Academic year 2018/19

Pupil absence in schools in England

Data guidance


Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Absence by geography

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2006/07 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
num_schoolsNumber of schools
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_auth_appointmentsNumber of medical appointments sessions
sess_auth_excludedNumber of excluded sessions
sess_auth_ext_holidayNumber of extended authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_holidayNumber of authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_illnessNumber of illness sessions
sess_auth_otherNumber of authorised other sessions
sess_auth_religiousNumber of religious observance sessions
sess_auth_studyNumber of study leave sessions
sess_auth_totalreasonsNumber of authorised reasons sessions
sess_auth_travellerNumber of traveller sessions
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_pa_10_exactNumber of authorised absence sessions of persistent absentees
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_authorised_percent_pa_10_exactAuthorised absence rate of persistent absentees
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_pa_10_exactNumber of overall absence sessions of persistent absentees
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_overall_percent_pa_10_exactOverall absence rate of persistent absentees
sess_overall_totalreasonsNumber of overall reasons sessions
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_possible_pa_10_exactNumber of sessions possible of persistent absentees
sess_unauth_holidayNumber of unauthorised holiday sessions
sess_unauth_lateNumber of late sessions
sess_unauth_noyetNumber of no reason yet sessions
sess_unauth_otherNumber of unauthorised other sessions
sess_unauth_totalreasonsNumber of unauthorised reasons sessions
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_pa_10_exactNumber of unauthorised absence sessions of persistent absentees
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate
sess_unauthorised_percent_pa_10_exactUnauthorised absence rate of persistent absentees
  1. The definition of persistent absence changed from the 2015/16 academic year - The information presented for years prior to 2015/16 has been produced using the same methodology in order to allow users to make comparisons on a consistent basis over time.
  2. The percentage of persistent absentees is the number of persistent absentees expressed as a percentage of the total number of enrolments.
  3. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  4. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  5. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  6. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  7. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
  8. Includes all schools with at least six enrolments who reported absence information via the school census for the associated academic year.
  9. Pupil enrolments missing 10 percent or more of their own possible sessions (due to authorised or unauthorised absence) are classified as persistent absentees.

Absence by Local Authority by characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority
Time period
2012/13 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
characteristicCharacteristic - Filter by pupil characteristic
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_PA_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_appointmentsNumber of medical appointments sessions
sess_authorised_excludedNumber of excluded sessions
sess_authorised_ext_holidayNumber of extended authorised holiday sessions
sess_authorised_holidayNumber of authorised holiday sessions
sess_authorised_illnessNumber of illness sessions
sess_authorised_otherNumber of authorised other sessions
sess_authorised_pa_10_exactNumber of authorised absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_authorised_percent_pa_10_exactAuthorised absence rate exact
sess_authorised_religiousNumber of religious observance sessions
sess_authorised_studyNumber of study leave sessions
sess_authorised_totalreasonsNumber of authorised reasons sessions
sess_authorised_travellerNumber of traveller sessions
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_pa_10_exactNumber of overall absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_overall_percent_pa_10_exactOverall absence rate exact
sess_overall_totalreasonsNumber of overall reasons sessions
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_possible_pa_10_exactNumber of sessions possible for persistent absentees
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_holidayNumber of unauthorised holiday sessions
sess_unauthorised_lateNumber of late sessions
sess_unauthorised_noyetNumber of no reason yet sessions
sess_unauthorised_otherNumber of unauthorised other sessions
sess_unauthorised_pa_10_exactNumber of unauthorised absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate
sess_unauthorised_percent_pa_10_exactUnauthorised absence rate exact
sess_unauthorised_totalreasonsNumber of unauthorised reasons sessions
  1. The definition of persistent absence changed from the 2015/16 academic year - The information presented for years prior to 2015/16 has been produced using the same methodology in order to allow users to make comparisons on a consistent basis over time.
  2. The percentage of persistent absentees is the number of persistent absentees expressed as a percentage of the total number of enrolments.
  3. Minority ethnic group includes pupils who have been classified according to their ethnic group, excluding White British.
  4. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  5. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  6. Social Emotional and Mental Health was added as a new type of need in 2015, the previous type of need Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties has been removed although it is not expected it should be a direct replacement.
  7. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  8. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  9. Figures for pupils with unclassified or missing characteristics information should be interpreted with caution.
  10. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
  11. In September 2014 the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provisions were introduced in the Children and Families Act 2014. This reform caused changes to SEN categories - Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans were introduced and SEN support replaces school action and school action plus but some pupils remain with these provision types in first year of transition (2014/15).
  12. From 2014/15 SEN support replaced School Action and School Action plus but some pupils remain with these provision types. Those who were formerly School Action did not provide type of need in previous years. Those who remain on school action provision are not included here but have been included within the SEN support category in other tables.
  13. Pupil enrolments missing 10 percent or more of their own possible sessions (due to authorised or unauthorised absence) are classified as persistent absentees.

