Absence for four year olds
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Data set details
- Theme
- Pupils and schools
- Publication
- Pupil absence in schools in England
- Release
- Academic year 2016/17
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, National, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of overall absence sessions
- Number of pupil enrolments
- Number of schools
- Filters
- School type
- Time period
- 2012/13 to 2016/17
Data set preview
time_identifier | time_period | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | region_code | region_name | old_la_code | new_la_code | la_name | estab | laestab | urn | school_type | academy_type | academy_open_date | all_through | num_schools | enrolments | sess_possible | sess_overall | sess_overall_percent |
Academic year | 201617 | School | E92000001 | England | E13000002 | Outer London | 303 | E09000004 | Bexley | 6905 | 3036905 | 133769 | State-funded secondary | Secondary sponsor led academy | 01/09/2002 | All through | 1 | 65 | 13308 | 563 | 4.2 |
Academic year | 201516 | School | E92000001 | England | E13000002 | Outer London | 303 | E09000004 | Bexley | 6905 | 3036905 | 133769 | State-funded secondary | Secondary sponsor led academy | 01/09/2002 | All Through | 1 | 95 | 30203 | 1416 | 4.7 |
Academic year | 201415 | School | E92000001 | England | E13000002 | Outer London | 303 | E09000004 | Bexley | 6905 | 3036905 | 133769 | State-funded secondary | Secondary Sponsor Led Academy | 01/09/2002 | All through | 1 | 94 | 31215 | 813 | 2.6 |
Academic year | 201314 | School | E92000001 | England | E13000002 | Outer London | 303 | E09000004 | Bexley | 6905 | 3036905 | 133769 | State-funded secondary | Secondary sponsor led academy | 01/09/2002 | All through | 1 | 83 | 26626 | 665 | 2.5 |
Academic year | 201617 | School | E92000001 | England | E13000002 | Outer London | 307 | E09000009 | Ealing | 6905 | 3076905 | 134369 | State-funded secondary | Secondary sponsor led academy | 01/09/2003 | All through | 1 | 86 | 26236 | 1679 | 6.4 |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
enrolments | Number of pupil enrolments |
num_schools | Number of schools |
school_type | School type - Filter by school type |
sess_overall | Number of overall absence sessions |
sess_overall_percent | Overall absence rate |
- Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
- Only overall absence is recorded for pupils aged 4, absences are not categorised as authorised or unauthorised.
- x - 1 or 2 enrolments, or a percentage based on 1 or 2 enrolments.
- State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
- Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
- Includes all schools with at least six enrolments who reported absence information via the school census for the associated academic year.
- There may be discrepancies between totals and the sum of constituent parts as national and regional totals and totals across school types have been rounded to the nearest 5.
- Includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged 4, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered at more than one school).
- State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
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