What are penalty notices?
Penalty notices are issued to parents for failing to ensure that their child attends school.
The amount payable in 2023/24 was £60 if paid within 21 days of receipt rising to £120 if paid after 21 days. If the penalty is not paid within 28 days, the local authority must either prosecute for the original offence or withdraw the notice.
The number of penalty notices issued has continued to increase
487,300 penalty notices were issued in 2023/24, up from 398,800 in 2022/23, an increase of 22%. This increase continues the upward trend which started before the pandemic.
Following a general upward trend from 2009/10 to 2012/13, regulations were amended in September 2013 which stated that term time leave may only be granted in exceptional circumstances. This is likely to be a contributing factor to the sharper increase between 2012/13 and 2014/15.
The changes in trend since 2015/16 follow the Isle of Wight Council v Jon Platt cases where the local authority issued proceedings against a parent who had taken their child on a term time holiday. Further information is in the section headed “About the data in this release”.
Figures for 2020/21 and 2021/22 should be treated with caution when comparing to other years. During these years, attendance at school was heavily disrupted, and for two months in 2020/21 measures were disapplied when schools were not open to all pupils. No data was collected for 2019/20.
9 in 10 penalty notices issued for unauthorised family holidays
The majority of penalty notices, 443,300 (91.0%), were issued for unauthorised family holidays. This is an increase of 87,100 (24%) compared to the previous year.
1,100 penalty notices (0.2%) were issued for being late and the remaining 42,900 (8.8%) were issued for other reasons, increases of 100 (10%) and 1,300 (3%) compared to the previous year, respectively.
Large local variation in number of penalty notices issued
The use of penalty notices varied greatly by local authority, with three local authorities issuing no penalty notices (as in the previous year) and 26 out of 153 local authorities accounting for half of all penalty notices issued. There is also considerable variability in the rate of penalty notices issued (as a proportion of pupil enrolments), from zero to 19.5%.
The region with the highest rate of penalty notices issued was Yorkshire and The Humber, at 10.7%, while the lowest rates of penalty notices issued were in Inner London (3.5%) and Outer London (3.4%).