Data set from Childcare and early years survey of parents

Headline stats v2

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headlines stat 3

Data set details

Early years
Childcare and early years survey of parents
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Proportion of children aged 0-4 using any childcare in 2023
  • Proportion of children aged 0-4 using formal childcare in 2023
  • Proportion of children aged 5-14 using formal childcare in 2023
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 1 rows, from underlying data
2023Calendar yearNationalE92000001England726332667042

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 6 variables
Variable nameVariable description
Any_0-4_2023Proportion of children aged 0-4 using any childcare in 2023
Availability_0-4_2023Proportion of families with children aged 0-4 who said that the availability of local childcare is ‘about right’
Factors_work_0-4Proportion of working mothers of 0-4-year-olds who said that having reliable childcare helped them go to work
Formal_0-4_2023Proportion of children aged 0-4 using formal childcare in 2023
Formal_5-14_2023Proportion of children aged 5-14 using formal childcare in 2023

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