Unless otherwise stated overall education and training figures include young people in part time education, but not those in reengagement provision, gap years or those with an agreed education and training start date.
Type of activity
Full-time education and training – full time education and training means undergoing more than 16 hours of guided learning per week. This may be undertaken in a school, sixth form or FE or HE institution, special post-16 institution or a custodial institution.
Apprenticeship – full time employees who are undertaking an apprenticeship that has been commissioned and delivered through the National Apprenticeship Service.
Work based learning – government funded work based learning for 16-17 year olds EFA/SFA funded work based learning, Traineeships and Supported Internships.
Part time education – courses of less than 540 hours per year as set out in individual learning agreements. This includes planned learning hours and non-qualification hours which are called planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours (EEP hours).
Employment combined with study – full time employees in a job that provides training or is combined with part time education or training leading to a regulated qualification. The education or training must be the equivalent of at least 280 hours per year. This is the equivalent of around a day a week, but may be undertaken on a block release basis. Full time self-employment, holding a public office or voluntary work may be regarded in the same way as full time employment in these statistics.
Other training – full time training delivered by non-government funded organisations (for example, private colleges or training centres).
Current activity not known to the LA - young people whose current activity is not known in each authority area.
Meeting the duty to participate (as defined in the Education and Skills Act 2008)
Statutory guidance for local authorities on how young people can meet the duty to participate can be found in Participation of young people in education, employment or training (opens in a new tab) .
Full-time education or training - includes school sixth-form, sixth-form college, further education, higher education, other full time education or training, independent specialist provider, custodial institution (juvenile offender), EFA/SFA funded work based learning, other training, traineeship, supported internship or gap years (wider definition than full-time education and training defined above)
Of those not meeting the duty - the proportion of 16 and 17 year olds who are not meeting the duty to participate but who:
- are in part time education that is not combined with full time employment;
- are in employment with training that does not lead to a regulated qualification and which does not therefore meet the duty to participate;
- require a temporary break from learning such as new mothers or the very ill.
NEET or not known
Current activity as recorded on NCCIS is used to produce NEET and not known estimates.
Where a young person's current activity is recorded as any of the following then their activity at the end of the month is categorised as NEET:
- Working not for reward
- Not yet ready for work or learning
- Start date agreed (other)
- Start date agreed (RPA compliant)
- Seeking employment, education or training
- Not available to labour market/learning - carer, teenage parent, illness, pregnancy, religious grounds, unlikely ever to be economically active, other reason
Where a young person's current activity is recorded as any of the following then their activity at the end of the month is categorised as 'Not known' and they are included in the overall NEET/not known figures:
- Current situation not known
- Cannot be contacted - no current address
- Refused to disclose activity
September Guarantee
Percentage of young people who received a suitable offer:
- Education or training
- Re-engagement activities
- Continuing in employment with study (regulated qualification)
Percentage offer not appropriate
- Going into employment without training
- Personal circumstances prevent learning
- Other reason
Percentage no offer
- Application awaiting outcome
- No appropriate provision
- Considering options/not applied for learning
Percentage not recorded
- Unable to contact – current address not known
- Unable to contact – other reason
- Guarantee status not yet recorded