Data set from School workforce in England

Specialist teachers in secondary schools

Not the latest data
Last updated

% of hours taught by a teacher with qualification in relevant subject and the % of teachers holding qualification in relevant subject by highest qualification of teacher and subject taught.

Data set details

Teachers and school workforce
School workforce in England
Release type
Geographic levels
  • % of hours taught by a teacher with qualification in relevant subject
  • % of hours taught by a teacher with qualification in relevant subject - confidence limit
  • % of teachers holding qualification in relevant subject
  • Highest qualification of teacher
  • Subject taught
Time period
2014 November to 2019 November

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2019NovemberNationalE92000001EnglandMathematicsAny relevant post A level qualification78.30.687.10.1
2019NovemberNationalE92000001EnglandEnglishAny relevant post A level qualification82.20.591.10.1
2019NovemberNationalE92000001EnglandPhysicsAny relevant post A level qualification59.51.873.30.5
2019NovemberNationalE92000001EnglandChemistryAny relevant post A level qualification73.51.382.70.4
2019NovemberNationalE92000001EnglandBiologyAny relevant post A level qualification89.30.893.10.2

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 6 variables
Variable nameVariable description
%_hours% of hours taught by a teacher with qualification in relevant subject
%_hours_cl% of hours taught by a teacher with qualification in relevant subject - confidence limit
%_teachers% of teachers holding qualification in relevant subject
%_teachers_cl% of teachers holding qualification in relevant subject - confidence limit
highest_qualificationHighest qualification of teacher


  1. Teachers were counted once against each subject that they were teaching, regardless of the amount of time they spend teaching the subject. Teachers were counted under each key stage they were recorded as teaching to; a mathematics teacher who taught all years (7-11) would be included under number of teachers of for years 7 through 9 and years 10 and 11. Teachers are counted against each subject taught, they may therefore appear under more than one category. However they will only appear once in the total regardless of the number of separate subjects taught.
  2. Before using this data, please check the methodology section for important information such as definitions, limitations and caveats.

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