Academic year 2021/22

National Tutoring Programme

Data guidance



Summary of the delivery data on the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) for the academic year 2021/22. This includes statistics on courses delivered to pupils, school participation, hours of tutoring delivered, hours per course, number of pupils receiving tutoring and pupil characteristics.

This release also included transparency data on individual schools' participation in NTP and tutoring delivery in academic year 2021/22.


Delivery data covers courses delivered to pupils given for the full 2020/21 and 2021/22 academic years. School participation, hours of tutoring delivered, hours per course and number of pupils receiving tutoring are given for the 2021/22 academic year. The statistics and data for delivery cover England, including regional and local authority breakdowns. 

The statistics and data on pupil characteristics cover England for the 2021/22 academic year.

File formats and conventions

The files are in .csv format.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

NTP Delivery 2021/22

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2021 August to 2022 August

NTP course starts for England in 2020 to 2021.

NTP courses delivered to pupils for England, Regions and Local Authorities in 2021 to 2022, up to August 2022.

NTP school participation for England, Regions and Local Authorities in 2021 to 2022, up to August 2022.

NTP pupils receiving NTP tutoring for England, Regions and Local Authorities in 2021 to 2022, up to August 2022.

NTP hours of tutoring delivered for England, Regions and Local Authorities in 2021 to 2022, up to August 2022.

NTP hours per course for England, Regions and Local Authorities in 2021 to 2022, up to August 2022.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
estimated_average_hours_per_courseEstimated average hours of tutoring per NTP course
estimated_hours_of_tutoringEstimated hours of NTP tutoring
estimated_total_coursesEstimated total NTP courses
estimated_total_pupilsEstimated total NTP pupils
percentage_schools_participatingPercentage of schools participating in NTP
phase_of_education_namePhase of education
routeNTP route
total_schoolsTotal schools
total_schools_participatingTotal schools participating in NTP
  1. Total schools includes all open schools with pupils aged between 5 and 16, as defined in the methodology.
  2. For academic mentor courses, we do not hold complete data. We have produced estimates using the data we do hold and therefore these results are uncertain.
  3. As schools can participate in multiple routes, the number of schools participating in NTP will be fewer than the sum of the three routes. This applies to participation rates too.
  4. Data on School-Led Tutoring from the ‘School-Led Tutoring: Year End Statement’ data is correct up to 20th March 2023.
  5. Estimates of pupils receiving tutoring via the school-led tutoring route are taken from the Year End Statement form data, not May 2022 School Census data. The number of pupils in this data file will therefore not match the number of pupils in the school-led tutoring part of the pupil characteristics section of the release.
  6. This data contains estimates of courses delivered to pupils. Pupils may undertake more than one course.
  7. Figures may not always sum to totals exactly, due to rounding.
  8. The SLT statistics include tutoring delivered using specific funding provided to Local Authorities for children at Independent Special Schools and Looked After Children. Delivery of tutoring in these institutions is included in totals for Local Authorities.
  9. For the purposes of returning information regarding the delivery of SLT to Looked After Children, North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire submitted a joint submission under the name of North Northamptonshire and therefore these volumes are credited to North Northamptonshire in these statistics. This does not affect how all other statistics across these LAs are treated.

NTP Pupil Characteristics 2021/22

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period
2022 May to 2022 August

NTP pupil characteristics for England and Regions in 2021 to 2022. The data covers the period to May 2022 for school-led tutoring and August 2022 for tuition partners and academic mentors.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
characteristicCharacteristic - Filter characteristic
characteristic_groupCharacteristic group - Filter by characteristic group
number_of_pupilsNumber of pupils
percent_of_pupilsPercentage of pupils
routeNTP route - Filter by NTP route
  1. For academic mentor courses, we do not hold complete data. We have produced estimates using the data we do hold and therefore these results are uncertain.
  2. Figures may not always sum to totals exactly, due to rounding.
  3. Estimates of pupils receiving tutoring via the school-led tutoring route are taken from the Year End Statement form data. Separately, May 2022 School Census data is used to estimate the Pupil Characteristics of SLT pupils in the 2021/22 academic year.

NTP School Level Data 2021/22

Geographic levels
Time period
2022 September

This data contains information about whether a school participated in the Academic Mentor, Tuition Partner and School-Led Tutoring routes of the National Tutoring Programme in the 2021/22 academic year. Not all schools were eligible for each route.

It also contains the number of hours of tutoring delivered for the Tuition Partner and School-Led Tutoring routes, along with the funded number of School-Led Tutoring hours in the 21/22 funding allocations. 

As outlined in the methodology, the number of hours of School-Led Tutoring is not published for a small proportion of schools. For some schools, a ‘u’ is used for the number of hours delivered where that school reported delivering more than five times their allocation. About 3% of schools are treated this way.  

For other schools, an ‘x’ is used for either the number of hours delivered or the number of hours allocated where organisational change (for example a school that has split or merged) means data for those schools cannot be matched with complete certainty. Fewer than 1% of schools are treated this way. 

Where DfE has any evidence that the school or a school linked to it participated in School-Led Tutoring, then the school is marked as participating. 

Virtual schools and independent schools are not included in this file. As these schools delivered small amounts of tutoring, aggregation of figures in this file may not match the published aggregate statistics. 

For a small number of schools, the data in this file is not directly comparable with the ‘reconciled SLT funding’ data (opens in a new tab) used for operational purposes by the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), for example for calculating funding clawback. The level of consistency between the two school-level files is very high, with matches for over 99.7% of schools included here.

Data presented in this file uses information from the Get Information About Schools system as of 1st September 2022.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
participated_in_amWhether the school participated in the Academic Mentor route
participated_in_any_routeWhether the school participated in any route of the National Tutoring Programme
participated_in_sltWhether the school reported participating in the School-led Tutoring route
participated_in_tpWhether the school participated in the Tuition Partner route
phase_of_educationThe phase of the school - Filter by school phase
slt_allocated_hoursThe number of hours of tutoring for pupils in the School-Led Tutoring funding allocations.
slt_delivered_hoursThe number of hours of tutoring delivered to pupils on the School-Led Tutoring route
slt_percentage_of_allocated_hoursThe number of hours of tutoring delivered to pupils on the School-Led Tutoring route as a percentage of the number of hours of tutoring for pupils in the School-Led Tutoring funding allocations.
tp_delivered_hoursThe number of hours of tutoring delivered to pupils on the Tuition Partner route
  1. 39 schools which opened after 1st August 2022 and were not linked to a predecessor school in 2021/22 are not included in the school-level data, as they could not plausibly have carried out tutoring in the 2021/22 academic year. This means the school-level data will not perfectly match school participation statistics, which include these schools.
  2. Data on School-Led Tutoring from the ‘School-Led Tutoring: Year End Statement’ data is correct up to 20th March 2023.
  3. Schools who report themselves as participating in the Year End Statement but had very low volumes of tutoring or were not allocated funding are treated as participating in the school-level data. They are not treated as participating in participation statistics. This means the school-level data will not perfectly match school participation statistics.
  4. Open schools which are linked (in GIAS) as successors to schools which carried out tutoring are considered to have carried out tutoring via each route that their predecessor school has carried out tutoring on. Open schools which are linked as successors to schools which received an allocation for school-led tutoring are considered to have received an allocation for school-led tutoring.