Defining completions and outcomes
For Skills Bootcamps delivered via national contracts:
Completions and Outcomes were calculated based on the presence of the following conditions:
- Completions – The instance must be a valid start AND have a date of when the provider was paid for Milestone 2 (completion milestone - paid to provider when the learner has completed their training).
- Outcomes – The instance must be a valid start AND have a Milestone 2 payment date AND a date of when the provider was paid for Milestone 3 (outcome milestone - paid to the provider when the learner achieves, and evidence is provided of a successful outcome).
For Skills Bootcamps delivered via extended contracts and cold spots and grants areas:
For 2021-22 courses that were part of contracts extended from financial year 2020-21 and those that were delivered in cold spots and grants areas (areas where DfE identified gaps in provision in England where targeted recruitment took place), completions and outcomes were calculated based on the presence of the following conditions, as payment milestone data was not available:
- Completions – The instance must be a valid start AND have answered “Yes” to the question “has the learner completed the course”.
- Outcomes – The instance must be a valid start and the provider must have demonstrated that the learner had achieved a new job or apprenticeship, progressed in their current job, gained new responsibilities, or obtained new business opportunities if self-employed.
For Skills Bootcamps in HGV courses:
For HGV courses, there were cases where learners started at one provider then completed their course at another. This is due to some providers stopping delivery of a HGV Skills Bootcamp, meaning learners moved providers to finish their course. Payment milestones were therefore spread between the providers involved in delivery of a learner’s course.
With this in mind, for HGV courses, completions and outcomes are counted independently and do not require a valid start or previous payment milestone to be valid:
- Completions – The instance must have a completion date for Milestone 2 (completion milestone - paid to provider when the learner has completed their training).
- Outcomes- The instance must have an outcome date of when the provider was paid for Milestone 3 (outcome milestone - paid to the provider when the learner achieves and evidence is provided of a successful outcome).