Academic year 2018/19

Suspensions and permanent exclusions in England

Data guidance



This document describes the data included in the ‘Permanent and Fixed Period Exclusions in England: 2018/19’ National Statistics release’s underlying data files. This data is released under the terms of the Open Government License (opens in a new tab) and is intended to meet at least 3 stars for Open Data (opens in a new tab).

The publication methodology, available on the publication report, should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality as well as explaining methodology used in producing the data.


This release provides information on exclusions in: 

  • state-funded primary schools 
  • state-funded secondary schools 
  • special schools (including non-maintained special schools)
  • pupil referral units 

The information is based on data collected via the school census

File formats and conventions


This dataset has not had suppression applied. 


The following convention is used throughout the underlying data. 

‘:’ Not applicable.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Exclusion reviews (1213 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2012/13 to 2018/19

Number of review panels for permanent exclusions lodged and their outcome.  

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_directing_reconsiderationC5 - Number directing reconsideration by the governing body
number_of_reviews_determinedB1 - Independent reviews determined by an independent review panel
number_of_reviews_lodgedA1 - Number of independent reviews lodged (in academic year)
number_offered_reinstatement_when_directedC7 - Number offered reinstatement when directed
number_offered_reinstatement_when_recommendedC3 - Number of pupils offered reinstatement when recommended
number_recommending_reconsiderationC1 - Number recommending reconsideration by the governing body
number_upholding_exclusionB5 - Number upholding exclusion
number_where_sen_expert_requestedB3 - Number where an SEN expert was requested
percentage_directing_reconsiderationC6 - Percentage directing reconsideration by the governing body (% of reviews determined)
percentage_of_reviews_determinedB2 - Independent reviews determined by an independent review panel (% of reviews lodged)
percentage_offered_reinstatement_when_directedC8 - Percentage offered reinstatement when directed (% of reviews directing reconsideration by the government body)
percentage_offered_reinstatement_when_recommendedC4 - Percentage of pupils offered reinstatement when recommended (% of reviews recommended reconsideration)
percentage_recommending_reconsiderationC2 - Percentage recommending reconsideration by the governing body (% of reviews determined)
percentage_upholding_exclusionB6 - Percentage upholding exclusion (% of reviews determined)
percentage_where_sen_expert_requestedB4 - Percentage where an SEN expert was requested (% of reviews determined)
school_typeSchool Type - LA maintained, academies, Total (sum of LA maintained and academies)

Fixed period exclusions - average days lost (1314 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2013/14 to 2018/19

Average number of fixed period exclusions and average days lost per excluded pupil.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
average_days_lostAverage days lost per excluded pupil. (Number of days of fixed period exclusion / pupils with one or more fixed period exclusion).
average_number_fixedAverage number of fixed period exclusions per excluded pupil. (Number of fixed period exclusions / pupils with one or more fixed period exclusion).
fixed_exclFixed period exclusions
num_schoolsNumber of schools
number_days_fixedNumber of days of fixed period exclusions
one_plus_fixedPupil enrolments with one or more fixed period exclusion
school_typeSchool Type - LA maintained, academies, Total (sum of LA maintained and academies)
sessionsNumber of sessions of fixed period exclusions

Fixed period exclusions - duration of exclusion (0607 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Time period
2006/07 to 2018/19

Number of fixed period exclusions by length of exclusion

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
duration_days_fixed_exclusionsDuration of exclusion in days
fixed_exclNumber of fixed period exclusions
school_typeSchool Type - State-funded primary, secondary and special

Fixed period exclusions - number of days missed (0607 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Time period
2006/07 to 2018/19

Number of pupil enrolments by total length of fixed period exclusion accrued across the academic year.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
days_missed_fixed_exclusionsNumber of days missed to fixed period exclusions
headcountNumber of pupils
school_typeSchool Type - State-funded primary, secondary and special

Fixed period exclusions - number of exclusions (0607 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Time period
2006/07 to 2018/19

Number of pupils by the number of exclusions they have received.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
fixed_exclNumber of fixed period exclusions
headcountNumber of pupils
school_typeSchool Type - State-funded primary, secondary and special

Permanent and fixed period exclusions - by geography (0607 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2006/07 to 2018/19

Number and percentage of permanent and fixed period exclusions and those pupils receiving one or more fixed period exclusion.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
fixed_exclFixed period exclusions
fixed_excl_rateFixed period exclusions (rate)
num_schoolsNumber of schools
one_plus_fixedPupil enrolments with one or more fixed period exclusion
one_plus_fixed_ratePupil enrolments with one or more fixed period exclusion (rate)
perm_exclPermanent exclusions
perm_excl_ratePermanent exclusions (rate)
school_typeSchool Type - State-funded primary, secondary and special

Permanent and fixed period exclusions - by IDACI decile, SEN type of need and FSM ever 6 (0607 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Time period
2006/07 to 2018/19

Number and percentage of permanent and fixed period exclusions and those pupils receiving one or more fixed period exclusion by pupil characteristics (IDACI, SEN type of need, FSM ever6)

