Data set from Pupil attendance in schools

Persistent absence in schools

Latest data
API data set version 1.0
Last updated
Persistent absence measures

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Pupil attendance in schools
API data set ID
How do I use this ID?
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Persistent absence percent
  • Education phase
Time period
2025 Week 8

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2025Week 8Year to dateNationalE92000001EnglandAll schools18.82
2025Week 8Year to dateNationalE92000001EnglandPrimary14.95
2025Week 8Year to dateNationalE92000001EnglandSecondary22.84
2025Week 8Year to dateNationalE92000001EnglandSpecial36.02
2025Week 8Year to dateRegionalE92000001EnglandE12000001North EastAll schools19.24

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 2 variables
Variable nameVariable description
education_phaseEducation phase
persistent_absence_percentPersistent absence percent

Using this data

  • Download the underlying data as a compressed ZIP file

  • View or create your own tables

    View tables that we have built for you, or create your own tables from open data using our table tool

Using the API

  • API documentation

    This data set is available via an API, follow the link to get all the information to get started. The documentation provides full guidance and examples on how to make the most from our data sets.

  • Building API integrations

    To support building integrations on top of the explore education statistics API, software development kits (SDKs) are provided to streamline common tasks and communication with the API.

API data set details

API data set name
Persistent absence in schools
API data set ID
API data set version

Download data set as CSV

Get familiar with the data. The CSV response will render its categories and column headers in a human-readable format (instead of machine-readable IDs).

Guidance: Download data set as CSV

Data set metadata

Look up human-readable labels and their corresponding machine-readable IDs to help you create data set queries.

Guidance: Get data set metadata

Query data set using GET

Quickly test the machine-readable IDs in a range of basic queries.

Guidance: Query data set (GET)

Query data set using POST

The POST endpoint is recommended for production level pipeline queries. POST requires a query to be built and supplied in JSON format using third party software such as Postman and Insomnia or programming languages such as Python, R, etc.

Guidance: Query data set (POST)

Get data set summary

Guidance: Get data set summary

API data set version history