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NPQs (2017 suite) 2022-23
The total number of funded NPQ starts, completions and the percentage of completed NPQ courses from the 2017 suite of NPQs between autumn 2017 and August 2022, broken down by course type.- Status
- This is the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- ECF and NPQ starts
- Release
- Academic year 2022/23
- Geographic levels
- National, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of funded NPQ (2017 suite) completions
- Number of funded NPQ (2017 suite) starts
- Percentage of funded NPQ (2017 suite) completions
- Filters
- NPQ (2017 suite) course type
- Time period
- 2022/23
- File
ECF 2022-23
The number of early career teachers participating in the provider-led and school-led ECF-based induction and the number of mentors participating in the provider-led ECF-based induction, broken down by region.- Status
- This is the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- ECF and NPQ starts
- Release
- Academic year 2022/23
- Geographic levels
- National, Regional
- Indicators
- Total number of ECTs starting provider-led ECF-based induction
- Total number of mentors trained for provider-led ECF-based induction
- Filters
- Phase of education of the school
- Time period
- 2022/23
- File
Reformed NPQs
The number of funded NPQ starts from the reformed suite of NPQs, broken down by course type, region and school phase.- Status
- This is the latest data
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Published
- Last updated
- Publication
- ECF and NPQ starts
- Release
- Academic year 2022/23
- Geographic levels
- National, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of funded NPQ starts
- Filters
- NPQ course type
- Phase of education
- Time period
- 2022/23
- File