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Supporting information

Statistics release calendar

Browse our upcoming official statistics releases and their expected publication dates.

Data catalogue

View all of the open data available and choose files to download.


Browse to find out more about the methodology behind our statistics and how and why they're collected and published.


Browse our A to Z list of definitions for terms used across our statistics.

Related services

Use these services to find related information and other statistical services provided by the Department for Education (DfE):

Statistics at DfE

Find out more about latest news, announcements, forthcoming releases and ad hoc publications, as well as related education statistics.

Compare school and college performance

Search for and check the performance of primary, secondary and special needs schools and colleges.

Get information about schools

Search to find and download information about schools, colleges, educational organisations and governors in England.

Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool

Compare your school's expenditure with other schools in England.

Contact us

The Explore education statistics service is operated by the Department for Education (DfE).

If you need help and support or have a question about Explore education statistics contact:

Explore education statistics team