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
characteristicCharacteristic - IDACI bands, SEN type of need, FSM6 eligibility
fixed_exclFixed period exclusions
fixed_excl_rateFixed period exclusions (rate)
one_plus_fixedOne plus sessions missed
one_plus_fixed_rateOne plus sessions missed (rate)
perm_exclPermanent exclusions
perm_excl_ratePermanent exclusions (rate)
school_typeSchool Type - Total, state-funded primary, secondary and special

Permanent and fixed period exclusions - by pupil characteristics (0607 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2006/07 to 2018/19

Number and percentage of permanent and fixed period exclusions and those pupils receiving one or more fixed period exclusion by pupil characteristics.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
characteristicCharacteristic - Detail of age, gender, national curriculum year, ethnicity, fsm, SEN
fixed_exclFixed period exclusions
fixed_excl_rateFixed period exclusions (rate)
one_plus_fixedPupil enrolments with one or more fixed period exclusion
one_plus_fixed_ratePupil enrolments with one or more fixed period exclusion (rate)
perm_exclPermanent exclusions
perm_excl_ratePermanent exclusions (rate)
school_typeSchool Type - State-funded primary, secondary and special

Permanent and fixed period exclusions - by reason for exclusion (0607 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2006/07 to 2018/19

Number of permanent and fixed period exclusions by reason for exclusion.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
fixed_allFixed period - All exclusions
fixed_bullyingFixed period - Bullying
fixed_bullying_percFixed period - Bullying (%)
fixed_damageFixed period - Damage
fixed_damage_percFixed period - Damage (%)
fixed_drug_alcoholFixed period - Drug and alcohol related
fixed_drug_alcohol_percFixed period - Drug and alcohol related (%)
fixed_otherFixed period - Other
fixed_other_percFixed period - Other (%)
fixed_persistent_disruptiveFixed period - Persistent disruptive behaviour
fixed_persistent_disruptive_percFixed period - Persistent disruptive behaviour (%)
fixed_physical_adultFixed period - Physical assault against an adult
fixed_physical_adult_percFixed period - Physical assault against an adult (%)
fixed_physical_pupilsFixed period - Physical assault against a pupil
fixed_physical_pupils_percFixed period - Physical assault against a pupil (%)
fixed_racist_abuseFixed period - Racist abuse
fixed_racist_abuse_percFixed period - Racist abuse (%)
fixed_sexual_misconductFixed period - Sexual misconduct
fixed_sexual_misconduct_percFixed period - Sexual misconduct (%)
fixed_theftFixed period - Theft
fixed_theft_percFixed period - Theft (%)
fixed_verbal_adultFixed period - Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against an adult
fixed_verbal_adult_percFixed period - Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against an adult (%)
fixed_verbal_pupilFixed period - Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against a pupil
fixed_verbal_pupil_percFixed period - Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against a pupil (%)
perm_allPermanent - All exclusions
perm_bullyingPermanent - Bullying
perm_bullying_percPermanent - Bullying (%)
perm_damagePermanent - Damage
perm_damage_percPermanent - Damage (%)
perm_drug_alcoholPermanent - Drug and alcohol related
perm_drug_alcohol_percPermanent - Drug and alcohol related (%)
perm_otherPermanent - Other
perm_other_percPermanent - Other (%)
perm_persistent_disruptivePermanent - Persistent disruptive behaviour
perm_persistent_disruptive_percPermanent - Persistent disruptive behaviour (%)
perm_physical_adultPermanent - Physical assault against an adult
perm_physical_adult_percPermanent - Physical assault against an adult (%)
perm_physical_pupilsPermanent - Physical assault against a pupil
perm_physical_pupils_percPermanent - Physical assault against a pupil (%)
perm_racist_abusePermanent - Racist abuse
perm_racist_abuse_percPermanent - Racist abuse (%)
perm_sexual_misconductPermanent - Sexual misconduct
perm_sexual_misconduct_percPermanent - Sexual misconduct (%)
perm_theftPermanent - Theft
perm_theft_percPermanent - Theft (%)
perm_verbal_adultPermanent - Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against an adult
perm_verbal_adult_percPermanent - Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against an adult (%)
perm_verbal_pupilPermanent - Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against a pupil
perm_verbal_pupil_percPermanent - Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against a pupil (%)
school_typeSchool Type - State-funded primary, secondary and special

Permanent and fixed period exclusions - pupil referral units (1314 to 1819)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2013/14 to 2018/19

Number and percentage of permanent and fixed period exclusions and those pupils receiving one or more fixed period exclusion in pupil referral units

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
fixed_exclFixed period exclusions
fixed_excl_rateFixed period exclusions (rate)
num_schoolsNumber of schools
one_plus_fixedPupil enrolments with one or more fixed period exclusion
one_plus_fixed_ratePupil enrolments with one or more fixed period exclusion (rate)
perm_exclPermanent exclusions
perm_excl_ratePermanent exclusions (rate)