Academic year 2021/22

Further education workforce

Data guidance



This page describes the data provided in the School Workforce in England national statistic underlying data files. This data is released under the terms of the Open Government License (opens in a new tab) and is intended to meet at least 3 stars for Open Data (opens in a new tab).

The methodology should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality, as well as explaining methodology used in producing the data.


The Further Education Workforce in England publication provides the latest information at national and regional level on the number and characteristics of staff that work in further education providers in England.

The publication summarises information collected from further education providers via the  Further Education Workforce Data Collection (opens in a new tab) .

The publication and it's underlying data files provide information on:

  • Workforce numbers and characteristics - there are various breakdowns of these; post held, further education provider type, gender, age, disability and ethnicity.
  • Workforce pay -  the statistics provide an age, gender and provider type breakdown of annual salary for full  time staff on permanent and fixed term contracts. Where appropriate, average mean and median salaries are provided for comparison purposes.
  • Workforce contracts and working patterns - there are various breakdowns of these; post held, further education provider type, contract type,  and whether they work full/part-time.
  • Subjects taught - the number of teachers teaching each subject in each provider type. 
  • Teacher vacancies - the number and proportion of vacancies for each role type. Vacancies are recorded if they occurred at any point in the academic year. 
  • Governor  characteristics - the characteristics of governors by various breakdowns: age, ethnicity, years of service. 

In most cases, underlying data files include national and regional information for schools in England.

File formats and conventions

Symbols used in the underlying data files are:

x = not available - information has not been collected or there are no estimates available at this level of aggregation.

z =  not applicable - statistic cannot be produced. For example where a denominator is not available to produce a percentage. 

c = confidential - where presentation of data would disclose confidential information, for example being able to identify details about a single respondent, this data must be suppressed and given this marker to maintain confidentiality clauses.

u = low reliability - values of the potentially low quality, for example where values of statistical significance have been calculated.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue. 

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Size of the further education workforce

Geographic levels
Time period

Headcount of staff by further education provider type. Data provided for the following providers types: General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
main_role_typeType of staff member role
maximum_number_staff_grossed_estimateUpper estimate of number of staff (headcount)
minimum_number_staffLower estimate of number of staff (headcount)
provider_typeName of provider type
  1. Figures have been scaled to provide an upper estimate for the size of the further education workforce.
  2. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  3. National figures have been scaled to account for providers who did not respond to the Further Education Workforce Data Collection. Therefore national figures are an estimate. Regional figures have not been scaled and are based on responding providers only.
  4. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types or number of managers may differ across provider types.

Average pay of further education workforce

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Mean and median pay of further education staff, by provider type. There are breakdowns for age, gender and roles. Data provided for the following providers types: General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge group
contract_typeContract type (permanent and fixed term only)
main_role_typeType of staff member role
main_subject_taughtMain subject taught
mean_payMean annual salary for full time, permanent or fixed term staff
median_payMedian annual salary for full time permanent or fixed term staff
number_staff_in_groupNumber of staff in sample used to determine mean or median pay
provider_typeName of provider type
working_patternWorking pattern (full time only)
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types of managers may differ across provider types and this could drive differences in management staff pay across provider types.
  3. For private sector public funded providers and other public funded providers, the London region has the lowest proportion of providers returning data. However London is the region with the most number of these providers. Therefore our estimate of median salary based on the responding colleges for these provider types will be proportionally skewed by the other regions where pay bands are often lower.
  4. Mean and median salary figures shown are estimates from the providers that returned data to the further education workforce data collection. We have not attempted to estimate the salaries for staff in the providers who did not return data.
  5. Where data shows 'z', this indicates data is not applicable, 'c' indicates data is suppressed and 'u' indicates an estimate of an average is not possible due to too few staff in the sample.
  6. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types or number of managers may differ across provider types.

Contract and working patterns of the further education workforce

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Contract and working patterns of further education staff, by provider type. There are breakdowns for contract types and working pattern (e.g. full time or part time). Data provided for the following providers types: General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
contract_typeContract type
main_role_typeType of staff member role
number_staffNumber of staff (headcount)
percentage_of_staff_within_categoryHeadcount percent of staff within category
provider_typeName of provider type
working_patternWorking pattern
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.
  3. National figures have been scaled to account for providers who did not respond to the Further Education Workforce Data Collection. Therefore national figures are an estimate. Regional figures have not been scaled and are based on responding providers only.
  4. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types or number of managers may differ across provider types.

