Data set from School capacity

School capacity - national only

Not the latest data
Last updated

Includes number of school places; yearly and cumulative change in the number of school places; number of pupils on roll from the May School Census; the number of schools at or in excess of capacity and the number of pupils in places that exceed their school's capacity; the number schools with one or more unfilled places and the number of unfilled places. All data includes sixth form places and excludes nursery places.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
School capacity
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Net change in number of school places since 2010
  • Net change in number of school places since previous SCAP survey
  • Number of pupils on roll
  • School phase
Time period
2009/10 to 2020/21

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202021Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotal20183890596711198611153227872735353717.52464946563680.6329239711664282.45553188108933112.23147357
202021Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPrimary167914943111466427155844403235278516.58626645209300.423417561400383.3958668356058511.34073259
202021Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandSecondary3392396285665344399738346950075222.16981132354380.894254043263977.8007075552874613.34254891
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotalxxxxxxxxxxxxx
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPrimaryxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 14 variables
Variable nameVariable description
at_or_over_capacity_schoolsNumber of schools at or in excess of capacity
count_schoolsNumber of schools
percent_at_or_over_capacity_schoolsPercentage of schools at or in excess of capacity
percent_pupils_over_capacityPupils in places that exceed their school's capacity as a percentage of total places
percent_under_capacity_schoolsPercentage of schools with one or more unfilled places


  1. Primary places include all reported capacity in middle deemed primary schools and secondary places include all reported capacity in middle-deemed secondary and all-through schools.
  2. Number of pupils in places that exceed their school's capacity is the difference between school capacity and number of pupils on roll, calculated at school level and then aggregated to national, regional or local authority level.
  3. z - Indicates data is not applicable.
  4. The 2020/21 net change in school places since previous survey is not comparable to previous years, as the time period for the change is two years rather than one year.
  5. Includes community, foundation, voluntary and middle schools as deemed. Includes academies/free schools. Includes sixth form places. Excludes all special schools. Excludes nursery places.
  6. For free schools, number of school places includes final intended capacity. Some free schools are initially in temporary accommodation and may not reach final intended capacity for varying periods of time.
  7. X - indicates data not available. 2019/20 data not available due to the cancellation of the 2020 School Capacity survey due to Covid-19.
  8. 2009/10 national, regional and local authority aggregations exclude 13 secondary academies where no school capacity figure was provided. They are included in the school-level underlying data.

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