Statistics for the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) for academic year 2023/24. This includes statistics on courses started by pupils, school participation and pupil characteristics. The pupil characteristics included are: Free School Meals eligibility in the last six years, Special Educational Needs status, ethnicity and sex.
The statistics and data for delivery cover England, including regional and local authority breakdowns. The data is also broken down by school phase.
Files, formats and conventions
The files are in .csv format.
Data files
All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.
NTP Delivery 2023/24 in-year data up to May 2024
Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2021 August to 2024 May
In-year data about the delivery of the National Tutoring Programme during the 2023/24 academic year.
The file contains the school participation and the number of courses started based on the Spring 2023/24 School Census on 18th January 2024, and the Summer 2023/24 School Census on 16th May 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Course starts by pupils
Percentage of schools Participating in NTP
Phase of education
Total schools
Total School Participating in NTP
Total since start of NTP or Total in academic year
Figures may not always sum to totals exactly due to rounding.
School participation for in-year statistics is identified based on responses to the School Census. See methodology for further information.
Estimates of the number of courses is estimated using data on hours of tutoring received. Pupils may undertake more than one course. See the methodology for further details.
Schools includes open schools with pupils aged between 5 and 16. See the methodology for further details.
The latest in-year NTP delivery data is based on responses to the Summer 2023/24 School Census on 16 May 2024.
The in-year estimated course starts based on the Autumn (October) 2023 School Census (first published in December 2023) were corrected in the May 2024 publication. Please see the About this statistics publication for details.
Characteristics of pupils receiving tutoring through the NTP for England, regions, and school phase in the 2023/24 academic year, based on the delivery of tutoring up to the Summer School Census on 16th May 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Characteristic group
Phase of education
Number of pupils
Percentage of pupils
Figures may not always sum to totals exactly due to rounding.
Pupil characteristics for the delivery of tutoring are reported for male and female based on sex rather than gender, since January 2024. This change is due to a change in the items contained within the School Census.
Statistics about the characteristics of tutored pupils as of May 2024 are based on information on whether a pupil is in receipt of tutoring taken from the Summer 2024 School Census. See the methodology for further information.
The statistics regarding pupil characteristics in this table are not directly comparable with statistics for the complete 2023/24 academic year that are contained within this publication, because the latter are based on information provided by schools through the Year End Statement responses.
Data about the delivery of the National Tutoring Programme during the entire 2023/24 academic year.
The file contains estimates for the school participation rate and number of courses, hours and pupils, as well as the average length of a course.
End year data for 2023/24 is based on responses to the Year End Statement by schools as of 22 November 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Average hours of tutoring per NTP course
Phase of education
Total pupils participating in NTP
Percentage of schools participating in NTP
Total NTP courses
Hours of NTP tutoring
Total schools
Total schools participating in NTP
Total since start of NTP or Total in academic year
Figures may not always sum to totals exactly due to rounding.
Estimates of the number of courses is estimated using data on hours of tutoring received. Pupils may undertake more than one course. See the methodology for further details.
Schools includes open schools with pupils aged between 5 and 16. See the methodology for further details.
Year-end data in this table is not directly comparable with information on pupil characteristics within this publication, which is based on data from the School Census.
Year-end data is based on responses to the Year End Statement as of 22 November 2024.
School participation for year-end statistics is identified based on responses to the Year End Statement. See methodology for further information.
Estimates of the average number of hours per course is based on hours of tutoring and the number of courses. Pupils may undertake more than one course. As the methodology for the number of courses delivered assumes a maximum length of 16 hours per course this is likely to represent an underestimate of the average course length. See the methodology for further details.