Data set from Pupil absence in schools in England

Absence in state-funded alternative provision

Latest data
Last updated
Absence information for full academic years for all enrolments in state-funded alternative provision (including pupil referral units) with information on overall absence, persistent absence and reason for absence for pupils aged 5-15.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Pupil absence in schools in England
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Authorised absence rate
  • Number of authorised absence sessions
  • Number of authorised holiday sessions
Time period
2013/14 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202324Academic yearSix half termsNationalE92000001EnglandState funded alternative provision33140600838470835638621911208165265442.5043122.7939719.710333359482.743841593539.24877471084564231963304926787125z12387411788241870463415847407814697422989316152973485760z170501z
202324Academic yearSix half termsRegionalE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastState funded alternative provision18312567119129793715754414039344.389323.4723120.917271786.944131842.1765483842183296694215z78707537214360535332380119416548125877269482z1117z
202324Academic yearSix half termsRegionalE92000001EnglandE12000002North WestState funded alternative provision496596150749369415033498935916146.0466522.221623.82505581688.17465293244.45118897531009430355771051531z268791874973217398299151653170385474345976667715z15483z
202324Academic yearSix half termsRegionalE92000001EnglandE12000003Yorkshire and The HumberState funded alternative provision34398092323031762213070418691834.4033414.1572520.24609303476.23116120030.150753706061622771403611181z7948766121307046520295216303214414186918317622z26033z
202324Academic yearSix half termsRegionalE92000001EnglandE12000004East MidlandsState funded alternative provision23299157141722903011189311713740.0810619.5816720.49939248783.14945109936.7435622875330038141014133z56127046610384833732954105355323112005215853z34605z

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 32 variables
Variable nameVariable description
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees (10% or more missed)
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees (10% or more missed)
enrolments_pa_50_exactNumber of severely absent pupils (50% or more missed)
enrolments_pa_50_exact_percentPercentage of severely absent pupils (50% or more missed)


  1. Sessions recorded as not attending due to COVID circumstances are included as possible sessions in 2020/21 and 2021/22 only, but not as an absence within absence rates.

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