Academic year 2019/20

Special educational needs in England

Data guidance


Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Age and gender - by SEN provision, type of need and school type

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2015/16 to 2019/20
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_10Age 10
age_10_percentAge 10 (%)
age_11Age 11
age_11_percentAge 11 (%)
age_12Age 12
age_12_percentAge 12 (%)
age_13Age 13
age_13_percentAge 13 (%)
age_14Age 14
age_14_percentAge 14 (%)
age_15Age 15
age_15_percentAge 15 (%)
age_16Age 16
age_16_percentAge 16 (%)
age_17Age 17
age_17_percentAge 17 (%)
age_18Age 18
age_18_percentAge 18 (%)
age_19_and_overAge 19 and over
age_19_and_over_percentAge 19 and over (%)
age_2_and_underAge 2 and under
age_2_and_under_percentAge 2 and under (%)
age_3_lowerAge 3 (lower)
age_3_lower_percentAge 3 (lower) (%)
age_3_middleAge 3 (middle)
age_3_middle_percentAge 3 (middle) (%)
age_3_upperAge 3 (upper)
age_3_upper_percentAge 3 (upper) (%)
age_4_lowerAge 4 (lower)
age_4_lower_percentAge 4 (lower) (%)
age_4_middleAge 4 (middle)
age_4_middle_percentAge 4 (middle) (%)
age_4_upperAge 4 (upper)
age_4_upper_percentAge 4 (upper) (%)
age_5Age 5
age_5_percentAge 5 (%)
age_6Age 6
age_6_percentAge 6 (%)
age_7Age 7
age_7_percentAge 7 (%)
age_8Age 8
age_8_percentAge 8 (%)
age_9Age 9
age_9_percentAge 9 (%)
phase_type_groupingPhase type of school - Phase (primary, secondary, special, PRU, independent)
primary_needPrimary type of need - (ASD, HI, VI�)
pupil_gender_boys_percentBoys (%)
pupil_gender_girls_percentGirls (%)
pupil_sen_statusSEN provision - EHC plan/Statement of SEN or SEN support/School Action/School Action plus

Free school meals, ethnicity and language - by SEN provision, type of need and school type

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2015/16 to 2019/20
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ethnicity_any_other_Asian_backgroundAsian - any other Asian background
ethnicity_any_other_Asian_background_percentAsian - any other Asian background (%)
ethnicity_Any_other_Black_backgroundBlack - Any other Black background
ethnicity_Any_other_Black_background_percentBlack - Any other Black background (%)
ethnicity_any_other_ethnic_groupAny other ethnic group
ethnicity_any_other_ethnic_group_percentAny other ethnic group (%)
ethnicity_any_other_mixed_backgroundMixed - Any other mixed background
ethnicity_any_other_mixed_background_percentMixed - Any other mixed background (%)
ethnicity_any_other_White_backgroundWhite - any other White background
ethnicity_any_other_White_background_percentWhite - any other White background (%)
ethnicity_bangladeshiAsian - Bangladeshi
ethnicity_bangladeshi_percentAsian - Bangladeshi (%)
ethnicity_black_AfricanBlack - Black African
ethnicity_black_African_percentBlack - Black African (%)
ethnicity_black_CaribbeanBlack - Black Caribbean
ethnicity_black_Caribbean_percentBlack - Black Caribbean (%)
ethnicity_chinese_percentChinese (%)
ethnicity_gypsy_romaWhite - Gypsy/Roma
ethnicity_gypsy_roma_percentWhite - Gypsy/Roma (%)
ethnicity_indianAsian - Indian
ethnicity_indian_percentAsian - Indian (%)
ethnicity_irishWhite - Irish
ethnicity_irish_percentWhite - Irish (%)
ethnicity_pakistaniAsian - Pakistani
ethnicity_pakistani_percentAsian - Pakistani (%)
ethnicity_traveller_of_Irish_heritageWhite - Traveller of Irish heritage
ethnicity_traveller_of_Irish_heritage_percentWhite - Traveller of Irish heritage (%)
ethnicity_unclassified_percentUnclassified (%)
ethnicity_white_and_AsianMixed - White and Asian
ethnicity_white_and_Asian_percentMixed - White and Asian (%)
ethnicity_white_and_Black_AfricanMixed - White and Black African
ethnicity_white_and_Black_African_percentMixed - White and Black African (%)
ethnicity_white_and_Black_CaribbeanMixed - White and Black Caribbean
ethnicity_white_and_Black_Caribbean_percentMixed - White and Black Caribbean (%)
ethnicity_White_BritishWhite - White British
ethnicity_White_British_percentWhite - White British (%)
fsm_eligibleEligible for free school meals
fsm_eligible_percentEligible for free school meals (%)
fsm_not_eligibleNot eligible for free school meals
fsm_not_eligible_percentNot eligible for free school meals (%)
language_englishFirst language is known to be, or believed to be English
language_english_percentFirst language is known to be, or believed to be English (%)
language_otherFirst language is known to be, or believed to be, other than English
language_other_percentFirst language is known to be, or believed to be, other than English (%)
language_unclassifiedFirst language unclassified
language_unclassified_percentFirst language unclassified (%)
phase_type_groupingPhase type of school - Phase (primary, secondary, special, PRU, independent)
primary_needPrimary type of need - (ASD, HI, VI�)
pupil_sen_statusSEN provision - EHC plan/Statement of SEN or SEN support/School Action/School Action plus

