Data set from National Tutoring Programme

NTP Delivery 2023/24 in-year data up to May 2024

Latest data
Last updated

In-year data about the delivery of the National Tutoring Programme during the 2023/24 academic year. 

The file contains the school participation and the number of courses started based on the Spring 2023/24 School Census on 18th January 2024, and the Summer 2023/24 School Census on 16th May 2024.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
National Tutoring Programme
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Course starts by pupils
  • Percentage of schools Participating in NTP
  • Total School Participating in NTP
  • Phase of education
  • Total since start of NTP or Total in academic year
Time period
2021 August to 2024 May

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2023242024MayNationalE92000001EnglandTotal since start of NTPAll5637893---
2020212021AugustNationalE92000001EnglandTotal in academic yearAll310717---
2021222022AugustNationalE92000001EnglandTotal in academic yearAll2215386216321890287.4
2022232023AugustNationalE92000001EnglandTotal in academic yearAll2142822216241595973.8
2023242024MayNationalE92000001EnglandTotal in academic yearPrimary50320016759928355.4

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 6 variables
Variable nameVariable description
estimated_course_starts_by_pupilsCourse starts by pupils
percentage_schools_participatingPercentage of schools Participating in NTP
school_phasePhase of education
total_schoolsTotal schools
total_schools_participatingTotal School Participating in NTP


  1. Figures may not always sum to totals exactly due to rounding. 
  2. This data contains estimates of courses started by pupils during 2023/24 and courses delivered in completed academic years. 
  3. School participation is identified based on responses to the School Census. See <a href="">methodology</a> for further information.
  4. Estimates of the number of courses is based on hours of tutoring received. Pupils may undertake more than one course. See the methodology for further details. 
  5. Total schools includes all open schools with pupils aged between 5 and 16, as defined in the <a href="">methodology</a>.
  6. Delivery of tutoring in Independent Special Schools and centrally arranged for Looked After Children is not measured in the school census and is therefore not included here. 
  7. The latest in-year NTP delivery data is based on responses to the Summer 2023/24 School Census on 16 May 2024.
  8. The in-year estimated course starts based on the Autumn (October) 2023 School Census  (first published in December 2023) were corrected in the May 2024 publication. Please see the About this statistics publication for details.

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