Absence by Local Authority District by characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority district
Time period
2016/17 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
characteristicCharacteristic - Filter by pupil characteristic
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_auth_appointmentsNumber of medical appointments sessions
sess_auth_excludedNumber of excluded sessions
sess_auth_ext_holidayNumber of extended authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_holidayNumber of authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_illnessNumber of illness sessions
sess_auth_otherNumber of authorised other sessions
sess_auth_religiousNumber of religious observance sessions
sess_auth_studyNumber of study leave sessions
sess_auth_totalreasonsNumber of authorised reasons sessions
sess_auth_travellerNumber of traveller sessions
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_pa_10_exactNumber of authorised absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_authorised_percent_pa_10_exactAuthorised absence rate exact
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_pa_10_exactNumber of overall absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_overall_percent_pa_10_exactOverall absence rate exact
sess_overall_totalreasonsNumber of overall reasons sessions
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_possible_pa_10_exactNumber of sessions possible for persistent absentees
sess_unauth_holidayNumber of unauthorised holiday sessions
sess_unauth_lateNumber of late sessions
sess_unauth_noyetNumber of no reason yet sessions
sess_unauth_otherNumber of unauthorised other sessions
sess_unauth_totalreasonsNumber of unauthorised reasons sessions
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_pa_10_exactNumber of unauthorised absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate
sess_unauthorised_percent_pa_10_exactUnauthorised absence rate exact
  1. The definition of persistent absence changed from the 2015/16 academic year - The information presented for years prior to 2015/16 has been produced using the same methodology in order to allow users to make comparisons on a consistent basis over time.
  2. The percentage of persistent absentees is the number of persistent absentees expressed as a percentage of the total number of enrolments.
  3. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  4. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  5. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  6. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  7. Figures for pupils with unclassified or missing characteristics information should be interpreted with caution.
  8. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
  9. Pupil enrolments missing 10 percent or more of their own possible sessions (due to authorised or unauthorised absence) are classified as persistent absentees.

Absence by percent bands

Geographic levels
Time period
2012/13 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
enrolments_authorisedNumber of all pupil enrolments that fall into that per cent band for authorised absence
enrolments_authorised_percentPercentage of all pupil enrolments that fall into that per cent band for authorised absence
enrolments_overallNumber of all pupil enrolments that fall into that per cent band for overall absence
enrolments_overall_percentPercentage of all pupil enrolments that fall into that per cent band for overall absence
enrolments_unauthorisedNumber of all pupil enrolments that fall into that per cent band for unauthorised absence
enrolments_unauthorised_percentPercentage of all pupil enrolments that fall into that per cent band for unauthorised absence
percent_bandsAbsence percentage band - Filter by percentage of absence
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
  1. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  2. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  3. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.

Absence by PLAA

Geographic levels
Time period
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
plaaType of Post Looked After Arrangements - Filter by Post Looked After Arrangements
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_auth_appointmentsNumber of medical appointments sessions
sess_auth_excludedNumber of excluded sessions
sess_auth_ext_holidayNumber of extended authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_holidayNumber of authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_illnessNumber of illness sessions
sess_auth_otherNumber of authorised other sessions
sess_auth_religiousNumber of religious observance sessions
sess_auth_studyNumber of study leave sessions
sess_auth_totalreasonsNumber of authorised reasons sessions
sess_auth_travellerNumber of traveller sessions
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_overall_totalreasonsNumber of overall reasons sessions
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_unauth_holidayNumber of unauthorised holiday sessions
sess_unauth_lateNumber of late sessions
sess_unauth_noyetNumber of no reason yet sessions
sess_unauth_otherNumber of unauthorised other sessions
sess_unauth_totalreasonsNumber of unauthorised reasons sessions
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate
  1. The definition of persistent absence changed from the 2015/16 academic year - The information presented for years prior to 2015/16 has been produced using the same methodology in order to allow users to make comparisons on a consistent basis over time.
  2. The percentage of persistent absentees is the number of persistent absentees expressed as a percentage of the total number of enrolments.
  3. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  4. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  5. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  6. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  7. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
  8. Pupil enrolments missing 10 percent or more of their own possible sessions (due to authorised or unauthorised absence) are classified as persistent absentees.

