ethnicity_any_other_asian_background | Asian - any other Asian background |
ethnicity_any_other_asian_background_percent | Asian - any other Asian background (%) |
ethnicity_any_other_black_background | Black - Any other Black background |
ethnicity_any_other_black_background_percent | Black - Any other Black background (%) |
ethnicity_any_other_ethnic_group | Any other ethnic group |
ethnicity_any_other_ethnic_group_percent | Any other ethnic group (%) |
ethnicity_any_other_mixed_background | Mixed - Any other mixed background |
ethnicity_any_other_mixed_background_percent | Mixed - Any other mixed background (%) |
ethnicity_any_other_white_background | White - any other White background |
ethnicity_any_other_white_background_percent | White - any other White background (%) |
ethnicity_bangladeshi | Asian - Bangladeshi |
ethnicity_bangladeshi_percent | Asian - Bangladeshi (%) |
ethnicity_black_african | Black - Black African |
ethnicity_black_african_percent | Black - Black African (%) |
ethnicity_black_caribbean | Black - Black Caribbean |
ethnicity_black_caribbean_percent | Black - Black Caribbean (%) |
ethnicity_chinese | Asian - Chinese |
ethnicity_chinese_percent | Asian - Chinese (%) |
ethnicity_gypsy_roma | White - Gypsy/Roma |
ethnicity_gypsy_roma_percent | White - Gypsy/Roma (%) |
ethnicity_indian | Asian - Indian |
ethnicity_indian_percent | Asian - Indian (%) |
ethnicity_irish | White - Irish |
ethnicity_irish_percent | White - Irish (%) |
ethnicity_pakistani | Asian - Pakistani |
ethnicity_pakistani_percent | Asian - Pakistani (%) |
ethnicity_traveller_of_irish_heritage | White - Traveller of Irish heritage |
ethnicity_traveller_of_irish_heritage_percent | White - Traveller of Irish heritage (%) |
ethnicity_unclassified | Unclassified |
ethnicity_unclassified_percent | Unclassified (%) |
ethnicity_white_and_asian | Mixed - White and Asian |
ethnicity_white_and_asian_percent | Mixed - White and Asian (%) |
ethnicity_white_and_black_african | Mixed - White and Black African |
ethnicity_white_and_black_african_percent | Mixed - White and Black African (%) |
ethnicity_white_and_black_caribbean | Mixed - White and Black Caribbean |
ethnicity_white_and_black_caribbean_percent | Mixed - White and Black Caribbean (%) |
ethnicity_white_british | White - White British |
ethnicity_white_british_percent | White - White British (%) |
fsm_eligible | Eligible for free school meals |
fsm_eligible_percent | Eligible for free school meals (%) |
fsm_not_eligible | Not eligible for free school meals |
fsm_not_eligible_percent | Not eligible for free school meals (%) |
language_english | First language is known to be, or believed to be English |
language_english_percent | First language is known to be, or believed to be English (%) |
language_other | First language is known to be, or believed to be, other than English |
language_other_percent | First language is known to be, or believed to be, other than English (%) |
language_unclassified | First language unclassified |
language_unclassified_percent | First language unclassified (%) |
number_of_pupils | Headcount |
phase_type_grouping | Phase type of school - Phase (primary, secondary, special, PRU, independent) |
primary_need | Primary type of need - (ASD, HI, VI…) |
pupil_sen_status | SEN provision - EHC plan/Statement of SEN or SEN support/School Action/School Action plus |