Characteristics of further education workforce

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Characteristics of the further  education workforce. There are breakdowns for gender, ethnicity, disability status and age. Data provided for the following providers types: General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge group
disability_statusDisability status
ethnicity_majorEthnicity major
ethnicity_minorEthnicity minor
main_role_typeType of staff member role
number_staffNumber of staff (headcount)
percentage_of_staff_within_categoryHeadcount percent of staff within category
provider_typeName of provider type
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.
  3. National figures have been scaled to account for providers who did not respond to the Further Education Workforce Data Collection. Therefore national figures are an estimate. Regional figures have not been scaled and are based on responding providers only.
  4. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types or number of managers may differ across provider types.

Subjects taught by teachers in further education providers

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Subjects taught by teachers in further education providers. Data provided for the following providers types: General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
main_subject_taughtMain subject taught
national_subject_rank_by_provider_typeRank by provider type of number of teachers teaching subject
number_staffNumber of staff (headcount)
percentage_of_teachers_teaching_subject_by_provider_typePercentage of teachers teaching the subject by provider type
provider_typeName of provider type
subject_typeType of subject being taught
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.
  3. National figures have been scaled to account for providers who did not respond to the Further Education Workforce Data Collection. Therefore national figures are an estimate. Regional figures have not been scaled and are based on responding providers only.

Teacher, management and leadership vacancies in further education providers

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Unfilled vacancies for teachers and managers and leaders. Also gives the number of unfilled vacancies by subject for teachers.  Data provided for the following providers types: General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
main_role_typeType of staff member role
main_subject_taughtMain subject taught
number_staffNumber of staff (headcount)
number_vacancies_unfilled_responding_providersNumber of unfilled vacancies by the end of the academic year (responding providers only)
provider_typeName of provider type
unfilled_vacancy_rateUnfilled vacancy rate per 100
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.

Proportion of providers returning data (workforce collection)

Geographic levels
Time period

Proportion of providers returning data to the further education workforce data collection. Data provided for the following providers types: General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
provider_typeName of provider type
response_ratePercentage of providers that returned data
total_providersTotal providers asked to return data

Proportion of providers returning data (vacancy collection)

Geographic levels
Time period

Proportion of providers returning data to the further education vacancy data collection. Data provided for the following providers types: General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges, Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
provider_typeName of provider type
response_ratePercentage of providers that returned data
total_providersTotal providers asked to return data

Governor demographics in colleges

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Characteristics of college governors. There are breakdowns for gender, ethnicity, disability status and age. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge group
disability_statusDisability status
ethnicity_majorEthnicity major
ethnicity_minorEthnicity minor
number_governors_in_responding_collegesNumber of governors (responding colleges only)
percentage_of_governors_within_categoryPercent of governors within category
provider_typeName of provider type
type_of_governorType of governors on the board
years_spent_in_roleYears governors have spend in role since appointed
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.

Governor vacancies in colleges

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Details of the number of vacancies in governing bodies for colleges. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_governor_vacancies_unfilled_responding_providersNumber of unfilled governor vacancies by the end of the academic year (responding providers only)
number_governors_in_responding_collegesNumber of governors (responding colleges only)
provider_typeName of provider type
unfilled_governor_vacancy_rateUnfilled governor vacancy rate per 100
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.

Proportion of providers returning data (governor collection)

Geographic levels
Time period

Proportion of providers returning data to the further education governor data collection. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
provider_typeName of provider type
response_ratePercentage of providers that returned data
total_providersTotal providers asked to return data

Size of the further education workforce (additional sub providers)

Geographic levels
Time period

Headcount of staff by further education provider type. Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
main_role_typeType of staff member role
maximum_number_staff_grossed_estimateUpper estimate of number of staff (headcount)
minimum_number_staffLower estimate of number of staff (headcount)
provider_typeName of provider type
  1. Figures have been scaled to provide an upper estimate for the size of the further education workforce.
  2. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  3. National figures have been scaled to account for providers who did not respond to the Further Education Workforce Data Collection. Therefore national figures are an estimate. Regional figures have not been scaled and are based on responding providers only.
  4. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types or number of managers may differ across provider types.