Absence by pupil residency

Geographic levels
Local authority; Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period
2016/17 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
pup_idaciIDACI band of pupil residence - Filter by IDACI band of pupil residence
pup_ruralityRurality band of pupil residence - Filter by rurality band of pupil residence
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate
  1. The definition of persistent absence changed from the 2015/16 academic year - The information presented for years prior to 2015/16 has been produced using the same methodology in order to allow users to make comparisons on a consistent basis over time.
  2. The percentage of persistent absentees is the number of persistent absentees expressed as a percentage of the total number of enrolments.
  3. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  4. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  5. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  6. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  7. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
  8. Pupil enrolments missing 10 percent or more of their own possible sessions (due to authorised or unauthorised absence) are classified as persistent absentees.

Absence by school location

Geographic levels
Local authority; Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period
2016/17 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
sch_idaciIDACI band of school location - Filter by IDACI band of school location
sch_ruralityRurality band of school location - Filter by rurality band of school location
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate
  1. The definition of persistent absence changed from the 2015/16 academic year - The information presented for years prior to 2015/16 has been produced using the same methodology in order to allow users to make comparisons on a consistent basis over time.
  2. The percentage of persistent absentees is the number of persistent absentees expressed as a percentage of the total number of enrolments.
  3. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  4. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  5. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  6. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  7. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
  8. Pupil enrolments missing 10 percent or more of their own possible sessions (due to authorised or unauthorised absence) are classified as persistent absentees.

Absence by term

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2012/13 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_auth_appointmentsNumber of medical appointments sessions
sess_auth_excludedNumber of excluded sessions
sess_auth_ext_holidayNumber of extended authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_holidayNumber of authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_illnessNumber of illness sessions
sess_auth_otherNumber of authorised other sessions
sess_auth_religiousNumber of religious observance sessions
sess_auth_studyNumber of study leave sessions
sess_auth_totalreasonsNumber of authorised reasons sessions
sess_auth_travellerNumber of traveller sessions
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_overall_totalreasonsNumber of overall reasons sessions
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_unauth_holidayNumber of unauthorised holiday sessions
sess_unauth_lateNumber of late sessions
sess_unauth_noyetNumber of no reason yet sessions
sess_unauth_otherNumber of unauthorised other sessions
sess_unauth_totalreasonsNumber of unauthorised reasons sessions
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate
termTerm - Filter by school term
  1. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  2. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  3. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  4. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.

Absence for 4 year olds

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2012/13 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
num_schoolsNumber of schools
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
  1. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  2. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  3. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  4. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  5. Only overall absence is recorded for pupils aged 4, absences are not categorised as authorised or unauthorised.
  6. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
  7. Includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged 4, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered at more than one school).
  8. Includes all schools with at least six enrolments who reported absence information via the school census for the associated academic year.

Absence in Pupil Referral Units

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2013/14 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
num_schoolsNumber of schools
sess_auth_appointmentsNumber of medical appointments sessions
sess_auth_excludedNumber of excluded sessions
sess_auth_ext_holidayNumber of extended authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_holidayNumber of authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_illnessNumber of illness sessions
sess_auth_otherNumber of authorised other sessions
sess_auth_religiousNumber of religious observance sessions
sess_auth_studyNumber of study leave sessions
sess_auth_totalreasonsNumber of authorised reasons sessions
sess_auth_travellerNumber of traveller sessions
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_overall_totalreasonsNumber of overall reasons sessions
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_unauth_holidayNumber of unauthorised holiday sessions
sess_unauth_lateNumber of late sessions
sess_unauth_noyetNumber of no reason yet sessions
sess_unauth_otherNumber of unauthorised other sessions
sess_unauth_totalreasonsNumber of unauthorised reasons sessions
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate

Enrolments with one or more session of absence

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2012/13 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
enrol_auth_appointmentsNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to medical or dental appointments
enrol_auth_excludedNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to exclusion
enrol_auth_ext_holidayNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to agreed extended family holiday
enrol_auth_holidayNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to agreed family holiday
enrol_auth_illnessNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to illness
enrol_auth_otherNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to other authorised circumstances
enrol_auth_religiousNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to religious observance
enrol_auth_studyNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to study leave
enrol_auth_travellerNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to traveller absence
enrol_authorisedNumber of enrolments with at least one authorised absence session
enrol_overallNumber of enrolments with at least one overall absence session
enrol_unauth_holidayNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to family holiday not agreed
enrol_unauth_lateNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to arriving late
enrol_unauth_noyetNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to no reason yet
enrol_unauth_otherNumber of enrolments with at least one absence session due to other unauthorised circumstances
enrol_unauthorisedNumber of enrolments with at least one unauthorised absence session
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
num_schoolsNumber of schools
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
  1. The number of enrolments with one or more session of absence for specific reason.
  2. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  3. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  4. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  5. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.

National absence by characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2012/13 to 2018/19
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
characteristicCharacteristic - Filter by pupil characteristic
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
sess_auth_appointmentsNumber of medical appointments sessions
sess_auth_excludedNumber of excluded sessions
sess_auth_ext_holidayNumber of extended authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_holidayNumber of authorised holiday sessions
sess_auth_illnessNumber of illness sessions
sess_auth_otherNumber of authorised other sessions
sess_auth_religiousNumber of religious observance sessions
sess_auth_studyNumber of study leave sessions
sess_auth_totalreasonsNumber of authorised reasons sessions
sess_auth_travellerNumber of traveller sessions
sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
sess_authorised_pa_10_exactNumber of authorised absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_authorised_percentAuthorised absence rate
sess_authorised_percent_pa_10_exactAuthorised absence rate exact
sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
sess_overall_pa_10_exactNumber of overall absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_overall_percentOverall absence rate
sess_overall_percent_pa_10_exactOverall absence rate exact
sess_overall_totalreasonsNumber of overall reasons sessions
sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
sess_possible_pa_10_exactNumber of sessions possible for persistent absentees
sess_unauth_holidayNumber of unauthorised holiday sessions
sess_unauth_lateNumber of late sessions
sess_unauth_noyetNumber of no reason yet sessions
sess_unauth_otherNumber of unauthorised other sessions
sess_unauth_totalreasonsNumber of unauthorised reasons sessions
sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
sess_unauthorised_pa_10_exactNumber of unauthorised absence sessions for persistent absentees
sess_unauthorised_percentUnauthorised absence rate
sess_unauthorised_percent_pa_10_exactUnauthorised absence rate exact
  1. The definition of persistent absence changed from the 2015/16 academic year - The information presented for years prior to 2015/16 has been produced using the same methodology in order to allow users to make comparisons on a consistent basis over time.
  2. The percentage of persistent absentees is the number of persistent absentees expressed as a percentage of the total number of enrolments.
  3. Minority ethnic group includes pupils who have been classified according to their ethnic group, excluding White British.
  4. Special schools include maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.
  5. State-funded primary schools include all primary academies, including free schools.
  6. Social Emotional and Mental Health was added as a new type of need in 2015, the previous type of need Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties has been removed although it is not expected it should be a direct replacement.
  7. Number of enrolments includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15, excluding boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the academic year or are registered in more than one school).
  8. Absence rates are the number of absence sessions expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible sessions.
  9. Figures for pupils with unclassified or missing characteristics information should be interpreted with caution.
  10. State-funded secondary schools include city technology colleges and all secondary academies, including all-through academies and free schools.
  11. In September 2014 the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provisions were introduced in the Children and Families Act 2014. This reform caused changes to SEN categories - Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans were introduced and SEN support replaces school action and school action plus but some pupils remain with these provision types in first year of transition (2014/15).
  12. From 2014/15 SEN support replaced School Action and School Action plus but some pupils remain with these provision types. Those who were formerly School Action did not provide type of need in previous years. Those who remain on school action provision are not included here but have been included within the SEN support category in other tables.
  13. Pupil enrolments missing 10 percent or more of their own possible sessions (due to authorised or unauthorised absence) are classified as persistent absentees.