Tax year 2018-19

Career pathways: post-16 qualifications held by employees

Data guidance



This document describes the  contents of the underlying data files accompanying this statistics publication. There is a methodology document that is that contains further information on the statistics published here.


Employees living in England born between September 1988 and August 1993. Employees must be in PAYE sustained employment in the 2018-19 tax year and must not be studying at a Higher Education provider in the 2018/19 academic year. Employees must also be matched to an SIC code in the IDBR.

File formats and conventions

The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format.

Employee numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, annual median earnings are rounded to the nearest 100 and percentages are provided to the nearest one decimal place. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘u’ for annual earnings based on fewer than 10 employees and ‘c’ for percentages where the numerator is less than 3 or the denominator is less than 6. Employee numbers below 5 are replaced with ‘low.’

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Employee numbers and median earnings by region, sector, subsector, level and subject

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Data showing employee numbers and median earnings by region, sector, sub-sector, level and subject area. 

Employee numbers are presented as volumes and as percentages by level, sector and sub-sector, region and subject area. 

This dataset includes the full cohort of employees.  It is designed to work with the table creator tool.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
employeesNumber of employees
level_groupHighest qualification level - Filter by highest qualification level
median_earningsMedian annual earnings
pct_levelProportion of employees by level
pct_regionProportion of employees by region
pct_sectorProportion of employees by industry sector
pct_subjectProportion of employees by subject
pct_subsectorProportion of employees by industry subsector
sectorIndustry sector - Filter by industry sector
subjectSubject of highest qualification - Filter by subject of highest qualification
subsectorIndustry sub-sector - Filter by industry sub-sector
  1. Data are restricted to employees born between September 1988 and August 1993. These employees turned age 25-30 in the 2018-19 tax year.

Qualification pathways for high earning employees

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

This is the underlying data used to create this interactive pathways visualisation in the career pathways dashboard. The pathways visualisation provides a summary of common qualification pathways followed by top earning employees of each industry sector and in each region. 

Top earning employees are those who are in the top third of earners in their region and sector. 

Qualification pathways are constructed from regulated qualifications achieved by employees in post-16 education at level 2 and above. Basic skills qualifications, unregulated provision and qualifications achieved at school, such as GCSEs, are excluded.  AS Levels and smaller qualifications that are taken alongside A Levels or larger level 2 and 3 qualifications as also excluded. 

This file is designed to provide access to the underlying data for this publication rather than for use with the table creator tool.

pct_employees is the proportion of employees for a given qualification who went on to achieve the subsequent qualification.

qual_rank is the ranking of the starting qualification by number of employees, within the region, sector and starting level,

dest_rank is the ranking of the subsequent qualification by number of employees, within the region, sector and starting level.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
dest_rankdestination ranking by number of employees - Filter by destination rank
employeesNumber of employees
level_groupHighest qualification level - Filter by highest qualification level
next_level_groupLevel of subsequent qualification
next_qual_titleSubsequent qualification title
next_subjectsubject of subsequent qualification
pct_employeesProportion of employees by subsequent qualification
qual_rankQualification ranking by number of employees - Filter by qualification rank
qual_titleQualification title - Filter by qualification title
sectorIndustry sector - Filter by industry sector
subjectSubject of highest qualification - Filter by subject of highest qualification
  1. Data are restricted to employees born between September 1988 and August 1993. These employees turned age 25-30 in the 2018-19 tax year.
  2. Excludes qualifications at below level 2 and qualifications achieved prior to post-16 education (e.g. GCSEs).

Top qualifications by region and industry sector ordered by employee numbers

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Data showing the top qualifications held by employees in each region, sector and subsector group. The qualifications are ordered by the number of employees who hold them and are based on the highest qualification held by employees. 

The data are restricted to qualification in the top 40 by number of employees for each region, sector, subsector and level. If a qualification is not in the top 40, it is still included if at least 100 employees hold it. 

The table only includes qualifications at level 2 or higher that were achieved in post-16 education. Qualifications achieved at school, such as GCSEs, are excluded.

This file is designed to provide access to the underlying data for this publication rather than for use with the table creator tool.

Pct_qual is the proportion of employees in the region, sector and subsector who hold the qualification. 

qual_rank is the ranking of the qualification by number of employees within the region, sector, subsector and level. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
employeesNumber of employees
level_groupHighest qualification level - Filter by highest qualification level
median_earningsMedian annual earnings
pct_qualProportion of employees by qualification
qual_rankRanking of qualifications in total by employee numbers - Filter by overall qualification ranking within each sector and region group
qual_titleTitle of highest qualification
sectorIndustry sector - Filter by industry sector
subjectSubject of highest qualification - Filter by subject of highest qualification
subsectorIndustry sub-sector - Filter by industry sub-sector
  1. Data are restricted to employees born between September 1988 and August 1993. These employees turned age 25-30 in the 2018-19 tax year.
  2. Excludes qualifications at below level 2 and qualifications achieved prior to post-16 education (e.g. GCSEs).

Top ten qualifications by region and industry sector ordered by employee numbers

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Data showing the top 10 qualifications held by employees in each region, sector and subsector group. The qualifications are ordered by the number of employees who hold them and are based on the highest qualification held by employees. 

This file only includes qualifications at level 2 or higher that were achieved in post-16 education. Qualifications achieved at school, such as GCSEs, are excluded. It is designed to work with the table creator tool.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
employeesNumber of employees
level_groupLevel - Filter by level of highest qualification
median_earningsMedian annual earnings
pct_qualProportion of employees by qualification
qual_titleTitle of highest qualification - Filter by level and qualification title
sectorIndustry sector - Filter by industry sector
subjectSubject - Filter by subject of highest qualification
subsectorIndustry sub-sector - Filter by industry sub-sector
  1. Restricted to the top ten qualifications ordered by employee numbers.
  2. Data are restricted to employees born between September 1988 and August 1993. These employees turned age 25-30 in the 2018-19 tax year.
  3. Excludes qualifications at below level 2 and qualifications achieved prior to post-16 education (e.g. GCSEs).

Top ten qualifications by region and industry sector ordered by median earnings

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period

Data showing the top 10 qualifications with the highest median earnings held by employees in each region, sector and subsector group. The qualifications represent the highest held by employees. 

This table only includes qualifications at level 2 or higher that were achieved in post-16 education. Qualifications achieved at school, such as GCSEs, are excluded. It is designed to work with the table creator tool.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
employeesNumber of employees
level_groupLevel - Filter by level of highest qualification
median_earningsMedian annual earnings
pct_qualProportion of employees by qualification
qual_titleTitle of highest qualification - Filter by level and qualification title
sectorIndustry sector - Filter by industry sector
subjectSubject - Filter by subject of highest qualification
subsectorIndustry sub-sector - Filter by industry sub-sector
  1. Data are restricted to employees born between September 1988 and August 1993. These employees turned age 25-30 in the 2018-19 tax year.
  2. Includes qualifications held by 100 or more employees.
  3. Excludes qualifications at below level 2 and qualifications achieved prior to post-16 education (e.g. GCSEs).
  4. Restricted to the top ten qualifications ordered by median earnings.