Average pay of further education workforce (additional sub providers)

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Mean and median pay of further education staff, by provider type. There are breakdowns for age, gender and roles. Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge group
contract_typeContract type (permanent and fixed term only)
main_role_typeType of staff member role
main_subject_taughtMain subject taught
mean_payMean annual salary for full time, permanent or fixed term staff
median_payMedian annual salary for full time permanent or fixed term staff
number_staff_in_groupNumber of staff in sample used to determine mean or median pay
provider_typeName of provider type
working_patternWorking pattern (full time only)
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types of managers may differ across provider types and this could drive differences in management staff pay across provider types.
  3. Mean and median salary figures shown are estimates from the providers that returned data to the further education workforce data collection. We have not attempted to estimate the salaries for staff in the providers who did not return data.
  4. Where data shows 'z', this indicates data is not applicable, 'c' indicates data is suppressed and 'u' indicates an estimate of an average is not possible due to too few staff in the sample.
  5. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types or number of managers may differ across provider types.

Contract and working patterns of the further education workforce (additional sub providers)

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Contract and working patterns of further education staff, by provider type. There are breakdowns for contract types and working pattern (e.g. full time or part time). Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
contract_typeContract type
main_role_typeType of staff member role
number_staffNumber of staff (headcount)
percentage_of_staff_within_categoryHeadcount percent of staff within category
provider_typeName of provider type
working_patternWorking pattern
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.
  3. National figures have been scaled to account for providers who did not respond to the Further Education Workforce Data Collection. Therefore national figures are an estimate. Regional figures have not been scaled and are based on responding providers only.
  4. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types or number of managers may differ across provider types.

Characteristics of further education workforce (additional sub providers)

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Characteristics of the further  education workforce. There are breakdowns for gender, ethnicity, disability status and age. Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge group
disability_statusDisability status
ethnicity_majorEthnicity major
ethnicity_minorEthnicity minor
main_role_typeType of staff member role
number_staffNumber of staff (headcount)
percentage_of_staff_within_categoryHeadcount percent of staff within category
provider_typeName of provider type
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.
  3. National figures have been scaled to account for providers who did not respond to the Further Education Workforce Data Collection. Therefore national figures are an estimate. Regional figures have not been scaled and are based on responding providers only.
  4. Management roles may include some teaching staff with additional responsibilities, or some managers of staff in support or admin roles. The types or number of managers may differ across provider types.

Subjects taught by teachers in further education providers (additional sub providers)

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Subjects taught by teachers in further education providers. Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
main_subject_taughtMain subject taught
national_subject_rank_by_provider_typeRank by provider type of number of teachers teaching subject
number_staffNumber of staff (headcount)
percentage_of_teachers_teaching_subject_by_provider_typePercentage of teachers teaching the subject by provider type
provider_typeName of provider type
subject_typeType of subject being taught
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.
  3. National figures have been scaled to account for providers who did not respond to the Further Education Workforce Data Collection. Therefore national figures are an estimate. Regional figures have not been scaled and are based on responding providers only.

Teacher, management and leadership vacancies in further education providers (additional sub providers)

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Unfilled vacancies for teachers and managers and leaders. Also gives the number of unfilled vacancies by subject for teachers. Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
main_role_typeType of staff member role
main_subject_taughtMain subject taught
number_staffNumber of staff (headcount)
number_vacancies_unfilled_responding_providersNumber of unfilled vacancies by the end of the academic year (responding providers only)
provider_typeName of provider type
unfilled_vacancy_rateUnfilled vacancy rate per 100
  1. This release shows data for further education providers in England. The location that a provider is based in has been determined from the main site/head office recorded in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) database in the Department for Education. This records the main site only and may not cover all locations or regions that a provider operates.
  2. All percentages and rates are rounded to 1 decimal place. Where figures have rounded to 0.0%, this may not necessarily indicate zero staff present for this measure.

Proportion of providers returning data (workforce collection additional sub providers)

Geographic levels
Time period

Proportion of providers returning data to the further education workforce data collection. Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
provider_typeName of provider type
response_ratePercentage of providers that returned data
total_providersTotal providers asked to return data

Proportion of providers returning data (vacancy collection additional sub providers)

Geographic levels
Time period

Proportion of providers returning data to the further education vacancy data collection. Data provided for LA Providers with an Education remit, School based providers, Independent Training Providers (ITP) and Special Post-16 Institutions. These are sub groups of Private Sector Public Funded Providers and Other Public Funded Providers.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
provider_typeName of provider type
response_ratePercentage of providers that returned data
total_providersTotal providers asked to return data