Financial year 2022-23

School funding statistics

Data guidance



— Data files for the 2022-23 edition of School Funding Statistics.


— Schools in England, for pupils aged 5-16.

File formats and conventions

— Files are csv format.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Percentage of mainstream schools receiving funding through the additional pupil-led factors in 2022-23

Geographic levels
Time period

This data shows the percentage of mainstream schools receiving funding through each of the additional pupil-led factors in 2022-23. These factors are: English as an additional language, free school meals (FSM), FSM ever 6, income deprivation affecting children index (IDACI), looked-after children, mobility and low prior attainment.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
english_as_an_additional_languageEnglish as an additional language
free_school_mealsFree school meals
free_school_meals_ever_6Free school meals ever 6
looked-after_childrenLooked-after children
low_prior_attainmentLow prior attainment

School funding allocations for 2022-23

Geographic levels
Time period

This data shows the funding received by individual mainstream schools, both through their core budgets and through several other revenue grants.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
allocation_per_pupilAllocation per Pupil
basic_entitlement_ks3Basic Entitlement KS3
basic_entitlement_ks4Basic Entitlement KS4
basic_entitlement_primaryBasic Entitlement Primary
basic_entitlement_total_fundingBasic Entitlement Total Funding
coronavirus_recovery_premium_fundingCoronavirus (COVID-19) recovery premium funding
deprivation_total_fundingDeprivation Total Funding
eal_total_fundingEAL Total Funding
exceptional_factors_total_fundingExceptional Factors Total Funding
fsm_fundingFSM Funding
fsm6_fundingFSM6 Funding
idaci_band_aIDACI Band A
idaci_band_bIDACI Band B
idaci_band_cIDACI Band C
idaci_band_dIDACI Band D
idaci_band_eIDACI Band E
idaci_band_fIDACI Band F
idaci_fundingIDACI Funding
lac_total_fundingLAC Total Funding
london_fringeLondon Fringe
lump_sum_total_fundingLump Sum Total Funding
mfg_protection_or_capping_scalingMFG protection (+ve) or capping/scaling (-ve)
minimum_per_pupil_fundingMinimum per pupil funding
mobility_total_fundingMobility Total Funding
national_non_domestic_rates_fundingNational Non Domestic Rates Funding
notional_senNotional SEN
pe_&_sport_premiumPE & Sport Premium funding
pe_&_sport_premium_pupilsPE & Sport Premium pupils
pfi_total_fundingPFI Total Funding
prior_attainment_total_fundingPrior Attainment Total Funding
pupil_premiumPupil Premium funding
pupil_premium_pupilsPupil Premium pupils
School_led_tutoring_fundingSchool-led tutoring funding
school_typeSchool type
schools_supplementary_grantSchools Supplementary Grant funding
sparsity_total_fundingSparsity Total Funding
split_site_total_fundingSplit Site Total Funding
total_fundingTotal funding
total_number_of_pupilsTotal Number of Pupils (rounded)
total_schools_block_allocation_(post_mfg)Total Schools Block Allocation (Post MFG)
total_schools_block_allocation_(pre_mfg)Total Schools Block Allocation (Pre MFG)
universal_infant_free_school_meals_grantUniversal Infant Free School Meals Grant funding

Revenue funding to state-funded schools in England for pupils aged 5-16, in cash and real terms, 2010-11 to 2023-24

Geographic levels
Time period
2010-11 to 2023-24

This data file contains time series data, running from 2010-11 to 2023-24, of revenue funding to state-funded schools in England for pupils aged 5-16. Data is in both cash terms and real terms (2022-23 prices). The data file also contains the GDP deflator index figures used to construct the real terms series.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Annual_growth_in_funding_202223terms_%School funding, 2022-23 terms, annual growth in funding, %
Annual_growth_in_funding_cashterms_%School funding, cash terms, annual growth in funding, %
Annual_growth_in_per_pupil_funding_202223terms_%Per pupil funding, 2022-23 terms, annual growth in funding, %
Annual_growth_in_per_pupil_funding_cashterms_%Per pupil funding, cash terms, annual growth in funding, %
Cumulative_growth_in_funding_since_201011_202223terms_%School funding, 2022-23 terms, cumulative growth since 2010-11, %
Cumulative_growth_in_funding_since_201516_202223terms_%School funding, 2022-23 terms, cumulative growth since 2015-16, %
Cumulative_growth_in_per_pupil_funding_since_201011_202223terms_%Per pupil funding, 2022-23 terms, cumulative growth since 2010-11, %
Cumulative_growth_in_per_pupil_funding_since_201516_202223terms_%Per pupil funding, 2022-23 terms, cumulative growth since 2015-16, %
GDP_deflator_indexGDP deflator index
Per_pupil_funding_202223terms_£Per pupil funding, 2022-23 terms, £
Per_pupil_funding_cashterms_£Per pupil funding, cash terms, £
Pupil_number_FTEPupil number, FTE
School_funding_202223terms_£mSchool funding, 2022-23 terms, £m
School_funding_cashterms_£mSchool funding, cash terms, £m
  1. Funding covers the following grants: dedicated schools grant (excluding early years and post-16 high-needs funding); grants outside the DSG to the City of London, Isles of Scilly and City Technology Colleges; pre-16 high-needs funding in non-maintained special schools, special and alternative provision free schools; pupil premium (all pupil ages); schools supplementary grant (reception to year 11); mainstream schools additional grant; supplementary free school meals grant; teachers' pay grant (reception to year 11); teachers' pension employer contribution grant (TPECG) (reception to year 11).
  2. State-funded providers, including mainstream primary and secondary schools, special schools, alternative provision, pupil referral units and non-maintained special schools.
  3. Funding in 2023-24 is based on a combination of published funding allocations, and the budget settlement agreed at the 2021 Spending Review, and some estimates of small-grant and high needs spending.
  4. Pupil number counts are taken from the January preceding each financial year.
  5. Published in January 2023 by HM Treasury.