Data set from Pupil absence in schools in England

Enrolments with one or more sessions of absence - school level

Latest data
Last updated
The number of enrolments with one or more session of absence, including by reason for absence, at school level.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Pupil absence in schools in England
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number enrolments with 1+ absence session due to agreed extended family holiday
  • Number enrolments with 1+ absence session due to medical or dental appointments
  • Number enrolments with 1+ absence session due to other authorised circumstances
  • School type
Time period
2013/14 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
Academic yearSix half terms202324SchoolE92000001EnglandE12000007London201E09000001City of London36142013614100000State-funded primaryThe Aldgate School1178168163901525820017z12645058700
Academic yearSix half terms202324SchoolE92000001EnglandE12000007London202E09000007Camden20002022000136807Primary free school12/09/2011State-funded primarySt Luke's Church of England SchoolST LUKE'S CHURCH OF ENGLAND SCHOOL19391866785451002z0111847161501
Academic yearSix half terms202324SchoolE92000001EnglandE12000007London202E09000007Camden20012022001139837Primary free school01/09/2013State-funded primaryAbacus Belsize Primary SchoolANTHEM SCHOOLS TRUST1127120113851024217001z0303927431902
Academic yearSix half terms202324SchoolE92000001EnglandE12000007London202E09000007Camden20022022002140686Primary sponsor led academy01/09/2015State-funded primaryKings Cross AcademyKING'S CROSS ACADEMY TRUST132231830821029213521002z39164551702303
Academic yearSix half terms202324SchoolE92000001EnglandE12000007London202E09000007Camden20192022019100008State-funded primaryArgyle Primary School1245221218113209930004z0513149791008

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 21 variables
Variable nameVariable description
education_phaseSchool type - Filter by school type
enrol_auth_appointmentsNumber enrolments with 1+ absence session due to medical or dental appointments
enrol_auth_excludedNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to exclusion
enrol_auth_ext_holidayNumber enrolments with 1+ absence session due to agreed extended family holiday
enrol_auth_holidayNumber of enrolments with1+ absence session due to agreed family holiday


  1. Sessions recorded as not attending due to COVID circumstances are included as possible sessions in 2020/21 and 2021/22 only, but not as an absence within absence rates.

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