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  • Teacher, management and leadership vacancies in further education providers

    Unfilled vacancies for teachers and managers and leaders. Also gives the number of unfilled vacancies by subject for teachers. Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers. The following subgroups from Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers are also reported on: - Independent Training Provider (ITP); - Local Authority with an Education Remit; - Special Post-16 Institution; - School Based Providers.
    This is the latest data
    Further education
    Last updated
    Further education workforce
    Academic year 2022/23
    Geographic levels
    National, Regional
    • Number of staff (responding providers only)
    • Number of unfilled vacancies by the end of the academic year (responding providers only)
    • Unfilled vacancy rate per 100
    • Name of provider type
    • Sub group of private sector public funded or other public funded
    • Type of staff member role
    Time period
    2021/22 to 2022/23