Data set from School workforce in England

Teacher pay

Not the latest data
Last updated

Full and part-time teachers in state funded schools by grade of teacher, salary bands, average salary, sector, gender and age (additional file at school level).

Data set details

Teachers and school workforce
School workforce in England
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Headcount of teachers
  • Headcount of teachers earning £100-110K
  • Headcount of teachers earning £110K and over
  • Age of teachers
  • Gender of teacher
  • Grade of teacher
Time period
2010/11 to 2019/20

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotal state-funded schoolsTotalTotalTotal508433405373940614.489630298545385587412216010543149002257181695810050703972442886163686692517808
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandState-funded nursery and primaryTotalTotalTotal25492139403.837880.717.274215258295683223973291450531724410276738950383803378611864951802339882
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandLA maintained nursery and primaryTotalTotalTotal163303397963823017.2187858917628204164817330354115737027500435082617252575328886984664
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandLA maintained nurseryTotalTotalTotal143044854.54212739.81214885121293229178121130803236750263
201920Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandLA maintained primaryTotalTotalTotal1618733975238199.317.0216854117543202954788030125113956906487434282585248974628386964601

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 24 variables
Variable nameVariable description
age_categoryAge of teachers
average_meanMean pay
average_medianMedian pay
genderGender of teacher
gradeGrade of teacher


  1. Before using this data, please check the methodology section for important information such as definitions, limitations and caveats.

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