Data set from Initial Teacher Training Census

Table 10 - ITT candidates by subject and candidate characteristics

Latest data
Last updated
This national level table contains the number of postgraduate candidates applying to ITT by subject and candidate characteristics. The data in this table covers courses that start in 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25.

Data set details

Teachers and school workforce
Initial Teacher Training Census
Release type
Geographic levels
  • In-cycle acceptance rate
  • In-cycle accepted candidates
  • Percentage of accepted candidates
  • Age group
  • Ethnic group
  • ITT subject
Time period
2022/23 to 2024/25

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandArt & DesignFemaleTotalTotalTotal8794428754061
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandArt & DesignMaleTotalTotalTotal19667138443
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandBiologyFemaleTotalTotalTotal9984136850150
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandBiologyMaleTotalTotalTotal5201903223245
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandBusiness StudiesFemaleTotalTotalTotal3461055514241

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 10 variables
Variable nameVariable description
age_groupingAge group
ethnicity_majorEthnic group
in_cycle_acceptance_rateIn-cycle acceptance rate
in_cycle_accepted_candidatesIn-cycle accepted candidates
itt_subjectITT subject


  1. Data was extracted 25 October 2024.
  2. High Potential ITT (HPITT) route and undergraduate routes are not included in this data.
  3. Total candidates: the total number of candidates that applied to postgraduate ITT for courses that start in the given time period.
  4. Total accepted candidates: the total number of candidates who have accepted an offer to start ITT in the given cycle. This includes candidates who deferred an offer from a previous cycle. Withdrawn applications and deferrals into the next cycle have been excluded.
  5. Subject-level candidate totals will not sum to the total candidate number due to duplication caused by candidates applying for multiple subjects.
  6. EBacc Subjects are English, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Geography, Computing and Classics.
  7. STEM Subjects are Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Mathematics and Physics.
  8. EEA national relates to individuals from within the European Union, European Economic Area or those included in the single market - this includes Swiss nationality. The UK is not included in these figures.
  9. The sum of categories for a characteristic may not match the total due to some candidates not providing characteristics information.
  10. In-cycle acceptance rate: in-cycle accepted candidates / total candidates.
  11. The in-cycle acceptance total and the acceptance rate are not shown in cases where candidate numbers are fewer than 30. Where small numbers are present, the acceptance rate can be volatile and potentially misleading.
  12. Others includes media and communication studies, social studies, citizenship and psychology.

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