Apprenticeships and 19-plus Further Education Skills Index
Data guidance
The FE Skills Index presents statistics estimating the trend in aggregated value-added from learners achieving FE qualifications. Full details of how this is derived and the limitations are provided in the FE Skills Index methodology.
The FE Skills Index dataset is derived from other outputs:
the Individualised Learner Record
statistical modelling outputs from DfE analysis of the longitudinal education outcomes (LEO) study
the DfE Outcome Based Success Measures
The FE Skills Index reports on ESFA funded further education achievers in England for academic years 2012/13 to 2020/21.
The achievers included in the FE Skills Index cohort are:
funded apprenticeship achievers of all ages
adult (aged 19+) further education and skills learners achieving classroom-based qualifications
File formats and conventions
The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format.
Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to one decimal place.
Data files
All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.
FE Skills Index - achievers and value added by provision type
Sub-totals for value-added from different groups of qualification types and subjects within the system each year. Also includes associated achiever numbers and the % contribution a qualification/subject combination made to the all-FE value-added in an academic year.
Academic years: 2012/13 to 2020/21
Indicators: estimated value-added, number of achievers, percentage contribution to total value-added
Filters: provision type and level of learning, subject
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Estimated value added
Provision type and level of learning - Filter by level of learning within provision type
Number of achievers
Percentage contribution to total value added
Sector Subject Area - Filter by sector subject area
The achiever figures in the Skills Index differ from those in other DfE publications. See Skills Index methodology for details.
In 2016/17 a number of Full Level 2 and Full Level 3 qualifications were reclassified, but the value-added assigned to these qualifications in the Skills Index is still based on their original classification. See Skills Index methodology for details.