Academic year 2023/24

Teacher and Leader development: ECF and NPQs

Data guidance



This document describes the data included in the 'Teacher and Leader development: ECF and NPQs' release’s underlying data files. This data is released under the terms of the  Open Government License and is intended to meet at least 3 stars for  Open Data.

The  methodology document should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality as well as explaining methodology used in producing the data.


This release contains information on early career teachers (ECTs) and mentors participating in the Early Career Framework (ECF) induction programme and teachers and leaders who were taking a national professional qualification (NPQ) from the reformed suite of NPQs in the academic years 2021/22 to 2023/24. This release covers:

- the types of schools and locations in which early career teachers started their inductions and other teachers were taking an NPQ, and their outcomes to date;
- the individual-level characteristics of early career teachers who started their induction and other teachers who were taking an NPQ, and their outcomes to date.

This release is based on the Department for Education's (DfE) Teacher CPD Service dataset, which consists of management information submitted by lead providers, the School Workforce Census (SWC) and Get Information about Schools (GIAS). The SWC collects information from schools and local authorities on the school workforce in state-funded schools in England, and GIAS is the department's register of educational establishments in England and Wales.

The underlying data files include national, regional, local authority, individual characteristics and school type information for early career teachers and mentors participating in the ECF-based induction and other teachers and leaders who were taking an NPQ in England.

File formats and conventions


Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

ECF - Total Participants - 2023-2024

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2021/22 to 2023/24
The number and percentage of early career teachers participating in the provider-led and school-led ECF-based induction, and the number of mentors participating in the provider-led ECF-based induction, broken down by region, local authority, school phase, school type, gender, ethnicity, age group and working pattern.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
count_swfc_ectsNumber of ECTs in SWC
count_swfc_ects_pending_confirmation_provider_ledNumber of ECTs in SWC who started provider-led ECF-based induction - Pending confirmation
count_swfc_ects_provider_ledNumber of ECTs in SWC who started provider-led ECF-based induction
count_swfc_ects_school_ledNumber of ECTs in SWC who started school-led ECF-based induction
group_nameGroup Name
percent_swfc_ects_pending_confirmation_provider_ledPercentage of ECTs who started provider-led ECF-based induction - Pending confirmation
percent_swfc_ects_provider_ledPercentage of ECTs who started provider-led ECF-based induction
percent_swfc_ects_school_ledPercentage of ECTs who started school-led ECF-based induction
total_ects_count_provider_ledTotal number of ECTs who started provider-led ECF-based induction
total_mentors_trained_count_provider_ledTotal number of mentors trained for provider-led ECF-based induction
  1. The appearance of 'z' in the table indicates that the metric is not applicable to this category.
  2. The 'Other' category also includes special schools, alternative provision, city technology colleges, further education establishments and sixth form centres. It also includes non-maintained special schools and some independent special schools eligible for funding under Section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

ECF - Retention - 2023-2024

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period
2021/22 to 2022/23
The number early career teachers participating in the provider-led and school-led ECF-based induction who were matched to the school workforce census in the same year, and their retention in the following two years, broken down by region, local authority, school phase, school type, gender, ethnicity, age group and working pattern.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
count_one_year_retentionNumber of ECTs in SWC who were retained in the SWC after one year
count_swfc_ectsNumber of ECTs in SWC who started ECF-based induction
count_two_year_retentionNumber of ECTs in SWC who were retained in the SWC after two years
group_nameGroup Name
induction_programmeInduction Programme Type
percent_one_year_retentionPercentage of ECTs in SWC who were retained in the SWC after one year
percent_two_year_retentionPercentage of ECTs in SWC who were retained in the SWC after two years
  1. The appearance of 'z' in the table indicates that the metric is not applicable to this category.
  2. The 'Other' category also includes special schools, alternative provision, city technology colleges, further education establishments and sixth form centres. It also includes non-maintained special schools and some independent special schools eligible for funding under Section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

NPQ - Total Participants - 2023-24

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2021/22 to 2023/24
The number of funded and non-funded NPQ starts, the number of unique funded NPQ participants (including the number present in the school workforce census), the total teaching workforce and the percentage of the teaching workforce undertaking a funded NPQ, broken down by course type, region, local authority, school phase, school type, age group, gender, ethnicity, grade and working pattern.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
group_nameGroup Name
npq_funded_startsNumber of funded NPQ starts
npq_non_funded_startsNumber of non-funded NPQ starts
npq_unique_funded_participantsNumber of funded unique NPQ participants
npq_unique_funded_participants_swc_eligibleNumber of funded unique NPQ participants from SWC eligible school types
percent_workforce_npq_participationPercentage of total teaching workforce who started a funded NPQ
teaching_workforce_headcount_swcTotal teaching workforce in SWC
  1. The appearance of 'z' in the table indicates that the metric is not applicable to this category.
  2. The 'Other' category also includes special schools, alternative provision, city technology colleges, further education establishments and sixth form centres. It also includes non-maintained special schools and some independent special schools eligible for funding under Section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014.
  3. These figures include NPQ participants in non-school settings.
  4. The appearance of "no data" indictates that this NPQ course was not available to take it that academic year.

NPQ - Completions - 2023-24

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period
2021/22 to 2023/24
The number of funded NPQ starts, completions and passes, and the percentage of NPQs completed and passed, broken down by course type, region, local authority, school phase, school type, age group, gender, ethnicity, grade and working pattern.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
group_nameGroup Name
npq_completedNumber of funded NPQ completions
npq_funded_startsNumber of funded NPQ starts
npq_passedNumber of funded NPQ passes
percentage_completion_ratePercentage of NPQ starts who have completed
percentage_pass_ratePercentage of NPQ completions who have passed
  1. The 'Other' category also includes special schools, alternative provision, city technology colleges, further education establishments and sixth form centres. It also includes non-maintained special schools and some independent special schools eligible for funding under Section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014.
  2. These figures include NPQ participants in non-school settings.
  3. The appearance of "no data" indictates that this NPQ course was not available to take it that academic year.