National curriculum year groups - by SEN provision, type of need and school type

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2015/16 to 2019/20
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
nc_early_yearsEarly years
nc_early_years_percentEarly years (%)
nc_not_followedNational curriculum not followed
nc_not_followed_percentNational curriculum not followed (%)
nc_reception_percentReception (%)
nc_year_1Year group 1
nc_year_1_percentYear group 1 (%)
nc_year_10Year group 10
nc_year_10_percentYear group 10 (%)
nc_year_11Year group 11
nc_year_11_percentYear group 11 (%)
nc_year_12Year group 12
nc_year_12_percentYear group 12 (%)
nc_year_13Year group 13
nc_year_13_percentYear group 13 (%)
nc_year_14Year group 14
nc_year_14_percentYear group 14 (%)
nc_year_2Year group 2
nc_year_2_percentYear group 2 (%)
nc_year_3Year group 3
nc_year_3_percentYear group 3 (%)
nc_year_4Year group 4
nc_year_4_percentYear group 4 (%)
nc_year_5Year group 5
nc_year_5_percentYear group 5 (%)
nc_year_6Year group 6
nc_year_6_percentYear group 6 (%)
nc_year_7Year group 7
nc_year_7_percentYear group 7 (%)
nc_year_8Year group 8
nc_year_8_percentYear group 8 (%)
nc_year_9Year group 9
nc_year_9_percentYear group 9 (%)
phase_type_groupingPhase type of school - Phase (primary, secondary, special, PRU, independent)
primary_needPrimary type of need - (ASD, HI, VI�)
pupil_sen_statusSEN provision - EHC plan/Statement of SEN or SEN support/School Action/School Action plus

Number of pupils, by type of SEN provision, by type of school (including independent schools and general hospital schools) - 2016 to 2020

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2015/16 to 2019/20
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ehc_planEHC plans/Statements of SEN
ehc_plan_percentEHC plans/Statements of SEN (percent)
hospital_schoolHospital school flag - Yes/No
phase_type_groupingPhase type of school - Phase (primary, secondary, special, PRU, independent)
sen_supportSEN support
sen_support_percentSEN support (percent)
type_of_establishmentSchool type detail - For example - academy converter, community school, independent special

Secondary type of need - by SEN provision, type of need and school type

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2015/16 to 2019/20
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
phase_type_groupingPhase type of school - Phase (primary, secondary, special, PRU, independent)
primary_needPrimary type of need - (ASD, HI, VI�)
pupil_sen_statusSEN provision - EHC plan/Statement of SEN or SEN support/School Action/School Action plus
secondary_need_ASDAutistic Spectrum Disorder
secondary_need_ASD_percentAutistic Spectrum Disorder (%)
secondary_need_HIHearing impairment
secondary_need_HI_percentHearing impairment (%)
secondary_need_MLDModerate Learning Difficulty
secondary_need_MLD_percentModerate Learning Difficulty (%)
secondary_need_MSIMulti-sensory Impairment
secondary_need_MSI_percentMulti-sensory Impairment (%)
secondary_need_NSASEN support but no specialist assessment of type of need
secondary_need_NSA_percentSEN support but no specialist assessment of type of need (%)
secondary_need_OTHOther Difficulty or Disability
secondary_need_OTH_percentOther Difficulty or Disability (%)
secondary_need_PDPhysical Disability
secondary_need_PD_percentPhysical Disability (%)
secondary_need_PMLDProfound and Multiple Learning Difficulty
secondary_need_PMLD_percentProfound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (%)
secondary_need_SEMHSocial, Emotional and Mental Health
secondary_need_SEMH_percentSocial, Emotional and Mental Health (%)
secondary_need_SLCNSpeech, Language and Communications needs
secondary_need_SLCN_percentSpeech, Language and Communications needs (%)
secondary_need_SLDSevere Learning Difficulty
secondary_need_SLD_percentSevere Learning Difficulty (%)
secondary_need_SPLDSpecific Learning Difficulty
secondary_need_SPLD_percentSpecific Learning Difficulty (%)
secondary_need_VIVisual impairment
secondary_need_VI_percentVisual impairment (%)