Data set from Childcare and early years survey of parents

5. Home Learning Environment Activities

Latest data
Last updated
The frequency with which parents engage in various home-learning activities with their children

Data set details

Early years
Childcare and early years survey of parents
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Proportion of families engaging in home learning activities at least once a day, among children aged 0-4
  • Frequency
  • Home learning activities
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2023Calendar yearNationalE92000001EnglandLook at books or read% More than once a day28
2023Calendar yearNationalE92000001EnglandLook at books or read% Once a day34
2023Calendar yearNationalE92000001EnglandLook at books or read% Several times a week28
2023Calendar yearNationalE92000001EnglandLook at books or read% Once a week3
2023Calendar yearNationalE92000001EnglandLook at books or read% Occasionally or less than once a week2

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 3 variables
Variable nameVariable description
ActivityHome learning activities
ProportionProportion of families engaging in home learning activities at least once a day, among children aged 0-4

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