level
Data covering the industry characteristics of apprenticeship starts in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR. Broken down by levy status, enterprise size, level, enterprise sector, sector subject area (tier 1), apprenticeship standard.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Number of Achievements
- Filters
- Apprenticeship standard
- ASA levy supported
- Level
- Time period
- 2018/19 to 2020/21
- File
Apprenticeship starts by enterprise characteristics and geography - ParlCon
Data covering the industry characteristics of apprenticeship starts in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR. Broken down by enterprise size, enterprise sector, levy status and parliamentary constituency of workplace.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National, Parliamentary constituency, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of apprenticeship starts
- Filters
- ASA levy supported
- Sector of enterprise
- Size of enterprise
- Time period
- 2012/13 to 2020/21
- File
Apprenticeship achievements by enterprise characteristics, apprenticeship level, sex and age
Data covering the industry characteristics of apprenticeship achievements in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR. Broken down by age band, levy status, ethnicity, IMD, level, LLDD, sector, gender, apprenticeship standard.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Number of Achievements
- Filters
- Age band
- Apprenticeship standard
- ASA levy supported
- Time period
- 2018/19 to 2020/21
- File
Summary data for headline figures (1)
Figures for headline statistics summary box- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Percentage of apprenticeship starts in SMEs in 2020/21
- Time period
- 2020/21
- File
Apprenticeship starts by enterprise characteristics, apprenticeship level, sex and age
Data covering the industry characteristics of apprenticeship starts in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR. Broken down by age band, levy status, ethnicity, IMD, level, LLDD, sector, gender, apprenticeship standard.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Number of apprenticeship starts
- Filters
- Age band
- Apprenticeship standard
- ASA levy supported
- Time period
- 2012/13 to 2020/21
- File
Enterprises with apprenticeship starts by enterprise characteristics
Data covering the industry characteristics of enterprises with apprenticeship starts in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR. Broken down by levy status, enterprise size, legal status, number of enterprises, enterprise sector, two-digit sector code of enterprise.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Number of enterprises
- Filters
- At least one start ASA levy supported
- Legal status of enterprise
- Sector of enterprise
- Time period
- 2012/13 to 2020/21
- File
Apprenticeship achievements by enterprise characteristics and geography - ParlCon
Data covering the industry characteristics of apprenticeship achievements in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR. Broken down by enterprise size, enterprise sector, levy status and parliamentary constituency of workplace.- Status
- This is not the latest data
- Theme
- Further education
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Geographic levels
- National, Parliamentary constituency, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of Achievements
- Filters
- ASA levy supported
- Sector of enterprise
- Size of enterprise
- Time period
- 2018/19 to 2020/21
- File